Miquel Canals

About Miquel Canals

Miquel Canals, With an exceptional h-index of 83 and a recent h-index of 45 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universidad de Barcelona, specializes in the field of Marine Geosciences, Anthropogenic impacts, Biogeochemistry, Global change.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Bedform evolution along a submarine canyon in the South China Sea: New insights from an autonomous underwater vehicle survey

Fine-scale seafloor bedform morphology along a slope-confined submarine canyon in the Northern South China Sea

Microplastics transfer from a malfunctioning municipal wastewater oxidation pond into a marine protected area in the Colombian Caribbean

Seasonal variation in plastic litter pollution in mangroves from two remote tropical estuaries of the Colombian Pacific

As and S speciation in a submarine sulfide mine tailings deposit and its environmental significance: The study case of Portmán Bay (SE Spain)

Contaminación por vertidos de aguas residuales: Una revisión de las interacciones microorganismos–microplásticos y sus posibles riesgos ambientales en aguas costeras colombianas

Environmental risk assessment of petrogenic hydrocarbon spills in mangrove ecosystems: the Tumaco case study as a baseline, Colombian Pacific

Sediment dynamics in the Gulf of Lion (NW Mediterranean Sea) during two autumn–winter periods with contrasting meteorological conditions

Miquel Canals Information



Professor of Marine Geosciences



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

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Miquel Canals Skills & Research Interests

Marine Geosciences

Anthropogenic impacts


Global change

Top articles of Miquel Canals

Bedform evolution along a submarine canyon in the South China Sea: New insights from an autonomous underwater vehicle survey



Fine-scale seafloor bedform morphology along a slope-confined submarine canyon in the Northern South China Sea


Microplastics transfer from a malfunctioning municipal wastewater oxidation pond into a marine protected area in the Colombian Caribbean

Regional Studies in Marine Science


Miquel Canals
Miquel Canals

H-Index: 43

Seasonal variation in plastic litter pollution in mangroves from two remote tropical estuaries of the Colombian Pacific

Marine Pollution Bulletin


Miquel Canals
Miquel Canals

H-Index: 43

As and S speciation in a submarine sulfide mine tailings deposit and its environmental significance: The study case of Portmán Bay (SE Spain)

Science of the Total Environment


Contaminación por vertidos de aguas residuales: Una revisión de las interacciones microorganismos–microplásticos y sus posibles riesgos ambientales en aguas costeras colombianas


Miquel Canals
Miquel Canals

H-Index: 43

Environmental risk assessment of petrogenic hydrocarbon spills in mangrove ecosystems: the Tumaco case study as a baseline, Colombian Pacific

Environmental Monitoring and Assessment


Miquel Canals
Miquel Canals

H-Index: 43

Sediment dynamics in the Gulf of Lion (NW Mediterranean Sea) during two autumn–winter periods with contrasting meteorological conditions

Progress in Oceanography


Transport and distributions of naturally and anthropogenically sourced trace metals and arsenic in submarine canyons

Progress in Oceanography


Anna Sanchez-Vidal
Anna Sanchez-Vidal

H-Index: 25

Miquel Canals
Miquel Canals

H-Index: 43

Degradation factors and their environmental impacts on the mangrove ecosystem of the Mallorquin Lagoon, Colombian Caribbean



Miquel Canals
Miquel Canals

H-Index: 43

A systematic review on microplastic pollution in water, sediments, and organisms from 50 coastal lagoons across the globe


Miquel Canals
Miquel Canals

H-Index: 43

Anna Sanchez-Vidal
Anna Sanchez-Vidal

H-Index: 25

Development and emplacement of Ana slide, eivissa channel, western Mediterranean Sea

Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 2022, vol. 23, num. 11


Underwater Electrical Resistivity Tomography to Characterize Subaquatic Tailing Deposits in Portman Bay (Spain)


Microplastic pollution in water, sediments and commercial fish species from Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta lagoon complex, Colombian Caribbean

Science of the Total Environment


Miquel Canals
Miquel Canals

H-Index: 43

Impact of resuspended mine tailings on benthic biodiversity and ecosystem processes: The case study of Portmán Bay, Western Mediterranean Sea, Spain

Environmental Pollution


Particle fluxes in submarine canyons along a sediment-starved continental margin and in the adjacent open slope and basin in the SW Mediterranean Sea

Progress in Oceanography


Miquel Canals
Miquel Canals

H-Index: 43

Anna Sanchez-Vidal
Anna Sanchez-Vidal

H-Index: 25

Multiproxy characterization of sedimentary facies in a submarine sulphide mine tailings dumping site and their environmental significance: The study case of Portmán Bay (SE Spain)

Science of The Total Environment


Miquel Canals
Miquel Canals

H-Index: 43

Anna Sanchez-Vidal
Anna Sanchez-Vidal

H-Index: 25

El margen continental (duplicat)

Acta Geologica Hispanica, 2022, vol. 17, num. 4


Application of Offline Biogeochemical Model Within the Regional Ocean Modelling System (ROMS) in the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea


Jordi Solé
Jordi Solé

H-Index: 13

Miquel Canals
Miquel Canals

H-Index: 43

See List of Professors in Miquel Canals University(Universidad de Barcelona)

