Nancy McNaughton

Nancy McNaughton

University of Toronto

H-index: 25

North America-Canada

About Nancy McNaughton

Nancy McNaughton, With an exceptional h-index of 25 and a recent h-index of 19 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Toronto, specializes in the field of health professional education, simulation based education.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Power to the people? A co-produced critical review of service user involvement in mental health professions education

The Future of Simulation

Training simulated participants for role portrayal and feedback practices in communication skills training: A BEME scoping review: BEME Guide No. 86

VR-based simulation training for de-escalation of responsive behaviours in persons with dementia: efficacy and feasibility

‘How can we help the students learn?’A grounded theory study of simulated participants as educators

Preparing Simulated Participants for Feedback Practices in Communication Skills Training: Presenter (s): Clare Sullivan, RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences, Ireland

Emotion as reflexive practice: a new discourse for feedback practice and research

Focus groups in Healthcare Simulation

Nancy McNaughton Information



Assistant Professor



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

Google Scholar

Nancy McNaughton Skills & Research Interests

health professional education

simulation based education

Top articles of Nancy McNaughton

Power to the people? A co-produced critical review of service user involvement in mental health professions education


The Future of Simulation

Principles of modeling and simulation: a multidisciplinary approach


Training simulated participants for role portrayal and feedback practices in communication skills training: A BEME scoping review: BEME Guide No. 86


VR-based simulation training for de-escalation of responsive behaviours in persons with dementia: efficacy and feasibility


Jordan Holmes
Jordan Holmes

H-Index: 2

Nancy Mcnaughton
Nancy Mcnaughton

H-Index: 17

‘How can we help the students learn?’A grounded theory study of simulated participants as educators

Medical Teacher


Preparing Simulated Participants for Feedback Practices in Communication Skills Training: Presenter (s): Clare Sullivan, RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences, Ireland

Patient Education and Counseling


Nancy Mcnaughton
Nancy Mcnaughton

H-Index: 17

Walter Eppich
Walter Eppich

H-Index: 27

Emotion as reflexive practice: a new discourse for feedback practice and research


Rola Ajjawi
Rola Ajjawi

H-Index: 23

Nancy Mcnaughton
Nancy Mcnaughton

H-Index: 17

Focus groups in Healthcare Simulation


Nancy Mcnaughton
Nancy Mcnaughton

H-Index: 17

Team Training for Interprofessional Insight, Networking and Guidance (T2IPING) points: a study protocol

The International Journal of Healthcare Simulation


Who do I think you are? The guessing game ice breaker: Building community

Medical Teacher


Nancy Mcnaughton
Nancy Mcnaughton

H-Index: 17

Authoring and othering: examining bias in scenario design

IJoHS. doi


Nancy Mcnaughton
Nancy Mcnaughton

H-Index: 17

Transformative learning in an interprofessional student-run clinic: a qualitative study

Journal of interprofessional care


Enoch Ng
Enoch Ng

H-Index: 10

Nancy Mcnaughton
Nancy Mcnaughton

H-Index: 17

Canadian Conference on Medical Education 2021 Abstracts


Correction to: Co-producing Psychiatric Education with Service User Educators: a Collective Autobiographical Case Study of the Meaning, Ethics, and Importance of Payment

Academic Psychiatry


Nothing about me without me: a scoping review of how illness experiences inform simulated participants’ encounters in health profession education


From manifestos to praxis: developing criticality in healthcare simulation

BMJ Simulation & Technology Enhanced Learning


Nancy Mcnaughton
Nancy Mcnaughton

H-Index: 17

Patient involvement in medical education: To what problem is engagement the solution?

Medical Education


Paula Rowland
Paula Rowland

H-Index: 7

Nancy Mcnaughton
Nancy Mcnaughton

H-Index: 17

13 Simulated Participant Methodology in Health Professions Education: Theoretical Considerations in Design and Practice

Simulations and Student Learning


Nancy Mcnaughton
Nancy Mcnaughton

H-Index: 17

PG16 Virtual reality training for de-escalation of responsive behaviours

BMJ Simulation & Technology Enhanced Learning


Painting a Rational Picture During Highly Emotional End-of-Life Discussions: a Qualitative Study of Internal Medicine Trainees and Faculty

Journal of general internal medicine


Nancy Mcnaughton
Nancy Mcnaughton

H-Index: 17

Dominique Piquette
Dominique Piquette

H-Index: 9

See List of Professors in Nancy McNaughton University(University of Toronto)