Nazli Ismail

About Nazli Ismail

Nazli Ismail, With an exceptional h-index of 18 and a recent h-index of 18 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universitas Syiah Kuala, specializes in the field of Geophysics, Disasters mitigation, Electromagnetic methods, Paleoseismic.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

A pulsed carbon dioxide laser-induced breakdown analysis for chemical profile of tsunami-affected soil

Preliminary identification of candidate layer of 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami sediment deposited in Seungko Meulat village in Aceh Besar Regency, Indonesia

Identification of the distribution of archaeological artifacts in the area of wastewater treatment installation in the city of Banda Aceh using magnetic methods

Identification ratio of Si/Ti and Ca/Ti content by X-Ray Fluorescence in tsunami soil samples

Influence of vegetation type on infiltration rate and capacity at Ie jue geothermal manifestation, Mount Seulawah Agam, Indonesia

Application of ERT, IP and VLF-EM Methods to Investigate Landslide-Prone Structures at Archaeological Sites in Lamreh, Aceh Besar, Indonesia

Application of ground-penetrating radar for shallow subsurface investigation at the coastal area of lhok village, lhoong, aceh besar regency, aceh

Suspended sediment transport generated by non-hydrostatic hydrodynamics in Northern Waters of Aceh, Indonesia

Nazli Ismail Information



Lecturer in Geophysics



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Nazli Ismail Skills & Research Interests


Disasters mitigation

Electromagnetic methods


Top articles of Nazli Ismail

A pulsed carbon dioxide laser-induced breakdown analysis for chemical profile of tsunami-affected soil

Global Journal of Environmental Science and Management


Preliminary identification of candidate layer of 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami sediment deposited in Seungko Meulat village in Aceh Besar Regency, Indonesia

AIP Conference Proceedings


Nazli Ismail
Nazli Ismail

H-Index: 11

Nasrullah Idris
Nasrullah Idris

H-Index: 13

Identification of the distribution of archaeological artifacts in the area of wastewater treatment installation in the city of Banda Aceh using magnetic methods

AIP Conference Proceedings


Identification ratio of Si/Ti and Ca/Ti content by X-Ray Fluorescence in tsunami soil samples

Jurnal Natural


Nazli Ismail
Nazli Ismail

H-Index: 11

Influence of vegetation type on infiltration rate and capacity at Ie jue geothermal manifestation, Mount Seulawah Agam, Indonesia



Nazli Ismail
Nazli Ismail

H-Index: 11

Rinaldi Idroes
Rinaldi Idroes

H-Index: 15

Application of ERT, IP and VLF-EM Methods to Investigate Landslide-Prone Structures at Archaeological Sites in Lamreh, Aceh Besar, Indonesia


Application of ground-penetrating radar for shallow subsurface investigation at the coastal area of lhok village, lhoong, aceh besar regency, aceh

BIO Web of Conferences


Suspended sediment transport generated by non-hydrostatic hydrodynamics in Northern Waters of Aceh, Indonesia



Characteristics of plasma produced from tsunami impacted soil sample using a transversely excited atmospheric pressure-carbon dioxide (TEA-CO2) laser

AIP Conference Proceedings


Nazli Ismail
Nazli Ismail

H-Index: 11

Nasrullah Idris
Nasrullah Idris

H-Index: 13

Empirical model for the estimation of global solar radiation in the Aceh Besar Regency, Aceh

Jurnal Natural


Nazli Ismail
Nazli Ismail

H-Index: 11

Ismail Ismail
Ismail Ismail

H-Index: 2

Evaluation of geochemical signature in soil sampled from a 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami-stricken region in Aceh Province located in the Western part of Indonesia using scanning …

Philippine Journal of Science


The use of magnetic and geoelectrical methods to locate buried ancient artificial canals and wells around the cultural heritage of Indrapatra Fort, Aceh, Indonesia

Geosciences Journal


Nazli Ismail
Nazli Ismail

H-Index: 11

Muhammad Yanis
Muhammad Yanis

H-Index: 4

Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) for investigating subsurface structures in the karst area of the Ek Leuntie Cave, Aceh Province

Journal of Aceh Physics Society


Nazli Ismail
Nazli Ismail

H-Index: 11

Badrul Munir
Badrul Munir

H-Index: 4

Distribution of landforms and buried sedimentary deposits during the growth of the Aceh River delta (Sumatra, Indonesia)

Journal of Maps


Gilles Brocard
Gilles Brocard

H-Index: 17

Nazli Ismail
Nazli Ismail

H-Index: 11

Vegetation Diversity in The Hot Spring Areas of Ie Suum and Ie Jue in Seulawah Agam Mountain, Aceh Besar District Aceh Province Indonesia

Elkawnie: Journal of Islamic Science and Technology


Nazli Ismail
Nazli Ismail

H-Index: 11

Identification of candidate paleotsunami deposit from sediment layers drilled in Seubadeh located in South Aceh of Indonesia

Journal of Physics: Conference Series


Identification possible preserved 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami deposit collected from Pulot Village in Aceh Besar Regency, Indonesia

Journal of Physics: Conference Series


Investigation of possible Paleo tsunami deposit in Seubadeh Village in the Southern part of Aceh

AIP Conference Proceedings


Application of VLF-EM method for archaeological mapping on an ancient Graveyard in Banda Aceh

AIP Conference Proceedings


Nazli Ismail
Nazli Ismail

H-Index: 11

Muhammad Yanis
Muhammad Yanis

H-Index: 4

X-Ray fluorescence (XRF) investigation of soil sample from 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami affected region in Aceh of Indonesia

AIP Conference Proceedings


Nazli Ismail
Nazli Ismail

H-Index: 11

Nasrullah Idris
Nasrullah Idris

H-Index: 13

See List of Professors in Nazli Ismail University(Universitas Syiah Kuala)

