Muhammad Miftahul Munir

About Muhammad Miftahul Munir

Muhammad Miftahul Munir, With an exceptional h-index of 24 and a recent h-index of 20 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Institut Teknologi Bandung, specializes in the field of Aerosol Instrumentation, Aerosol Science, Air Quality, Filtration, Measurement and Control.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Modeling and simulation of dew point temperature generated by a bubble aerator

Controlled pyrolysis of Zn-based metal organic framework-derived ZnO/C for Rhodamine-B degradation

Structure and morphology optimization of nanofiber membrane for the application of high-performance air filtration

Antioxidant activity and release profile of electrospun cellulose acetate/gelatine nanofiber containing mangosteen hull extract

Estimation of Psychrometer Calibration Uncertainty by Monte Carlo Method

New approach in evaluating mask filtration efficiency using low-cost PM2. 5 sensor and mobile mannequin method

Making membrane filter from styrofoam waste using rotary forcespinning tool

The Impact of Public Activity Restriction during COVID-19 to Air Quality in Urban Area of Bandung Measured Using Mobile Monitoring

Muhammad Miftahul Munir Information



Associate Professor of Instrumentation Aerosol and Material Physics



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

Google Scholar

Muhammad Miftahul Munir Skills & Research Interests

Aerosol Instrumentation

Aerosol Science

Air Quality


Measurement and Control

Top articles of Muhammad Miftahul Munir

Modeling and simulation of dew point temperature generated by a bubble aerator



Sparisoma Viridi
Sparisoma Viridi

H-Index: 7

Muhammad Miftahul Munir
Muhammad Miftahul Munir

H-Index: 15

Controlled pyrolysis of Zn-based metal organic framework-derived ZnO/C for Rhodamine-B degradation

Materials Today Communications


Structure and morphology optimization of nanofiber membrane for the application of high-performance air filtration

Powder Technology


Muhammad Miftahul Munir
Muhammad Miftahul Munir

H-Index: 15

Antioxidant activity and release profile of electrospun cellulose acetate/gelatine nanofiber containing mangosteen hull extract

Journal of Physics: Conference Series


Estimation of Psychrometer Calibration Uncertainty by Monte Carlo Method


Sparisoma Viridi
Sparisoma Viridi

H-Index: 7

Muhammad Miftahul Munir
Muhammad Miftahul Munir

H-Index: 15

New approach in evaluating mask filtration efficiency using low-cost PM2. 5 sensor and mobile mannequin method

Atmospheric Pollution Research


Irfan Dwi Aditya
Irfan Dwi Aditya

H-Index: 2

Muhammad Miftahul Munir
Muhammad Miftahul Munir

H-Index: 15

Making membrane filter from styrofoam waste using rotary forcespinning tool

AIP Conference Proceedings


Muhammad Miftahul Munir
Muhammad Miftahul Munir

H-Index: 15

The Impact of Public Activity Restriction during COVID-19 to Air Quality in Urban Area of Bandung Measured Using Mobile Monitoring

Aerosol and Air Quality Research


Puji Lestari
Puji Lestari

H-Index: 0

Muhammad Miftahul Munir
Muhammad Miftahul Munir

H-Index: 15

The lifespan of aerosol charger based on radioactive source

AIP Conference Proceedings


Casmika Saputra
Casmika Saputra

H-Index: 3

Abdul Waris
Abdul Waris

H-Index: 7

Muhammad Miftahul Munir
Muhammad Miftahul Munir

H-Index: 15

Accuracy and uncertainty for the application of grand canonical ensemble in determining humidity

AIP Conference Proceedings


Pulse Height Analyzer with Coincidence Correction

Journal of Physics: Conference Series


Casmika Saputra
Casmika Saputra

H-Index: 3

Abdul Waris
Abdul Waris

H-Index: 7

Muhammad Miftahul Munir
Muhammad Miftahul Munir

H-Index: 15

High-performance blow spun waste-acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) fibrous membrane for air filter

Journal of Materials Research and Technology


Muhammad Miftahul Munir
Muhammad Miftahul Munir

H-Index: 15

Effect of post-treatment drying processes on the optical and photothermal properties of carbon nanodots derived via microwave-assisted method

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science


Muhammad Miftahul Munir
Muhammad Miftahul Munir

H-Index: 15

Fabrication and structure optimization of expanded polystyrene (EPS) waste fiber for high-performance air filtration

Powder Technology


Muhammad Miftahul Munir
Muhammad Miftahul Munir

H-Index: 15

Optimizing singly-charged electrosprayed particle throughput of an electrospray aerosol generator utilizing a corona-based charger

Aerosol Science and Technology


Muhammad Miftahul Munir
Muhammad Miftahul Munir

H-Index: 15

Casmika Saputra
Casmika Saputra

H-Index: 3

Asep Suhendi
Asep Suhendi

H-Index: 9

The performance of an electrical ionizer as a bipolar aerosol charger for charging ultrafine particles

Aerosol Science and Technology


Utilizing Low-cost Mobile Monitoring to Estimate the PM2. 5 Inhaled Dose in Urban Environment

Aerosol and Air Quality Research


Muhammad Miftahul Munir
Muhammad Miftahul Munir

H-Index: 15

Casmika Saputra
Casmika Saputra

H-Index: 3

Puji Lestari
Puji Lestari

H-Index: 0

Simple design of control motor ac for rotary force spinning

Journal of Physics: Conference Series


How human age affects the signature’s curvature, density and amplitude to wavelength ratio and its potential application for countering document falsification

Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences


Muhammad Miftahul Munir
Muhammad Miftahul Munir

H-Index: 15

Mikrajuddin Abdullah
Mikrajuddin Abdullah

H-Index: 19

Dual needle corona discharge to generate stable bipolar ion for neutralizing electrosprayed nanoparticles

Advanced Powder Technology


See List of Professors in Muhammad Miftahul Munir University(Institut Teknologi Bandung)