mia eeckhout

mia eeckhout

Universiteit Gent

H-index: 31


About mia eeckhout

mia eeckhout, With an exceptional h-index of 31 and a recent h-index of 26 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universiteit Gent, specializes in the field of cereals, animal feed, food technology.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Evaluation of the efficacy of cinnamon oil on Aspergillus flavus and Fusarium proliferatum growth and mycotoxin production on paddy and polished rice: Towards a mitigation strategy

An Impact Assessment of Par-Baking and Storage on the Quality of Wheat, Whole Wheat, and Whole Rye Breads

The Impact of a Six-Hour Light–Dark Cycle on Wheat Ear Emergence, Grain Yield, and Flour Quality in Future Plant-Growing Systems

Data from: An Impact Assessment of Par-Baking and Storage on the Quality of Wheat, Whole Wheat, and Whole Rye Breads

Unlocking the potential of pasting properties to predict extrudate characteristics of corn grits blends with high amylose corn starch, potato starch, or rice flour

Physicochemical, structural, and functional characterization of pectin extracted from quince and pomegranate peel: A comparative study

Phomopsin contamination throughout the lupin food and feed chain in Belgium

The impact of par-baking on the technological quality of wheat, whole wheat, and whole rye bread

mia eeckhout Information



full professor Food and Feed technology



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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mia eeckhout Skills & Research Interests


animal feed

food technology

Top articles of mia eeckhout

Evaluation of the efficacy of cinnamon oil on Aspergillus flavus and Fusarium proliferatum growth and mycotoxin production on paddy and polished rice: Towards a mitigation strategy

International Journal of Food Microbiology


An Impact Assessment of Par-Baking and Storage on the Quality of Wheat, Whole Wheat, and Whole Rye Breads



Els Debonne
Els Debonne

H-Index: 6

Mia Eeckhout
Mia Eeckhout

H-Index: 20

The Impact of a Six-Hour Light–Dark Cycle on Wheat Ear Emergence, Grain Yield, and Flour Quality in Future Plant-Growing Systems



Els Debonne
Els Debonne

H-Index: 6

Mia Eeckhout
Mia Eeckhout

H-Index: 20

Data from: An Impact Assessment of Par-Baking and Storage on the Quality of Wheat, Whole Wheat, and Whole Rye Breads


Els Debonne
Els Debonne

H-Index: 6

Mia Eeckhout
Mia Eeckhout

H-Index: 20

Unlocking the potential of pasting properties to predict extrudate characteristics of corn grits blends with high amylose corn starch, potato starch, or rice flour

Journal of Food Science


Els Debonne
Els Debonne

H-Index: 6

Mia Eeckhout
Mia Eeckhout

H-Index: 20

Physicochemical, structural, and functional characterization of pectin extracted from quince and pomegranate peel: A comparative study

International Journal of Biological Macromolecules


Mia Eeckhout
Mia Eeckhout

H-Index: 20

Phomopsin contamination throughout the lupin food and feed chain in Belgium


Mia Eeckhout
Mia Eeckhout

H-Index: 20

The impact of par-baking on the technological quality of wheat, whole wheat, and whole rye bread


Mia Eeckhout
Mia Eeckhout

H-Index: 20

Els Debonne
Els Debonne

H-Index: 6

The fate of quinolizidine alkaloids during the processing of lupins (Lupinus spp.) for human consumption

Food Chemistry


Mia Eeckhout
Mia Eeckhout

H-Index: 20

Effect of wheat dextrin on corn flour extrusion characteristics



Mia Eeckhout
Mia Eeckhout

H-Index: 20

Els Debonne
Els Debonne

H-Index: 6

Growth/no-growth models of propionic and sorbic acid for bread and cake moulds

Food Control


Els Debonne
Els Debonne

H-Index: 6

Mia Eeckhout
Mia Eeckhout

H-Index: 20

Multi-criteria decision analysis to select the most appropriate risk mitigation strategy to reduce aflatoxin intake in Mekong Delta, Vietnam

Food Control


Sarah De Saeger
Sarah De Saeger

H-Index: 50

Mia Eeckhout
Mia Eeckhout

H-Index: 20

Changes in the structural and physicochemical characterization of pea starch modified by Bacillus-produced α-amylase

Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies


Pu Yang
Pu Yang

H-Index: 5

Mia Eeckhout
Mia Eeckhout

H-Index: 20

Suitable nitrogen fertilizer application drives the endosperm development and starch synthesis to improve the physicochemical properties of common buckwheat grain

International Journal of Biological Macromolecules


Mia Eeckhout
Mia Eeckhout

H-Index: 20

Characterization and comparative study on structural and physicochemical properties of buckwheat starch from 12 varieties

Food Hydrocolloids


Mia Eeckhout
Mia Eeckhout

H-Index: 20

Public health risk due to aflatoxin and fumonisin contamination in rice in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam

Food Safety and Risk


Sarah De Saeger
Sarah De Saeger

H-Index: 50

Mia Eeckhout
Mia Eeckhout

H-Index: 20

The potential of UVC decontamination to prolong shelf-life of par-baked bread

Food Science and Technology International


Els Debonne
Els Debonne

H-Index: 6

Mia Eeckhout
Mia Eeckhout

H-Index: 20

The Impact of Salt Accumulation on the Growth of Duckweed in a Continuous System for Pig Manure Treatment



Valorization of pretreated biogas digestate with black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens, L; Diptera: Stratiomyidae) larvae

Journal of Environmental Management


Comparison of antifungal activity of essential oils of clove, lemongrass and thyme for natural preservation of dried apricots

Food Science and Technology International


See List of Professors in mia eeckhout University(Universiteit Gent)