Mingjian Wu

Mingjian Wu

University of Alberta

H-index: 4

North America-Canada

About Mingjian Wu

Mingjian Wu, With an exceptional h-index of 4 and a recent h-index of 4 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Alberta, specializes in the field of Transportation Engineering.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Weather event characterization: a catalyst for improved spatial mapping and benefit quantification in winter road maintenance

Location–allocation strategies for traffic counters—a citywide deployment

An Automatic Architecture Designing Approach of Convolutional Neural Networks for Road Surface Conditions Image Recognition: Tradeoff between Accuracy and Efficiency

Optimization Models for Snowplow Routes and Depot Locations: A Real-World Implementation

A Hybrid Geostatistical Method for Estimating Citywide Traffic Volumes–A Case Study of Edmonton, Canada

Advances in sustainable winter road maintenance and management for future smart cities

Spatial mapping of winter road surface conditions via hybrid geostatistical techniques

Winter Road Surface Condition Recognition Using Semantic Segmentation and the Generative Adversarial Network: A Case Study of Iowa, USA

Mingjian Wu Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




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Mingjian Wu Skills & Research Interests

Transportation Engineering

Top articles of Mingjian Wu

Weather event characterization: a catalyst for improved spatial mapping and benefit quantification in winter road maintenance

Cold Regions Science and Technology


Mingjian Wu
Mingjian Wu

H-Index: 2

Location–allocation strategies for traffic counters—a citywide deployment

Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering


Mingjian Wu
Mingjian Wu

H-Index: 2

An Automatic Architecture Designing Approach of Convolutional Neural Networks for Road Surface Conditions Image Recognition: Tradeoff between Accuracy and Efficiency

Journal of Sensors


Mingjian Wu
Mingjian Wu

H-Index: 2

Optimization Models for Snowplow Routes and Depot Locations: A Real-World Implementation

Transportation Research Record


Mingjian Wu
Mingjian Wu

H-Index: 2

A Hybrid Geostatistical Method for Estimating Citywide Traffic Volumes–A Case Study of Edmonton, Canada

Journal of Geographical Research


Mingjian Wu
Mingjian Wu

H-Index: 2

Karim El-Basyouny
Karim El-Basyouny

H-Index: 21

Advances in sustainable winter road maintenance and management for future smart cities


Mingjian Wu
Mingjian Wu

H-Index: 2

Liping Fu
Liping Fu

H-Index: 29

Spatial mapping of winter road surface conditions via hybrid geostatistical techniques

Journal of Cold Regions Engineering


Mingjian Wu
Mingjian Wu

H-Index: 2

Liping Fu
Liping Fu

H-Index: 29

Winter Road Surface Condition Recognition Using Semantic Segmentation and the Generative Adversarial Network: A Case Study of Iowa, USA

Transportation Research Record


Mingjian Wu
Mingjian Wu

H-Index: 2

A Citywide Location-Allocation Framework for Driver Feedback Signs Optimizing Safety and Coverage of Vulnerable Road Users



Mingjian Wu
Mingjian Wu

H-Index: 2

Karim El-Basyouny
Karim El-Basyouny

H-Index: 21

Lessons learned from the large-scale application of Driver Feedback Signs in an urban city

Journal of Transportation Safety & Security


Mingjian Wu
Mingjian Wu

H-Index: 2

Karim El-Basyouny
Karim El-Basyouny

H-Index: 21

Optimal RWIS Sensor Density and Location–Phase III: Continuous Mapping of Winter Road Surface Conditions via Big Data and Deep Learning


Mingjian Wu
Mingjian Wu

H-Index: 2

Liping Fu
Liping Fu

H-Index: 29

Safety Effects of Road Weather Information System (RWIS)-A Cost-Benefit Analysis


Mingjian Wu
Mingjian Wu

H-Index: 2

Before-and-after empirical Bayes evaluation of citywide installation of driver feedback signs

Transportation research record


Mingjian Wu
Mingjian Wu

H-Index: 2

Karim El-Basyouny
Karim El-Basyouny

H-Index: 21

Evaluating the safety effects of driver feedback signs and citywide implementation strategies


Mingjian Wu
Mingjian Wu

H-Index: 2

An enhanced spatial statistical method for continuous monitoring of winter road surface conditions

Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering


Mingjian Wu
Mingjian Wu

H-Index: 2

See List of Professors in Mingjian Wu University(University of Alberta)