Montserrat Filella

About Montserrat Filella

Montserrat Filella, With an exceptional h-index of 48 and a recent h-index of 30 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Université de Genève, specializes in the field of environmental chemistry.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

What do we know about the natural sources, transport and sinks of antimony in the environment?

Combined genomic and imaging techniques show intense arsenic enrichment caused by detoxification in a microbial mat of the Dead Sea shore

A step towards understanding plastic complexity: Antimony speciation in consumer plastics and synthetic textiles revealed by XAS

Ligand exchange provides new insight into the role of humic substances in the marine iron cycle

Stability Constants of Tetravalent Germanium Complexes in Aqueous Solution: Small Organic Oxygen and Nitrogen Donor Ligands

Strontium-90 pollution can be bioremediated with the green microalga Tetraselmis chui

Response to Comment on “Thermodynamic Data for Sn (IV) Species in Aqueous Solution: A Matter of Controversy and Error”(https://doi. org/10.1007/s10953-023-01323-x)

“Where to Find Equilibrium Constants?” is Now Continuously Updated and Open

Montserrat Filella Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Montserrat Filella Skills & Research Interests

environmental chemistry

Top articles of Montserrat Filella

What do we know about the natural sources, transport and sinks of antimony in the environment?



Montserrat Filella
Montserrat Filella

H-Index: 25

Combined genomic and imaging techniques show intense arsenic enrichment caused by detoxification in a microbial mat of the Dead Sea shore

Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems


A step towards understanding plastic complexity: Antimony speciation in consumer plastics and synthetic textiles revealed by XAS

Journal of Environmental Sciences


Montserrat Filella
Montserrat Filella

H-Index: 25

Ligand exchange provides new insight into the role of humic substances in the marine iron cycle

Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta


Montserrat Filella
Montserrat Filella

H-Index: 25

Stability Constants of Tetravalent Germanium Complexes in Aqueous Solution: Small Organic Oxygen and Nitrogen Donor Ligands

Inorganic Chemistry


Montserrat Filella
Montserrat Filella

H-Index: 25

Strontium-90 pollution can be bioremediated with the green microalga Tetraselmis chui

Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts


Montserrat Filella
Montserrat Filella

H-Index: 25

Daniel Ariztegui
Daniel Ariztegui

H-Index: 29

Response to Comment on “Thermodynamic Data for Sn (IV) Species in Aqueous Solution: A Matter of Controversy and Error”(https://doi. org/10.1007/s10953-023-01323-x)

Journal of solution chemistry


Peter M May
Peter M May

H-Index: 24

Montserrat Filella
Montserrat Filella

H-Index: 25

“Where to Find Equilibrium Constants?” is Now Continuously Updated and Open


Montserrat Filella
Montserrat Filella

H-Index: 25

Towards the global plastic treaty: a clue to the complexity of plastics in practice

Environmental Sciences Europe


Montserrat Filella
Montserrat Filella

H-Index: 25

Andrew Turner
Andrew Turner

H-Index: 33

Open Access to the JESS Chemical Reaction Database

Journal of solution chemistry


Peter M May
Peter M May

H-Index: 24

Montserrat Filella
Montserrat Filella

H-Index: 25

After the sun: a nanoscale comparison of the surface chemical composition of UV and soil weathered plastics

Microplastics and Nanoplastics


Montserrat Filella
Montserrat Filella

H-Index: 25

The aqueous solution chemistry of germanium under conditions of environmental and biological interest: Inorganic ligands

Applied Geochemistry


Montserrat Filella
Montserrat Filella

H-Index: 25

Peter M May
Peter M May

H-Index: 24

Comment on “A review of public and environmental consequences of organic germanium” by Zheng and co-workers


Montserrat Filella
Montserrat Filella

H-Index: 25

Chemical-genomic profiling identifies genes that protect yeast from aluminium, gallium, and indium toxicity



Jonas Warringer
Jonas Warringer

H-Index: 26

Montserrat Filella
Montserrat Filella

H-Index: 25

Vanadium (IV) and vanadium (V) complexation by succinic acid studied by affinity capillary electrophoresis. Simultaneous injection of two analytes in equilibrium studies

Journal of Chromatography A


Montserrat Filella
Montserrat Filella

H-Index: 25

The role of titanium dioxide on the behaviour and fate of plastics in the aquatic environment

Science of the Total Environment


Andrew Turner
Andrew Turner

H-Index: 33

Montserrat Filella
Montserrat Filella

H-Index: 25

Thermodynamic Data for Sn (IV) Species in Aqueous Solution: A Matter of Controversy and Error

Journal of Solution Chemistry


Peter M May
Peter M May

H-Index: 24

Montserrat Filella
Montserrat Filella

H-Index: 25

High calcium and strontium uptake by the green microalga Tetraselmis chui is related to micropearl formation and cell growth

Environmental microbiology reports


Montserrat Filella
Montserrat Filella

H-Index: 25

Daniel Ariztegui
Daniel Ariztegui

H-Index: 29

JESS Thermodynamic database of chemical reactions v8. 9


Arsenic in Lake Geneva (Switzerland, France): long term monitoring, and redox and methylation speciation in an As unpolluted, oligo-mesotrophic lake

Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts


Montserrat Filella
Montserrat Filella

H-Index: 25

Jean-Luc Loizeau
Jean-Luc Loizeau

H-Index: 18

See List of Professors in Montserrat Filella University(Université de Genève)