Michael Kiparsky

About Michael Kiparsky

Michael Kiparsky, With an exceptional h-index of 23 and a recent h-index of 15 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of California, Berkeley, specializes in the field of water resources, science-policy, climate impacts and adaptation, innovation.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Recharge net metering (ReNeM) is a novel, cost-effective management strategy to incentivize groundwater recharge

Cultivating effective utility-regulator relationships around innovation: Lessons from four case studies in the US municipal wastewater sector

A roadmap to bridge the information gap for water reuse in small US communities

Recharge Net Metering to Enhance Water Supplies, Water Quality, and Hydrologic System Services, and Incentivize Stakeholder Engagement

Making a water data system responsive to information needs of decision makers

Groundwater recharge to address integrated groundwater and surface waters: The ESPA recharge program, Eastern Snake Plain, Idaho

Groundwater Recharge for Drought and Endangered Species Protection: The H2Oaks Aquifer to Aquifer Transfer for Storage and Recovery, San Antonio, Texas

An urban drought reserve enabled by state groundwater recharge legislation: the Bear Canyon Recharge Project, Albuquerque, New Mexico

Michael Kiparsky Information



Director Wheeler Water Institute at CLEE



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

Google Scholar

Michael Kiparsky Skills & Research Interests

water resources


climate impacts and adaptation


Top articles of Michael Kiparsky

Recharge net metering (ReNeM) is a novel, cost-effective management strategy to incentivize groundwater recharge

Nature Water


Ellen Bruno
Ellen Bruno

H-Index: 5

Michael Kiparsky
Michael Kiparsky

H-Index: 14

Cultivating effective utility-regulator relationships around innovation: Lessons from four case studies in the US municipal wastewater sector

PLOS Water


Michael Kiparsky
Michael Kiparsky

H-Index: 14

Anita Milman
Anita Milman

H-Index: 15

A roadmap to bridge the information gap for water reuse in small US communities

AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts


Recharge Net Metering to Enhance Water Supplies, Water Quality, and Hydrologic System Services, and Incentivize Stakeholder Engagement

AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts


Making a water data system responsive to information needs of decision makers

Frontiers in Climate


Groundwater recharge to address integrated groundwater and surface waters: The ESPA recharge program, Eastern Snake Plain, Idaho

Case Studies in the Environment


Michael Kiparsky
Michael Kiparsky

H-Index: 14

Anita Milman
Anita Milman

H-Index: 15

Groundwater Recharge for Drought and Endangered Species Protection: The H2Oaks Aquifer to Aquifer Transfer for Storage and Recovery, San Antonio, Texas

Case Studies in the Environment


Anita Milman
Anita Milman

H-Index: 15

Michael Kiparsky
Michael Kiparsky

H-Index: 14

An urban drought reserve enabled by state groundwater recharge legislation: the Bear Canyon Recharge Project, Albuquerque, New Mexico

Case Studies in the Environment


Michael Kiparsky
Michael Kiparsky

H-Index: 14

Groundwater Recharge for a Regional Water Bank: Kern Water Bank, Kern County, California

Case Studies in the Environment


Michael Kiparsky
Michael Kiparsky

H-Index: 14

Anita Milman
Anita Milman

H-Index: 15

Introduction to the special collection: Institutional dimensions of groundwater recharge

Case Studies in the Environment


Anita Milman
Anita Milman

H-Index: 15

Michael Kiparsky
Michael Kiparsky

H-Index: 14

Incentivizing groundwater recharge in the Pajaro Valley through recharge net metering (ReNeM)

Case Studies in the Environment


Michael Kiparsky
Michael Kiparsky

H-Index: 14

Regulators and utility managers agree about barriers and opportunities for innovation in the municipal wastewater sector

Environmental Research Communications


How can we govern large-scale green infrastructure for multiple water security benefits?

Blue-Green Systems


Christopher Williams
Christopher Williams

H-Index: 5

Michael Kiparsky
Michael Kiparsky

H-Index: 14

Concurrent governance processes of California’s sustainable groundwater management act

Society & Natural Resources


Anita Milman
Anita Milman

H-Index: 15

Michael Kiparsky
Michael Kiparsky

H-Index: 14

Examining the complex relationship between innovation and regulation through a survey of wastewater utility managers

Journal of Environmental Management


See List of Professors in Michael Kiparsky University(University of California, Berkeley)