Manuel Monge Palacios

About Manuel Monge Palacios

Manuel Monge Palacios, With an exceptional h-index of 17 and a recent h-index of 14 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, specializes in the field of Theoretical/Computational Chemistry, Gas Phase Kinetics and Dynamics, Combustion and Atmospheric Chemistry, Kinetic modelling.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Oxidation of hydrogen sulfide and CO2 mixtures: Laser-based multi-speciation and kinetic modeling

Quantum chemistry and kinetics of hydrogen sulphide oxidation

Methanol oxy-combustion and supercritical water oxidation: A ReaxFF molecular dynamics study

State-Specific Dissociation and Inelastic Rate Constants for Collisions of with H and He

High-resolution mass spectrometry of pyrene dimers formed in a jet-stirred reactor

Large-scale thermochemistry calculations for combustion models

Diethyl ether oxidation: Revisiting the kinetics of the intramolecular hydrogen abstraction reactions of its primary and secondary peroxy radicals

An experimental and kinetic modeling study of the pyrolysis of isoprene, a significant biogenic hydrocarbon in naturally occurring vegetation fires

Manuel Monge Palacios Information



Research Scientist



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Manuel Monge Palacios Skills & Research Interests

Theoretical/Computational Chemistry

Gas Phase Kinetics and Dynamics

Combustion and Atmospheric Chemistry

Kinetic modelling

Top articles of Manuel Monge Palacios

Oxidation of hydrogen sulfide and CO2 mixtures: Laser-based multi-speciation and kinetic modeling

Chemical Engineering Journal


Quantum chemistry and kinetics of hydrogen sulphide oxidation

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics


Manuel Monge-Palacios
Manuel Monge-Palacios

H-Index: 11

Methanol oxy-combustion and supercritical water oxidation: A ReaxFF molecular dynamics study



Manuel Monge-Palacios
Manuel Monge-Palacios

H-Index: 11

State-Specific Dissociation and Inelastic Rate Constants for Collisions of with H and He

Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer


Manuel Monge-Palacios
Manuel Monge-Palacios

H-Index: 11

High-resolution mass spectrometry of pyrene dimers formed in a jet-stirred reactor

Combustion and Flame


Large-scale thermochemistry calculations for combustion models

Applications in Energy and Combustion Science


Yang Li
Yang Li

H-Index: 4

Manuel Monge-Palacios
Manuel Monge-Palacios

H-Index: 11

Diethyl ether oxidation: Revisiting the kinetics of the intramolecular hydrogen abstraction reactions of its primary and secondary peroxy radicals



Yaozong Duan
Yaozong Duan

H-Index: 8

Manuel Monge-Palacios
Manuel Monge-Palacios

H-Index: 11

Dong Han
Dong Han

H-Index: 10

An experimental and kinetic modeling study of the pyrolysis of isoprene, a significant biogenic hydrocarbon in naturally occurring vegetation fires

Combustion and Flame


Quasi-classical trajectory state-specific dissociation rates of the H2+ H collision

2nd International Conference on Flight Vehicles, Aerothermodynamics and Re-entry Missions & Engineering (FAR), Heilbronn, Germany


Manuel Monge-Palacios
Manuel Monge-Palacios

H-Index: 11

The effect of hydrogen bonding on the reactivity of OH radicals with prenol and isoprenol: a shock tube and multi-structural torsional variational transition state theory study

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics


Probing the gas-phase oxidation of ammonia: Addressing uncertainties with theoretical calculations

Combustion and Flame


Manuel Monge-Palacios
Manuel Monge-Palacios

H-Index: 11

Xiaoyuan Zhang
Xiaoyuan Zhang

H-Index: 11

Atomistic simulations of syngas oxy-combustion in supercritical CO2

Journal of CO2 Utilization


Manuel Monge-Palacios
Manuel Monge-Palacios

H-Index: 11

Early chemistry of nicotine degradation in heat-not-burn smoking devices and conventional cigarettes: implications for users and second-and third-hand smokers

The Journal of Physical Chemistry A


Manuel Monge-Palacios
Manuel Monge-Palacios

H-Index: 11

A theoretical study of the Ḣ-and HOȮ-assisted propen-2-ol tautomerizations: Reactive systems to evaluate collision efficiency definitions on chemically activated reactions …

Combustion and Flame


Manuel Monge-Palacios
Manuel Monge-Palacios

H-Index: 11

Efficient alkane oxidation under combustion engine and atmospheric conditions

Communications chemistry


Zhandong Wang
Zhandong Wang

H-Index: 29

Manuel Monge-Palacios
Manuel Monge-Palacios

H-Index: 11

Oxidation kinetics of n-pentanol: A theoretical study of the reactivity of the 1‑hydroxy‑1-peroxypentyl radical

Combustion and Flame


Collision efficiency parameter influence on pressure-dependent rate constant calculations using the SS-QRRK theory

The Journal of Physical Chemistry A


Manuel Monge-Palacios
Manuel Monge-Palacios

H-Index: 11

Data science approach to estimate enthalpy of formation of cyclic hydrocarbons

The Journal of Physical Chemistry A


Manuel Monge-Palacios
Manuel Monge-Palacios

H-Index: 11

Xin Gao
Xin Gao

H-Index: 20

Alkane autoxidation and aerosol formation: new insights from combustion engines to the atmosphere

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Zhandong Wang
Zhandong Wang

H-Index: 29

Manuel Monge-Palacios
Manuel Monge-Palacios

H-Index: 11

Kinetics of the benzyl+ HO 2 and benzoxyl+ OH barrierless association reactions: fate of the benzyl hydroperoxide adduct under combustion and atmospheric conditions

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics


Manuel Monge-Palacios
Manuel Monge-Palacios

H-Index: 11

See List of Professors in Manuel Monge Palacios University(King Abdullah University of Science and Technology)

