Martina Mara

About Martina Mara

Martina Mara, With an exceptional h-index of 17 and a recent h-index of 16 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, specializes in the field of human-robot interaction, artificial intelligence, psychology, human-computer interaction.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Teaming with a Robot in Mixed Reality: Dynamics of Trust, Self-Efficacy, and Mental Models Affected by Information Richness

Development and Validation of a Basic Psychological Needs Scale for Technology Use

Influence of conceptions of ability on learning self-efficacy and AI learning intention

Understanding AI through music: Effects of an educational song on AI literacy and AI interest over two weeks

(Counter-) stereotypical Gendering of Robots in Care: Impact on Needs Satisfaction and Gender Role Concepts in Men and Women Users

Explainable Artificial Intelligence improves human decision-making: Results from a mushroom picking experiment at a public art festival

How to explain AI in an understandable way? Citizen scientists, AI experts and artists find answers together

When Do People Anthropomorphize Conversational AI?

Martina Mara Information



Professor of Robopsychology



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

Google Scholar

Martina Mara Skills & Research Interests

human-robot interaction

artificial intelligence


human-computer interaction

Top articles of Martina Mara

Teaming with a Robot in Mixed Reality: Dynamics of Trust, Self-Efficacy, and Mental Models Affected by Information Richness

International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction


Thomas Meneweger
Thomas Meneweger

H-Index: 9

Martina Mara
Martina Mara

H-Index: 10

Development and Validation of a Basic Psychological Needs Scale for Technology Use

Psychological Test Adaptation and Development


Martina Mara
Martina Mara

H-Index: 10

Influence of conceptions of ability on learning self-efficacy and AI learning intention


Martina Mara
Martina Mara

H-Index: 10

Understanding AI through music: Effects of an educational song on AI literacy and AI interest over two weeks


Martina Mara
Martina Mara

H-Index: 10

Thomas Meneweger
Thomas Meneweger

H-Index: 9

(Counter-) stereotypical Gendering of Robots in Care: Impact on Needs Satisfaction and Gender Role Concepts in Men and Women Users

International Journal of Social Robotics


Explainable Artificial Intelligence improves human decision-making: Results from a mushroom picking experiment at a public art festival

International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction


How to explain AI in an understandable way? Citizen scientists, AI experts and artists find answers together


Thomas Meneweger
Thomas Meneweger

H-Index: 9

Martina Mara
Martina Mara

H-Index: 10

When Do People Anthropomorphize Conversational AI?


Martina Mara
Martina Mara

H-Index: 10

First impressions of a financial AI assistant: Differences between high trust and low trust users

Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence


Martina Mara
Martina Mara

H-Index: 10

An Immersive Game Projection Setup for Studies on Collaboration with a Real Robot


Martina Mara
Martina Mara

H-Index: 10

Show me a "Male Nurse"! How Gender Bias is Reflected in the Query Formulation of Search Engine Users


Effects of Explainable Artificial Intelligence on trust and human behavior in a high-risk decision task

Computers in Human Behavior


Do Men Have No Need for “Feminist” Artificial Intelligence? Agentic and Gendered Voice Assistants in the Light of Basic Psychological Needs

Frontiers in Psychology


Martina Mara
Martina Mara

H-Index: 10

Robot Voices in Daily Life: Vocal Human-Likeness and Application Context as Determinants of User Acceptance

Frontiers in Psychology


Martina Mara
Martina Mara

H-Index: 10

Crisis ahead? Why human-robot interaction user studies may have replicability problems and directions for improvement

Frontiers in Robotics and AI


Martina Mara
Martina Mara

H-Index: 10

Acceptance of autonomous vehicles: An overview of user-specific, car-specific and contextual determinants


Martina Mara
Martina Mara

H-Index: 10

Comparing Effects of Attribution-based, Example-based, and Feature-based Explanation Methods on AI-Assisted Decision-Making


Human-Like Robots and the Uncanny Valley: A Meta-Analysis of User Responses Based on the Godspeed Scales


Martina Mara
Martina Mara

H-Index: 10

Markus Appel
Markus Appel

H-Index: 31

What Drives Acceptance of Occupational Exoskeletons? Focus Group Insights from Workers in Food Retail and Corporate Logistics

International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction


Martina Mara
Martina Mara

H-Index: 10

It's your turn!--A collaborative human-robot pick-and-place scenario in a virtual industrial setting

arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.13838


Martina Mara
Martina Mara

H-Index: 10

See List of Professors in Martina Mara University(Johannes Kepler Universität Linz)