Nataly Woollett

About Nataly Woollett

Nataly Woollett, With an exceptional h-index of 16 and a recent h-index of 14 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of the Witwatersrand, specializes in the field of mental health, HIV, gender based violence, qualitative research, creative art therapies.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

“Children Are Like Vuvuzelas Always Ready to Blow”: Exploring How to Engage Young Children in Violence Research

Conducting violence research across multiple family generations and with young children: findings from a mixed-methods pilot study in South Africa

‘Through the drawings…they are able to tell you straight’: Using arts-based methods in violence research in South Africa

Interrupting the intergenerational cycle of violence: protocol for a three-generational longitudinal mixed-methods study in South Africa (INTERRUPT_VIOLENCE)

Intimate partner violence and HIV treatment adherence in urban South Africa: mediating role of perinatal common mental disorders

Adolescent pregnancy and young motherhood in rural Zimbabwe: Findings from a baseline study

“We need our own clinics”: Adolescents’ living with HIV recommendations for a responsive health system

Enhancing agency for health providers and pregnant women experiencing intimate partner violence in South Africa

Nataly Woollett Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




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Nataly Woollett Skills & Research Interests

mental health


gender based violence

qualitative research

creative art therapies

Top articles of Nataly Woollett

“Children Are Like Vuvuzelas Always Ready to Blow”: Exploring How to Engage Young Children in Violence Research

Journal of interpersonal violence


Nataly Woollett
Nataly Woollett

H-Index: 11

Hannabeth Franchino-Olsen
Hannabeth Franchino-Olsen

H-Index: 5

Conducting violence research across multiple family generations and with young children: findings from a mixed-methods pilot study in South Africa

International journal on child maltreatment: research, policy and practice


Hannabeth Franchino-Olsen
Hannabeth Franchino-Olsen

H-Index: 5

Nataly Woollett
Nataly Woollett

H-Index: 11

‘Through the drawings…they are able to tell you straight’: Using arts-based methods in violence research in South Africa

PLOS global public health


Nataly Woollett
Nataly Woollett

H-Index: 11

Hannabeth Franchino-Olsen
Hannabeth Franchino-Olsen

H-Index: 5

Interrupting the intergenerational cycle of violence: protocol for a three-generational longitudinal mixed-methods study in South Africa (INTERRUPT_VIOLENCE)

BMC public health


Nataly Woollett
Nataly Woollett

H-Index: 11

Hannabeth Franchino-Olsen
Hannabeth Franchino-Olsen

H-Index: 5

Intimate partner violence and HIV treatment adherence in urban South Africa: mediating role of perinatal common mental disorders

SSM-mental health


Adolescent pregnancy and young motherhood in rural Zimbabwe: Findings from a baseline study

Health & Social Care in the Community


Nataly Woollett
Nataly Woollett

H-Index: 11

“We need our own clinics”: Adolescents’ living with HIV recommendations for a responsive health system

PLoS One


Nataly Woollett
Nataly Woollett

H-Index: 11

Enhancing agency for health providers and pregnant women experiencing intimate partner violence in South Africa

Global public health


Nataly Woollett
Nataly Woollett

H-Index: 11

Abigail M Hatcher
Abigail M Hatcher

H-Index: 24

Trauma-informed art and play therapy: Pilot study outcomes for children and mothers in domestic violence shelters in the United States and South Africa

Child abuse & neglect


Nataly Woollett
Nataly Woollett

H-Index: 11

See List of Professors in Nataly Woollett University(University of the Witwatersrand)