Martha Tamez

Martha Tamez

Harvard University

H-index: 17

North America-United States

About Martha Tamez

Martha Tamez, With an exceptional h-index of 17 and a recent h-index of 15 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Harvard University, specializes in the field of Nutrition, Epidemiology, Public Health.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Adherence to a Traditional Mexican Diet Is Associated with Lower Hepatic Steatosis in US-Born Hispanics of Mexican Descent with Overweight or Obesity

Self-Rated Health and Medically Diagnosed Chronic Disease Association among Adults in Puerto Rico

P24-018-23 Sociodemographic and Behavioral Factors Associated With Metabolic Syndrome in Adults Living in Puerto Rico

P24-095-23 Association of Frequency, Location, and Mealtime of Foods Consumed Away-From-Home and Cardiometabolic Factors Among Adults in Puerto Rico

Consumption of foods away from home is associated with lower diet quality among adults living in Puerto Rico

Association between adverse experiences during Hurricane María and mental and emotional distress among adults in Puerto Rico

Household food security, changes in cardiometabolic biomarkers, and type 2 diabetes risk among US Hispanic/Latino adults from the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study on …

Positive attitudes toward legumes are associated with legume intake among adults in Puerto Rico

Martha Tamez Information



Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Martha Tamez Skills & Research Interests



Public Health

Top articles of Martha Tamez

Adherence to a Traditional Mexican Diet Is Associated with Lower Hepatic Steatosis in US-Born Hispanics of Mexican Descent with Overweight or Obesity



Martha Tamez
Martha Tamez

H-Index: 9

Self-Rated Health and Medically Diagnosed Chronic Disease Association among Adults in Puerto Rico

Ethnicity & Disease


Cristina Gago
Cristina Gago

H-Index: 1

Martha Tamez
Martha Tamez

H-Index: 9

P24-018-23 Sociodemographic and Behavioral Factors Associated With Metabolic Syndrome in Adults Living in Puerto Rico

Current Developments in Nutrition


P24-095-23 Association of Frequency, Location, and Mealtime of Foods Consumed Away-From-Home and Cardiometabolic Factors Among Adults in Puerto Rico

Current Developments in Nutrition


Martha Tamez
Martha Tamez

H-Index: 9

Katherine Tucker
Katherine Tucker

H-Index: 64

Consumption of foods away from home is associated with lower diet quality among adults living in Puerto Rico

Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics


Martha Tamez
Martha Tamez

H-Index: 9

Association between adverse experiences during Hurricane María and mental and emotional distress among adults in Puerto Rico

Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology


Abrania Marrero
Abrania Marrero

H-Index: 0

Martha Tamez
Martha Tamez

H-Index: 9

Household food security, changes in cardiometabolic biomarkers, and type 2 diabetes risk among US Hispanic/Latino adults from the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study on …

APHA 2022 Annual Meeting and Expo


Martha Tamez
Martha Tamez

H-Index: 9

Amber Pirzada
Amber Pirzada

H-Index: 15

Positive attitudes toward legumes are associated with legume intake among adults in Puerto Rico

Nutrition Research


Martha Tamez
Martha Tamez

H-Index: 9

Access to Drinking Water, Sugar-Sweetened Beverage and Water Intake, and Abdominal Obesity in Puerto Rican Adults

Current Developments in Nutrition


Martha Tamez
Martha Tamez

H-Index: 9

Environmental impact of animal-based food production and the feasibility of a shift toward sustainable plant-based diets in the United States


Association of fruit and vegetable color with incident diabetes and cardiometabolic risk biomarkers in the United States Hispanic/Latino population

Nutrition & Diabetes


Martha Tamez
Martha Tamez

H-Index: 9

Judith Rodriguez
Judith Rodriguez

H-Index: 6

The gut microbiome modifies the association between a Mediterranean diet and diabetes in USA Hispanic/Latino population

The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism


Chronic diseases and associated risk factors among adults in Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria

JAMA Network Open


Martha Tamez
Martha Tamez

H-Index: 9

Sebastien Haneuse
Sebastien Haneuse

H-Index: 35

Associations between perceived stress and dietary intake in adults in Puerto Rico

Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics


Martha Tamez
Martha Tamez

H-Index: 9

Associations between diet quality scores and central obesity among adults in Puerto Rico

Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics


Emily Riseberg
Emily Riseberg

H-Index: 0

Martha Tamez
Martha Tamez

H-Index: 9

The leptin system and diet: a mini review of the current evidence


Abrania Marrero
Abrania Marrero

H-Index: 0

Martha Tamez
Martha Tamez

H-Index: 9

Weight stigma and social media: evidence and public health solutions


Abrania Marrero
Abrania Marrero

H-Index: 0

Martha Tamez
Martha Tamez

H-Index: 9

Improving healthy food choices in low-income settings in the United States using behavioral economic-based adaptations to choice architecture


The association between purchasing locally produced food and diet quality among adults in Puerto Rico

Public Health Nutrition


Abrania Marrero
Abrania Marrero

H-Index: 0

Martha Tamez
Martha Tamez

H-Index: 9

Abstract P136: Access To Potable Water, Sugar-Sweetened Beverages, And Central Obesity In Puerto Rico



Martha Tamez
Martha Tamez

H-Index: 9

See List of Professors in Martha Tamez University(Harvard University)