Mohammad Reza Nili Ahmadabadi

About Mohammad Reza Nili Ahmadabadi

Mohammad Reza Nili Ahmadabadi, With an exceptional h-index of 4 and a recent h-index of 4 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Allameh Tabataba'i University, specializes in the field of Educational Technology.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Investigating the use of new metaverse technology in teaching and learning: a systematic review

The effectiveness of education based on the" model of technology application in the philosophy for children" program On the critical thinking of talented students in the second …

Identification and application of educational neuroscience indicators in the development of training for psychological empowerment of human resources

The effect of dynamic computer-based scaffolding on the effectiveness of virtual inservice teacher training

The Effectiveness Of The Educational Package Based On Neuroscience And Gamification on the Psychological Empowerment of Middle Managers inThe Central Organization of Islamic …

The Effect Of Augmented Reality-based Electronic Content On The Cognitive Load And Academic Achievement Of Farhangian University Students In The Course Of Experimental Sciences …

The Effect of Mobile Learning on Improving The Performance of Allameh Tabatabai University Staff

Design And Validation Of Augmented Reality Content Production Model With Emphasis On Constructivism Approach

Mohammad Reza Nili Ahmadabadi Information



Associate Prof.



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Mohammad Reza Nili Ahmadabadi Skills & Research Interests

Educational Technology

Top articles of Mohammad Reza Nili Ahmadabadi

Investigating the use of new metaverse technology in teaching and learning: a systematic review


The effectiveness of education based on the" model of technology application in the philosophy for children" program On the critical thinking of talented students in the second …

تفکر وکودک


Identification and application of educational neuroscience indicators in the development of training for psychological empowerment of human resources

Journal of psychologicalscience


The effect of dynamic computer-based scaffolding on the effectiveness of virtual inservice teacher training

Technology of Education Journal (TEJ)


The Effectiveness Of The Educational Package Based On Neuroscience And Gamification on the Psychological Empowerment of Middle Managers inThe Central Organization of Islamic …

یریگدای دریتخانش یهادربهار


The Effect Of Augmented Reality-based Electronic Content On The Cognitive Load And Academic Achievement Of Farhangian University Students In The Course Of Experimental Sciences …

Educational and Scholastic Studies


The Effect of Mobile Learning on Improving The Performance of Allameh Tabatabai University Staff

Educational Psychology


Design And Validation Of Augmented Reality Content Production Model With Emphasis On Constructivism Approach

Technology of Education Journal


Investigating psychological and demographic factors related to financial literacy of teacher candidates in gilan province

Journal of Psychological Science


The effect of applied drama on creativity and critical thinking of fourth grade students in Tehran

Journal of Innovation and Creativity in Human Science


Mohammad Reza Nili Ahmadabadi
Mohammad Reza Nili Ahmadabadi

H-Index: 3

The effect of instructional package based on flipped learning on students’ meta cognition and problem solving skills

Journal of Psychological Science


Investigating Teachers' Viewpoint about Challenges of Technical and Vocational Education

Iranian Evolutionary Educational Psychology Journal


Mohammad Reza Nili Ahmadabadi
Mohammad Reza Nili Ahmadabadi

H-Index: 3

Developing and Validating an In-structional Design Model Based on Control-value Theory of Achievement Emotions

Iranian Journal of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology


Mohammad Reza Nili Ahmadabadi
Mohammad Reza Nili Ahmadabadi

H-Index: 3

Mohammad Asgari
Mohammad Asgari

H-Index: 7

Khadijeh Aliabadi
Khadijeh Aliabadi

H-Index: 6

Redesigning Evaluation and Effectiveness in the Training and Development System of Private Banks: Proposing an Integrated Model

Quarterly of Talent Development


The effects of personalized learning on achieving meaningful learning outcomes

Interdisciplinary Journal of Virtual Learning in Medical Sciences


Mohammad Reza Nili Ahmadabadi
Mohammad Reza Nili Ahmadabadi

H-Index: 3

Fattaneh Taghiyareh
Fattaneh Taghiyareh

H-Index: 11

Khadijeh Aliabadi
Khadijeh Aliabadi

H-Index: 6

Instructional Design Model Based on Control-Value Theory of Achievement Emotions and Its Effectiveness on Academic Achievement Motivation and Self-Regulated Learning

Payavard Salamat


A Book Review of Graphic for Learning Proven Guidelines for Planning, Designing, and Evaluating Visuals in Traning Materials

Pizhuhish nāmah-i intiqādī-i mutūn va barnāmah hā-yi ̒ulūm-i insāni (Critical Studies in Texts & Programs of Human Sciences)


Mohammad Reza Nili Ahmadabadi
Mohammad Reza Nili Ahmadabadi

H-Index: 3

Investigating the components of educational game design based on explorer player style: a systematic literature review


Mahsa Moradi
Mahsa Moradi

H-Index: 2

Khadijeh Aliabadi
Khadijeh Aliabadi

H-Index: 6

Mohammad Reza Nili Ahmadabadi
Mohammad Reza Nili Ahmadabadi

H-Index: 3

Effectiveness of e-learning among hospitalized elementary students with chronic diseases

Interdisciplinary Journal of Virtual Learning in Medical Sciences


Mohammad Reza Nili Ahmadabadi
Mohammad Reza Nili Ahmadabadi

H-Index: 3

The Effectiveness of Personalized Learning Approach on Media Literacy Based on Cognitive Styles

Communication Research


Mohammad Reza Nili Ahmadabadi
Mohammad Reza Nili Ahmadabadi

H-Index: 3

Khadijeh Aliabadi
Khadijeh Aliabadi

H-Index: 6

See List of Professors in Mohammad Reza Nili Ahmadabadi University(Allameh Tabataba'i University)