Netanell Avisdris

About Netanell Avisdris

Netanell Avisdris, With an exceptional h-index of 7 and a recent h-index of 7 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Hebrew University of Jerusalem, specializes in the field of Computer vision, Medical devices, Neuroscience, Fetal MRI, Deep learning.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Deep learning–based segmentation of whole-body fetal MRI and fetal weight estimation: assessing performance, repeatability, and reproducibility

System and method for evaluating or predicting a condition of a fetus

Automatic Quantification of Normal Brain Gyrification Patterns and Changes in Fetuses with Polymicrogyria and Lissencephaly Based on MRI

Reduced adipose tissue in growth-restricted fetuses using quantitative analysis of magnetic resonance images

Fetal MRI‐Based Body and Adiposity Quantification for Small for Gestational Age Perinatal Risk Stratification

Fetal brain tissue annotation and segmentation challenge results

Improved differentiation between hypo/hypertelorism and normal fetuses based on MRI using automatic ocular biometric measurements, ocular ratios, and machine learning multi …

Neural Responsivity to Reward Versus Punishment Shortly After Trauma Predicts Long-Term Development of Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms

Netanell Avisdris Information






Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Netanell Avisdris Skills & Research Interests

Computer vision

Medical devices


Fetal MRI

Deep learning

Top articles of Netanell Avisdris

Deep learning–based segmentation of whole-body fetal MRI and fetal weight estimation: assessing performance, repeatability, and reproducibility

European Radiology


Netanell Avisdris
Netanell Avisdris

H-Index: 1

Leo Joskowicz
Leo Joskowicz

H-Index: 26

System and method for evaluating or predicting a condition of a fetus


Automatic Quantification of Normal Brain Gyrification Patterns and Changes in Fetuses with Polymicrogyria and Lissencephaly Based on MRI

American Journal of Neuroradiology


Netanell Avisdris
Netanell Avisdris

H-Index: 1

Leo Joskowicz
Leo Joskowicz

H-Index: 26

Reduced adipose tissue in growth-restricted fetuses using quantitative analysis of magnetic resonance images

European Radiology


Netanell Avisdris
Netanell Avisdris

H-Index: 1

Leo Joskowicz
Leo Joskowicz

H-Index: 26

Fetal MRI‐Based Body and Adiposity Quantification for Small for Gestational Age Perinatal Risk Stratification

Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging


Netanell Avisdris
Netanell Avisdris

H-Index: 1

Leo Joskowicz
Leo Joskowicz

H-Index: 26

Improved differentiation between hypo/hypertelorism and normal fetuses based on MRI using automatic ocular biometric measurements, ocular ratios, and machine learning multi …

European Radiology


Netanell Avisdris
Netanell Avisdris

H-Index: 1

Leo Joskowicz
Leo Joskowicz

H-Index: 26

Neural Responsivity to Reward Versus Punishment Shortly After Trauma Predicts Long-Term Development of Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms

Biological psychiatry: cognitive neuroscience and neuroimaging


Biomedical image analysis competitions: The state of current participation practice

arXiv preprint arXiv:2212.08568


Michal Kozubek
Michal Kozubek

H-Index: 16

Anubha Gupta
Anubha Gupta

H-Index: 15

Jan Kybic
Jan Kybic

H-Index: 17

Alison Noble
Alison Noble

H-Index: 42

Daniel Sage
Daniel Sage

H-Index: 17

Donglai Wei
Donglai Wei

H-Index: 9

Deepak Alapatt
Deepak Alapatt

H-Index: 2

Ujjwal Baid
Ujjwal Baid

H-Index: 7

Sophia Bano
Sophia Bano

H-Index: 6

Vivek Singh Bawa
Vivek Singh Bawa

H-Index: 3

Jorge Bernal
Jorge Bernal

H-Index: 3

Jinwook Choi
Jinwook Choi

H-Index: 11

Reuben Dorent
Reuben Dorent

H-Index: 4

Jan Egger
Jan Egger

H-Index: 21

Sandy Engelhardt
Sandy Engelhardt

H-Index: 11

Gabriel Girard
Gabriel Girard

H-Index: 18

Lasse Hansen
Lasse Hansen

H-Index: 1

Nicholas Heller
Nicholas Heller

H-Index: 4

Arnaud Huaulmé
Arnaud Huaulmé

H-Index: 5

Jianning Li
Jianning Li

H-Index: 11

Jun Ma
Jun Ma

H-Index: 25

Anne Martel
Anne Martel

H-Index: 17

Nicolas Padoy
Nicolas Padoy

H-Index: 19

Sarthak Pati
Sarthak Pati

H-Index: 9

Carole Sudre
Carole Sudre

H-Index: 21

Armine Vardazaryan
Armine Vardazaryan

H-Index: 2

Tom Vercauteren
Tom Vercauteren

H-Index: 34

Martin Wagner
Martin Wagner

H-Index: 17

Chuanbo Wang
Chuanbo Wang

H-Index: 1

Zeyun Yu
Zeyun Yu

H-Index: 23

Chun Yuan
Chun Yuan

H-Index: 15

Chanyeol Choi
Chanyeol Choi

H-Index: 11

Oleh Dzyubachyk
Oleh Dzyubachyk

H-Index: 13

Adrian Galdran
Adrian Galdran

H-Index: 17

Tianqi Guo
Tianqi Guo

H-Index: 5

Edward Ho
Edward Ho

H-Index: 1

Ikbeom Jang
Ikbeom Jang

H-Index: 2

Filip Lux
Filip Lux

H-Index: 2

Sokratis Makrogiannis
Sokratis Makrogiannis

H-Index: 12

Dominik Müller
Dominik Müller

H-Index: 3

Gorkem Polat
Gorkem Polat

H-Index: 3

Kanghyun Ryu
Kanghyun Ryu

H-Index: 5

Tim Scherr
Tim Scherr

H-Index: 3

Haoyu Wang
Haoyu Wang

H-Index: 2

Yixuan Yuan
Yixuan Yuan

H-Index: 15

Yan Zeng
Yan Zeng

H-Index: 1

Xin Zhao
Xin Zhao

H-Index: 38

Nagesh Adluru
Nagesh Adluru

H-Index: 24

Salman Ahmed
Salman Ahmed

H-Index: 7

Netanell Avisdris
Netanell Avisdris

H-Index: 1

Dogu Baran Aydogan
Dogu Baran Aydogan

H-Index: 9

Maria Baldeon Calisto
Maria Baldeon Calisto

H-Index: 3

Berke Doga Basaran
Berke Doga Basaran

H-Index: 1

Cheng Bian
Cheng Bian

H-Index: 4

Hao Bian
Hao Bian

H-Index: 20

Kevin Blansit
Kevin Blansit

H-Index: 10

Zhiwei Chen
Zhiwei Chen

H-Index: 5

Yucong Chen
Yucong Chen

H-Index: 4

Minjeong Cho
Minjeong Cho

H-Index: 4

Dana Cobzas
Dana Cobzas

H-Index: 14

Sujit Kumar Das
Sujit Kumar Das

H-Index: 3

Lars Doorenbos
Lars Doorenbos

H-Index: 1

Sergio Escalera
Sergio Escalera

H-Index: 41

Di Fan
Di Fan

H-Index: 20

Mehdi Fatan Serj
Mehdi Fatan Serj

H-Index: 4

Lucas Fidon
Lucas Fidon

H-Index: 7

Bounded future MS-TCN++ for surgical gesture recognition


The rediscovered motor-related area 55b emerges as a core hub of music perception

Communications Biology


Netanell Avisdris
Netanell Avisdris

H-Index: 1

Ofir Shany
Ofir Shany

H-Index: 4

Automatic fetal fat quantification from MRI


Netanell Avisdris
Netanell Avisdris

H-Index: 1

Leo Joskowicz
Leo Joskowicz

H-Index: 26

Biometrynet: landmark-based fetal biometry estimation from standard ultrasound planes


Ex‐Vivo MRI of the Normal Human Placenta: Structural–Functional Interplay and the Association With Birth Weight

Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging


Netanell Avisdris
Netanell Avisdris

H-Index: 1

Predicting EGFR mutation status by a deep learning approach in patients with non-small cell lung cancer brain metastases

Journal of Neuro-Oncology


Ben Shofty
Ben Shofty

H-Index: 14

Netanell Avisdris
Netanell Avisdris

H-Index: 1

Automatic linear measurements of the fetal brain on MRI with deep neural networks

International journal of computer assisted radiology and surgery


Netanell Avisdris
Netanell Avisdris

H-Index: 1

Leo Joskowicz
Leo Joskowicz

H-Index: 26

Multi-parametric functional and structural assessment of the placenta at late gestational ages using MRI

Proc 2021 Annual Meeting ISMRM, Virtual


Automatic Segmentation and Normal Dataset of Fetal Body from Magnetic Resonance Imaging



Netanell Avisdris
Netanell Avisdris

H-Index: 1

Leo Joskowicz
Leo Joskowicz

H-Index: 26

Automatic fetal ocular measurements in MRI


Netanell Avisdris
Netanell Avisdris

H-Index: 1

Leo Joskowicz
Leo Joskowicz

H-Index: 26

Fetal brain MRI measurements using a deep learning landmark network with reliability estimation


Netanell Avisdris
Netanell Avisdris

H-Index: 1

Leo Joskowicz
Leo Joskowicz

H-Index: 26

See List of Professors in Netanell Avisdris University(Hebrew University of Jerusalem)

