Min Kyu Kim

Min Kyu Kim

Georgia State University

H-index: 16

North America-United States

About Min Kyu Kim

Min Kyu Kim, With an exceptional h-index of 16 and a recent h-index of 14 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Georgia State University, specializes in the field of Knowledge representation, Learner engagement, AI-Augmented Learning Environment.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

A test of learning progress models using an AI-enabled knowledge representation system

Clustering Cognitive Engagement Changes in Longitudinally Traced Discussion Data From a Graduate-Level Online Course

Technology supported reading comprehension: a design research of the student mental model analyzer for research and teaching (SMART) technology

AI-supported scaffolding for writing academic arguments

Learner experience in Artificial Intelligence scaffolded argumentation

A design experiment on technology-based learning progress feedback in a graduate-level online course

Using graph centrality as a global index to assess students’ mental model structure development during summary writing

A longitudinal examination of temporal and iterative relationships among learner engagement dimensions during online discussion

Min Kyu Kim Information



Learning Sciences at



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Min Kyu Kim Skills & Research Interests

Knowledge representation

Learner engagement

AI-Augmented Learning Environment

Top articles of Min Kyu Kim

A test of learning progress models using an AI-enabled knowledge representation system

Proceedings of the 17th International Conference of the Learning Sciences-ICLS 2023, pp. 986-989


Clustering Cognitive Engagement Changes in Longitudinally Traced Discussion Data From a Graduate-Level Online Course

Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning-CSCL 2023, pp. 297-300


Technology supported reading comprehension: a design research of the student mental model analyzer for research and teaching (SMART) technology

Interactive Learning Environments, Advanced Online


Min Kyu Kim
Min Kyu Kim

H-Index: 11

Cassandra Gaul
Cassandra Gaul

H-Index: 1

AI-supported scaffolding for writing academic arguments

Proceedings of the 16th International Conference of the Learning Sciences-ICLS 2022, pp. 1129-1132


Min Kyu Kim
Min Kyu Kim

H-Index: 11

Nam Ju Kim
Nam Ju Kim

H-Index: 9

Learner experience in Artificial Intelligence scaffolded argumentation

Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education


A design experiment on technology-based learning progress feedback in a graduate-level online course

Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies


Min Kyu Kim
Min Kyu Kim

H-Index: 11

Using graph centrality as a global index to assess students’ mental model structure development during summary writing

Educational Technology Research & Development (ETRD)


Min Kyu Kim
Min Kyu Kim

H-Index: 11

A longitudinal examination of temporal and iterative relationships among learner engagement dimensions during online discussion

Journal of Computers in Education


Min Kyu Kim
Min Kyu Kim

H-Index: 11

So Mi Kim
So Mi Kim

H-Index: 7

Who are online learning leaders? Piloting a leader identification method (LIM)

Computers in Human Behavior


Min Kyu Kim
Min Kyu Kim

H-Index: 11

Tuba Ketenci
Tuba Ketenci

H-Index: 4

Learner participation regulation supported by long-term peer moderation and participation feedback during asynchronous discussions

Journal of Computers in Education


Min Kyu Kim
Min Kyu Kim

H-Index: 11

How students emerge as learning leaders in small group online discussions

Journal of Computer Assisted Learning


Min Kyu Kim
Min Kyu Kim

H-Index: 11

Individual learning vs. interactive learning: A cognitive diagnostic analysis of MOOC students’ learning behaviors

American Journal of Distance Education


Dynamic learner engagement in a wiki-enhanced writing course

Journal of Computing in Higher Education


Min Kyu Kim
Min Kyu Kim

H-Index: 11

So Mi Kim
So Mi Kim

H-Index: 7

The role of expressed emotions in online discussions

Journal of Research on Technology in Education


Min Kyu Kim
Min Kyu Kim

H-Index: 11

Tuba Ketenci
Tuba Ketenci

H-Index: 4

Improving summary writing through formative feedback in a technology-enhanced learning environment

Journal of Computer Assisted Learning


Min Kyu Kim
Min Kyu Kim

H-Index: 11

Advance in detecting key concepts as an expert model: Using Student Mental Model Analyzer for Research and Teaching (SMART)

Technology, Knowledge and Learning


Min Kyu Kim
Min Kyu Kim

H-Index: 11

So Mi Kim
So Mi Kim

H-Index: 7

Assessing student understanding of the text: Comparing model-based and text-based approaches to summary Evaluation


Min Kyu Kim
Min Kyu Kim

H-Index: 11

Ali Heidari
Ali Heidari

H-Index: 1

Reading comprehension and mental model development: A cross-validation of methods and technologies to assess student understanding of the text


Min Kyu Kim
Min Kyu Kim

H-Index: 11

Ali Heidari
Ali Heidari

H-Index: 1

Summary writing as a process of building a solid mental model: A global index to describe knowledge structure change


Min Kyu Kim
Min Kyu Kim

H-Index: 11

A case study of short-term exposure to hybrid learning

International Journal of Learning Technology


Min Kyu Kim
Min Kyu Kim

H-Index: 11

Lauren Margulieux
Lauren Margulieux

H-Index: 12

See List of Professors in Min Kyu Kim University(Georgia State University)

