Mohammad Javad Assari

About Mohammad Javad Assari

Mohammad Javad Assari, With an exceptional h-index of 14 and a recent h-index of 12 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Hamadan University of Medical Sciences, specializes in the field of Nanotoxicology, Biological Monitoring, Health Risk Assessment.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Pesticide residues in fresh Mazafati date fruit, soil, and water, and assessment of potential health risks to consumers

Evaluating oxidative stress biomarkers in oncology nurses: A cross-sectional study

Density, spatial dispersion, and sequential sampling of Date Palm spider mite Oligonychus afrasiaticus on six Date Palm cultivars

A Novel Magnetized Imine-linked Covalent Organic Framework Sorbent (Fe3O4@TFPA-Bd) for Microextraction of BTEX Biomarkers in Urinary Samples.

Hollow polymer nanospheres and Fe3O4@ TFPA-Bd-COF as a mixture adsorbent in microextraction by packed sorbent for extraction of BTEX biomarkers in urine

Evaluation of Seasonal Variation on the Health Risks Using the Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment Approach in a Wastewater Treatment Plant in Hamadan, Iran

Relationship between occupational exposure to respirable crystalline silica and serum copper level as an indicator of silicosis: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Hollow polymer nanospheres (HPSs) as the adsorbent in microextraction by packed sorbent (MEPS) for determining BTEXs chief metabolites in urine samples

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Mohammad Javad Assari Skills & Research Interests


Biological Monitoring

Health Risk Assessment

Top articles of Mohammad Javad Assari

Pesticide residues in fresh Mazafati date fruit, soil, and water, and assessment of potential health risks to consumers

Environmental Science and Pollution Research


Mohammad Javad Assari
Mohammad Javad Assari

H-Index: 9

Evaluating oxidative stress biomarkers in oncology nurses: A cross-sectional study

European Journal of Oncology Nursing


Density, spatial dispersion, and sequential sampling of Date Palm spider mite Oligonychus afrasiaticus on six Date Palm cultivars


A Novel Magnetized Imine-linked Covalent Organic Framework Sorbent (Fe3O4@TFPA-Bd) for Microextraction of BTEX Biomarkers in Urinary Samples.

Journal of Health & Safety at Work


Hollow polymer nanospheres and Fe3O4@ TFPA-Bd-COF as a mixture adsorbent in microextraction by packed sorbent for extraction of BTEX biomarkers in urine

Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry Research


Evaluation of Seasonal Variation on the Health Risks Using the Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment Approach in a Wastewater Treatment Plant in Hamadan, Iran

Journal of Research in Health Sciences


Relationship between occupational exposure to respirable crystalline silica and serum copper level as an indicator of silicosis: A systematic review and meta-analysis


Mohammad Javad Assari
Mohammad Javad Assari

H-Index: 9

Homa Naderifar
Homa Naderifar

H-Index: 3

Hollow polymer nanospheres (HPSs) as the adsorbent in microextraction by packed sorbent (MEPS) for determining BTEXs chief metabolites in urine samples

Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society


Two–sex life table parameters of Chilocorus bipustulatus (Col.: Coccinellidae) fed on date palm scale Parlatoria blanchardi (Hem.: Diaspididae)

BioControl in Plant Protection


Mohammad Javad Assari
Mohammad Javad Assari

H-Index: 9

Application of Fe3O4@ TbBd nanobeads in microextraction by packed sorbent (MEPS) for determination of BTEXs biomarkers by HPLC–UV in urine samples

Journal of chromatography B


Comparing formaldehyde risk assessment in histopathology laboratory staff using three methods based on US EPA approaches in the west of Iran

International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics


Economic injury level of date spider mite, Oligonychus afrasiaticus (Acari: Tetranychidae) on six commercial date cultivars

Persian Journal of Acarology


A study on the role of cultural management on the population dynamics of Dubas bug, Ommatissus lybicus

Applied Entomology and Phytopathology


The potential renal toxicity of silver nanoparticles after repeated oral exposure and its underlying mechanisms

BMC nephrology


Application of Arc-GIS for Zoning of Occupational Exposure Levels to Respirable Crystalline Silica in Crushing Factories

Journal of Occupational Hygiene Engineering


Mohammad Javad Assari
Mohammad Javad Assari

H-Index: 9

Zahra Karami
Zahra Karami

H-Index: 16

The Potential Toxicity of Silver Nanoparticles After Repeated Oral Exposure and Underlying Mechanisms in Kidney of Rat Model


در پهنهبندی سطوح مواجهه شغلی با سیلیس کریستالی قابل استنشاق Arc-GIS کاربرد در کارگاههای سیلیسکوبی‎

Journal of Occupational Hygiene Engineering


Mohammad Javad Assari
Mohammad Javad Assari

H-Index: 9

Zohreh Karami
Zohreh Karami

H-Index: 6

Risk assessment of workers exposed to respirable crystalline silica in silica crushing units in Azandarian industrial zone, Hamadan, Iran

Journal of Air Pollution and Health


Study of the relationship between body heat strain level and tetrachlorethylene concentration in exhaled air among laundry workers

Iran Occupational Health


α-Fe2O3/Ag/g-C3N4 Core-Discontinuous Shell Nanocomposite as an Indirect Z-Scheme Photocatalyst for Degradation of Ethylbenzene in the Air Under White …

Catalysis Letters


See List of Professors in Mohammad Javad Assari University(Hamadan University of Medical Sciences)