Md Aminul Islam

About Md Aminul Islam

Md Aminul Islam, With an exceptional h-index of 4 and a recent h-index of 4 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of New England, Australia, specializes in the field of Climate change adaptation in Agriculture, crop model, water management, drought resilience, drought risk assessment for plantati.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Understanding Constraints and Enablers of Climate Risk Management Strategies: Evidence from Smallholder Dairy Farmers in Regional South India

Magnitude and Risk of Livelihood Asset Damage due to Climate Change-Induced Disasters of the Coastal Fisher of Bangladesh

A systematic review of emerging environmental markets: Potential pathways to creating shared value for communities

Contextualisation of salinisation and adaptation preferences in the coastal areas of Bangladesh: Bringing together farmers' salinity perspectives into place‐based policy …

Exploring the potential areas of research to increase drought resiliency of agricultural industries in Australia

Adaptation Tipping Points of Salinity Management for Boro Season Rice Cultivation in the Coastal Areas of Bangladesh

Salinity-affected threshold yield loss: A signal of adaptation tipping points for salinity management of dry season rice cultivation in the coastal areas of Bangladesh

Bringing farmers’ perceptions into science and policy: Understanding salinity tolerance of rice in southwestern Bangladesh under climate change

Md Aminul Islam Information



PhD fellow



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

Google Scholar

Md Aminul Islam Skills & Research Interests

Climate change adaptation in Agriculture

crop model

water management

drought resilience

drought risk assessment for plantati

Top articles of Md Aminul Islam

Understanding Constraints and Enablers of Climate Risk Management Strategies: Evidence from Smallholder Dairy Farmers in Regional South India



Md Aminul Islam
Md Aminul Islam

H-Index: 3

Magnitude and Risk of Livelihood Asset Damage due to Climate Change-Induced Disasters of the Coastal Fisher of Bangladesh

Available at SSRN 4658712


A systematic review of emerging environmental markets: Potential pathways to creating shared value for communities


Md Aminul Islam
Md Aminul Islam

H-Index: 3

Contextualisation of salinisation and adaptation preferences in the coastal areas of Bangladesh: Bringing together farmers' salinity perspectives into place‐based policy …

Land Degradation & Development


Exploring the potential areas of research to increase drought resiliency of agricultural industries in Australia

International Tropical Agriculture Conference 2022 (TropAg 2022)


Adaptation Tipping Points of Salinity Management for Boro Season Rice Cultivation in the Coastal Areas of Bangladesh


Salinity-affected threshold yield loss: A signal of adaptation tipping points for salinity management of dry season rice cultivation in the coastal areas of Bangladesh

Journal of Environmental Management


Md Aminul Islam
Md Aminul Islam

H-Index: 3

Richard Koech
Richard Koech

H-Index: 12

Bringing farmers’ perceptions into science and policy: Understanding salinity tolerance of rice in southwestern Bangladesh under climate change

Land Use Policy


The importance of farmers' perceptions of salinity and adaptation strategies for ensuring food security: Evidence from the coastal rice growing areas of Bangladesh

Science of The Total Environment


See List of Professors in Md Aminul Islam University(University of New England, Australia)

