Maquins Odhiambo Sewe

About Maquins Odhiambo Sewe

Maquins Odhiambo Sewe, With an exceptional h-index of 27 and a recent h-index of 24 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Umeå universitet, specializes in the field of Climate and Health.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Enabling countries to manage outbreaks: statistical, operational, and contextual analysis of the early warning and response system (EWARS-csd) for dengue outbreaks

The effects of cool roofs on health, environmental, and economic outcomes in rural Africa: study protocol for a community-based cluster randomized controlled trial

The 2023 report of the Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: the imperative for a health-centred response in a world facing irreversible harms

Impact of heat on mental health emergency visits: a time series study from all public emergency centres, in Curitiba, Brazil

Decision-support tools to build climate resilience against emerging infectious diseases in Europe and beyond

The effect of extreme temperature and precipitation on cause-specific deaths in rural Burkina Faso: a longitudinal study

Climate variability, socio-economic conditions and vulnerability to malaria infections in Mozambique 2016–2018: a spatial temporal analysis

European projections of West Nile virus transmission under climate change scenarios

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Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




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Maquins Odhiambo Sewe Skills & Research Interests

Climate and Health

Top articles of Maquins Odhiambo Sewe

Enabling countries to manage outbreaks: statistical, operational, and contextual analysis of the early warning and response system (EWARS-csd) for dengue outbreaks

Frontiers in Public Health


Maquins Odhiambo Sewe
Maquins Odhiambo Sewe

H-Index: 19

Laith Hussain-Alkhateeb
Laith Hussain-Alkhateeb

H-Index: 9

The effects of cool roofs on health, environmental, and economic outcomes in rural Africa: study protocol for a community-based cluster randomized controlled trial



Impact of heat on mental health emergency visits: a time series study from all public emergency centres, in Curitiba, Brazil

BMJ open


Maquins Odhiambo Sewe
Maquins Odhiambo Sewe

H-Index: 19

Thomas Müller
Thomas Müller

H-Index: 10

Aditi Bunker
Aditi Bunker

H-Index: 5

The effect of extreme temperature and precipitation on cause-specific deaths in rural Burkina Faso: a longitudinal study

The Lancet Planetary Health


Climate variability, socio-economic conditions and vulnerability to malaria infections in Mozambique 2016–2018: a spatial temporal analysis

Frontiers in Public Health


European projections of West Nile virus transmission under climate change scenarios

One Health


A Methodological Framework for Economic Evaluation of Operational Response to Vector-Borne Diseases Based on Early Warning Systems

The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene


Public health determinants of child malaria mortality: a surveillance study within Siaya County, Western Kenya

Malaria Journal


Physical activity attenuates but does not eliminate coronary heart disease risk amongst adults with risk factors: EPIC-CVD case-cohort study

European journal of preventive cardiology


Artificial intelligence to predict West Nile virus outbreaks with eco-climatic drivers

The Lancet Regional Health–Europe


P49 Determinants of trends in reported antibiotic use for sick children from LMICs (2005–17): analysis of 132 national surveys from 73 countries

JAC-Antimicrobial Resistance


Laith Hussain-Alkhateeb
Laith Hussain-Alkhateeb

H-Index: 9

Maquins Odhiambo Sewe
Maquins Odhiambo Sewe

H-Index: 19

Projecting the risk of mosquito-borne diseases in a warmer and more populated world: a multi-model, multi-scenario intercomparison modelling study

The Lancet Planetary Health


Determinants of trends in reported antibiotic use among sick children under five years of age across low-income and middle-income countries in 2005–17: A systematic analysis of …

International Journal of Infectious Diseases


Laith Hussain-Alkhateeb
Laith Hussain-Alkhateeb

H-Index: 9

Maquins Odhiambo Sewe
Maquins Odhiambo Sewe

H-Index: 19

Knowledge and information exposure about family planning among women of reproductive age in informal settlements of Kira municipality, Wakiso district, Uganda

Frontiers in global women's health


See List of Professors in Maquins Odhiambo Sewe University(Umeå universitet)