Mohamad Hosein Mahmudy Gharaie

About Mohamad Hosein Mahmudy Gharaie

Mohamad Hosein Mahmudy Gharaie, With an exceptional h-index of 20 and a recent h-index of 15 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, specializes in the field of Sedimentary Geochemistry, Biogeochemistary, Inorganic Geochemistry.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

A Comparative Study on Speciation and Availability Risk of Toxic and Potentially Toxic Elements in Different Groups of Sediments in the Dar-E-Allo Copper Mine, SE Iran

Palaeo-seismic events correlation in the west Makran with the Oman Sea depth sea cores’ physical and biological properties

تطابق رخدادهای لرزه‌ای دیرینه باختر مکران با ویژگی‌های فیزیکی و زیستی مغزه-های عمیق دریای عمان‎

الگوی رفتاری عناصر نادر خاکی در سامان ههای مختلف رسوبی معدن مس درآلو: کاربردی در جهت مطالعات زیست محیطی‎

The behavior pattern of REEs in different sedimentary sysltems in the Dar-e-Allo copper mine: Application for environmental sltudies

Planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy in the Surgah Formation (Turonian-Santonian), Zagros sedimentary Basin, SW Iran (Lorestan Zone).

A planktonic foraminiferal record from the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary interval of the Kopet-Dagh Basin (NE Iran)

The First Finding of a Representative of the Genus Crinisarina Cooper and Dutro, 1982 (Athyridida) in the Late Famennian of Northeastern Iran

Mohamad Hosein Mahmudy Gharaie Information



Associate Professor of Sedimentary Geochemistry



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Mohamad Hosein Mahmudy Gharaie Skills & Research Interests

Sedimentary Geochemistry


Inorganic Geochemistry

Top articles of Mohamad Hosein Mahmudy Gharaie

A Comparative Study on Speciation and Availability Risk of Toxic and Potentially Toxic Elements in Different Groups of Sediments in the Dar-E-Allo Copper Mine, SE Iran

Soil and Sediment Contamination: An International Journal


Reza Moussavi-Harami
Reza Moussavi-Harami

H-Index: 20

Mohamad Hosein Mahmudy Gharaie
Mohamad Hosein Mahmudy Gharaie

H-Index: 13

Palaeo-seismic events correlation in the west Makran with the Oman Sea depth sea cores’ physical and biological properties

Scientific Quarterly Journal of Geosciences


Sedigheh Amjadi
Sedigheh Amjadi

H-Index: 2

Mohamad Hosein Mahmudy Gharaie
Mohamad Hosein Mahmudy Gharaie

H-Index: 13

Nick Marriner
Nick Marriner

H-Index: 23

تطابق رخدادهای لرزه‌ای دیرینه باختر مکران با ویژگی‌های فیزیکی و زیستی مغزه-های عمیق دریای عمان‎

فصلنامه علمی علوم زمین


الگوی رفتاری عناصر نادر خاکی در سامان ههای مختلف رسوبی معدن مس درآلو: کاربردی در جهت مطالعات زیست محیطی‎

علوم زمین


The behavior pattern of REEs in different sedimentary sysltems in the Dar-e-Allo copper mine: Application for environmental sltudies

Scientific Quarterly Journal of Geosciences


Planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy in the Surgah Formation (Turonian-Santonian), Zagros sedimentary Basin, SW Iran (Lorestan Zone).



Mohammad Haddadi
Mohammad Haddadi

H-Index: 8

Mohamad Hosein Mahmudy Gharaie
Mohamad Hosein Mahmudy Gharaie

H-Index: 13

A planktonic foraminiferal record from the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary interval of the Kopet-Dagh Basin (NE Iran)

Journal of Stratigraphy and Sedimentology Researches


The First Finding of a Representative of the Genus Crinisarina Cooper and Dutro, 1982 (Athyridida) in the Late Famennian of Northeastern Iran

Paleontological Journal


A New Species Martinothyris pseudolineatus (Spiriferida) from the Late Famennian of Northeastern Iran

Paleontological Journal


A new insight into the evolution of the Qatar Arch to recognize faults and a new gas field

Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology


Mohamad Hosein Mahmudy Gharaie
Mohamad Hosein Mahmudy Gharaie

H-Index: 13

Asadollah Mahboubi
Asadollah Mahboubi

H-Index: 16

Mohammad Khanehbad
Mohammad Khanehbad

H-Index: 6

ثبت فرامینیفرهای پلانکتون مرز سنومانین/تورونین در حوضه کپه داغ (شمال شرق ایران)‎

پژوهش های چینه نگاری و رسوب شناسی


شواهد رسوب شناسی و ژئوشیمیایی گذر آپتین به آلبین در فروافتادگی دزفول (حوضه رسوبی زاگرس)‎

دوفصلنامه رسوب شناسی کاربردی


ارزیابی تغییرات کانی شناسی رسوبات متأثر از معدن مس درآلو، جنوب کرمان: کاربردی جهت مطالعات زیست محیطی‎

پژوهش های چینه نگاری و رسوب شناسی


Biostratigraphy of larger foraminifera from the Middle Eocene Jahrum-Pabdeh formations (Zagros region, SW Iran) and their correlation with the planktonic foraminiferal zones.



Lorenzo Consorti
Lorenzo Consorti

H-Index: 8

Mohamad Hosein Mahmudy Gharaie
Mohamad Hosein Mahmudy Gharaie

H-Index: 13

Ercan Özcan
Ercan Özcan

H-Index: 14

New planktonic foraminiferal record across the Aptian–Albian transition in Interior Fars, Zagros Basin, SW Iran: Implication for latest Aptian paleogeography along the southern …



Spatial dispersion hot spots of contamination and human health risk assessments of PTEs in surface sediments of streams around porphyry copper mine, Iran

Environmental Geochemistry and Health


Mohamad Hosein Mahmudy Gharaie
Mohamad Hosein Mahmudy Gharaie

H-Index: 13

Reza Moussavi-Harami
Reza Moussavi-Harami

H-Index: 20

Asadollah Mahboubi
Asadollah Mahboubi

H-Index: 16

بررسی پتانسیل هیدروکربورزایی سازند کژدمی در برشهای تنگ ماغر و پرچستان و مقایسه آن با دیگر میادین نفتی در حوضه زاگرس‎

علوم زمین


Planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the upper Turonian-lower Santonian succession in the Lorestan Zone of the Zagros sedimentary Basin, SW Iran

Journal of African Earth Sciences


Mohammad Haddadi
Mohammad Haddadi

H-Index: 8

Mohamad Hosein Mahmudy Gharaie
Mohamad Hosein Mahmudy Gharaie

H-Index: 13

Evaluation of mineralogical changes of sediments affected by Dar-e-Allo copper mine, south of Kerman: application for environmental studies

Journal of Stratigraphy and Sedimentology Researches


Hydrocarbon generation potential of the Kazhdumi Formation in Tang-E Maghar and Perchestan sections compared to the other oil fields in the Zagros Basin

Scientific Quarterly Journal of Geosciences


See List of Professors in Mohamad Hosein Mahmudy Gharaie University(Ferdowsi University of Mashhad)