Mavuto Mukaka

Mavuto Mukaka

University of Oxford

H-index: 34

Europe-United Kingdom

About Mavuto Mukaka

Mavuto Mukaka, With an exceptional h-index of 34 and a recent h-index of 26 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Oxford, specializes in the field of Statistical methodology.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

The relationship between viral clearance rates and disease progression in early symptomatic COVID-19: a systematic review and meta-regression analysis

Scrub typhus in Indonesia: A cross-sectional analysis of archived fever studies samples

Antimalarial chemoprophylaxis for forest goers in southeast Asia: an open-label, individually randomised controlled trial

Short intravenous amphotericin B followed by oral posaconazole using a simple, stratified treatment approach for diabetes or COVID-19–associated rhino-orbito-cerebral …

Population genomics and transcriptomics of Plasmodium falciparum uncover components of the artemisinin resistance genetic background.

Factors affecting haemoglobin dynamics in African children with acute uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria treated with single low-dose primaquine or …

Pharmacokinetics of single low dose primaquine in Ugandan and Congolese children with falciparum malaria

Anopheles funestus sensu stricto Giles (Diptera: Culicidae) bites after sunrise at two rural villages in northern Malawi and its implications for malaria vector control

Mavuto Mukaka Information



Head of Statistics MORU



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Mavuto Mukaka Skills & Research Interests

Statistical methodology

Top articles of Mavuto Mukaka

The relationship between viral clearance rates and disease progression in early symptomatic COVID-19: a systematic review and meta-regression analysis


Scrub typhus in Indonesia: A cross-sectional analysis of archived fever studies samples

Transactions of The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene


Kartika Saraswati
Kartika Saraswati

H-Index: 3

Mavuto Mukaka
Mavuto Mukaka

H-Index: 24

Antimalarial chemoprophylaxis for forest goers in southeast Asia: an open-label, individually randomised controlled trial

The Lancet Infectious Diseases


Thomas J Peto
Thomas J Peto

H-Index: 20

Mavuto Mukaka
Mavuto Mukaka

H-Index: 24

Short intravenous amphotericin B followed by oral posaconazole using a simple, stratified treatment approach for diabetes or COVID-19–associated rhino-orbito-cerebral …

Clinical Microbiology and Infection


Mavuto Mukaka
Mavuto Mukaka

H-Index: 24

Population genomics and transcriptomics of Plasmodium falciparum uncover components of the artemisinin resistance genetic background.


Factors affecting haemoglobin dynamics in African children with acute uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria treated with single low-dose primaquine or …

BMC medicine


Kathryn Maitland
Kathryn Maitland

H-Index: 36

Mavuto Mukaka
Mavuto Mukaka

H-Index: 24

Pharmacokinetics of single low dose primaquine in Ugandan and Congolese children with falciparum malaria



Mavuto Mukaka
Mavuto Mukaka

H-Index: 24

Kathryn Maitland
Kathryn Maitland

H-Index: 36

Anopheles funestus sensu stricto Giles (Diptera: Culicidae) bites after sunrise at two rural villages in northern Malawi and its implications for malaria vector control

Malawi Medical Journal


Mavuto Mukaka
Mavuto Mukaka

H-Index: 24

Intravenous Doxycycline, Azithromycin, or Both for Severe Scrub Typhus. Reply

New England Journal of Medicine


Navneet Sharma
Navneet Sharma

H-Index: 4

Mavuto Mukaka
Mavuto Mukaka

H-Index: 24

Experiences, coping strategies and perspectives of people in Malaysia during the COVID-19 pandemic

BMC public health


Anne Osterrieder
Anne Osterrieder

H-Index: 11

Mavuto Mukaka
Mavuto Mukaka

H-Index: 24

Predicting adherence to postdischarge malaria chemoprevention in Malawian pre-school children: A prognostic multivariable analysis

PLOS Global Public Health


Mavuto Mukaka
Mavuto Mukaka

H-Index: 24

Bjarne Robberstad
Bjarne Robberstad

H-Index: 17

Safety of age-dosed, single low-dose primaquine in children with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency who are infected with Plasmodium falciparum in Uganda and the …

The Lancet Infectious Diseases


Kathryn Maitland
Kathryn Maitland

H-Index: 36

Mavuto Mukaka
Mavuto Mukaka

H-Index: 24

Investigating the secondary use of clinical research data: protocol for a mixed methods study

JMIR Research Protocols


Correction: The 20-minute whole blood clotting test (20WBCT) for snakebite coagulopathy—A systematic review and meta-analysis of diagnostic test accuracy


Mixed methods study protocol for combining stakeholder-led rapid evaluation with near real-time continuous registry data to facilitate evaluations of quality of care in …

Wellcome Open Research


Effect of patient-delivered household contact tracing and prevention for tuberculosis: A household cluster-randomised trial in Malawi

Plos one


Peter Macpherson
Peter Macpherson

H-Index: 19

Mavuto Mukaka
Mavuto Mukaka

H-Index: 24

Analysis of Recurrent Times-to-Clinical Malaria Episodes and Plasmodium falciparum Parasitemia: A Joint Modeling Approach Applied to a Cohort Data

Frontiers in Epidemiology


Mavuto Mukaka
Mavuto Mukaka

H-Index: 24

Correction: Assessing the impact of a novel house design on the incidence of malaria in children in rural Africa: study protocol for a household-cluster randomized controlled …



Mavuto Mukaka
Mavuto Mukaka

H-Index: 24

Jacqueline Deen
Jacqueline Deen

H-Index: 30

Assessing the impact of a novel house design on the incidence of malaria in children in rural Africa: study protocol for a household-cluster randomized controlled superiority trial



Mavuto Mukaka
Mavuto Mukaka

H-Index: 24

Jacqueline Deen
Jacqueline Deen

H-Index: 30

Contribution of genetic factors to high rates of neonatal hyperbilirubinaemia on the Thailand-Myanmar border

PLOS Global Public Health


Mavuto Mukaka
Mavuto Mukaka

H-Index: 24

See List of Professors in Mavuto Mukaka University(University of Oxford)