Mehran Eskandari Torbaghan

About Mehran Eskandari Torbaghan

Mehran Eskandari Torbaghan, With an exceptional h-index of 9 and a recent h-index of 8 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Birmingham, specializes in the field of Infrastructure Asset Management, Road Digital Twins, Pavement Engineering and Management, Risk Management, Renewable Energy.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

A Machine Learning based approach to predict road rutting considering uncertainty

An Automated 3D Crack Severity Assessment Using Surface Data for Improving Flexible Pavement Maintenance Strategies

Application of Machine Learning within an Asset Management Framework for Realizing the Impact of Trenching in Urban Environments

Semi-automatic crack width measurement using an OrthoBoundary algorithm

Harvesting electricity from road traffic noise energy–a literature review

Designing user-centric transport strategies for urban road space redistribution

Investigating the Effectiveness of Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) as an Antifraud Approach for Modified Epoxy Asphalt Mixes in Developing Countries

City infrastructure ontologies

Mehran Eskandari Torbaghan Information






Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Mehran Eskandari Torbaghan Skills & Research Interests

Infrastructure Asset Management

Road Digital Twins

Pavement Engineering and Management

Risk Management

Renewable Energy

Top articles of Mehran Eskandari Torbaghan

A Machine Learning based approach to predict road rutting considering uncertainty

Case Studies in Construction Materials


An Automated 3D Crack Severity Assessment Using Surface Data for Improving Flexible Pavement Maintenance Strategies

IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems


Application of Machine Learning within an Asset Management Framework for Realizing the Impact of Trenching in Urban Environments


Aryan Hojjati
Aryan Hojjati

H-Index: 3

Mehran Eskandari Torbaghan
Mehran Eskandari Torbaghan

H-Index: 5

Semi-automatic crack width measurement using an OrthoBoundary algorithm

Automation in Construction


Zhe Li
Zhe Li

H-Index: 5

Mehran Eskandari Torbaghan
Mehran Eskandari Torbaghan

H-Index: 5

Harvesting electricity from road traffic noise energy–a literature review


Designing user-centric transport strategies for urban road space redistribution

Communications in Transportation Research


Manu Sasidharan
Manu Sasidharan

H-Index: 5

Mehran Eskandari Torbaghan
Mehran Eskandari Torbaghan

H-Index: 5

Yasmin Fathy
Yasmin Fathy

H-Index: 8

Investigating the Effectiveness of Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) as an Antifraud Approach for Modified Epoxy Asphalt Mixes in Developing Countries



Mehran Eskandari Torbaghan
Mehran Eskandari Torbaghan

H-Index: 5

Michael Burrow
Michael Burrow

H-Index: 15

City infrastructure ontologies

Computers, Environment and Urban Systems


A GIS based approach for predicting pavement deterioration on the UK road network


Understanding the potential of emerging digital technologies for improving road safety

Accident Analysis & Prevention


Mehran Eskandari Torbaghan
Mehran Eskandari Torbaghan

H-Index: 5

Manu Sasidharan
Manu Sasidharan

H-Index: 5

Louise Reardon
Louise Reardon

H-Index: 9

Condition Modeling of Railway Drainage Pipes

Journal of Infrastructure Systems


Michael Burrow
Michael Burrow

H-Index: 15

Mehran Eskandari Torbaghan
Mehran Eskandari Torbaghan

H-Index: 5

A rational framework for post-flood road network condition recovery

Infrastructure Asset Management


Manu Sasidharan
Manu Sasidharan

H-Index: 5

Mehran Eskandari Torbaghan
Mehran Eskandari Torbaghan

H-Index: 5

Preparing students for a digitized future

IEEE Transactions on Education


Mehran Eskandari Torbaghan
Mehran Eskandari Torbaghan

H-Index: 5

Manu Sasidharan
Manu Sasidharan

H-Index: 5

Jonathan Watkins
Jonathan Watkins

H-Index: 2

Identifying the most suitable machine learning approach for a road digital twin


Kun Chen
Kun Chen

H-Index: 3

Mehran Eskandari Torbaghan
Mehran Eskandari Torbaghan

H-Index: 5

Long Zhang
Long Zhang

H-Index: 9

Risk-informed Sustainable Asset Management of Railway Track

Infrastructure asset management


Manu Sasidharan
Manu Sasidharan

H-Index: 5

Mehran Eskandari Torbaghan
Mehran Eskandari Torbaghan

H-Index: 5

Feasibility of 3D Printing to Fill In-situ Cracks in Asphalt Concretes


Yuanyuan Li
Yuanyuan Li

H-Index: 1

Mehran Eskandari Torbaghan
Mehran Eskandari Torbaghan

H-Index: 5

Richard Jackson
Richard Jackson

H-Index: 20

Experimental Investigation into the Effects of Cast-Iron Pipe Corrosion on GPR Detection Performance in Clay Soils

Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice


Mehran Eskandari Torbaghan
Mehran Eskandari Torbaghan

H-Index: 5

Aryan Hojjati
Aryan Hojjati

H-Index: 3

Automated detection of cracks in roads using ground penetrating radar

Journal of Applied Geophysics


Mehran Eskandari Torbaghan
Mehran Eskandari Torbaghan

H-Index: 5

Wenda Li
Wenda Li

H-Index: 12

Michael Burrow
Michael Burrow

H-Index: 15

Investigating the relationship between trenching practice and road deterioration

Infrastructure Asset Management


Mehran Eskandari Torbaghan
Mehran Eskandari Torbaghan

H-Index: 5

Giulio Curioni
Giulio Curioni

H-Index: 6

Farzad Hayati
Farzad Hayati

H-Index: 4

See List of Professors in Mehran Eskandari Torbaghan University(University of Birmingham)

