Maithili Sharan

About Maithili Sharan

Maithili Sharan, With an exceptional h-index of 30 and a recent h-index of 15 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Indian Institute of Technology Delhi,

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

An update to WRF surface layer parameterization over an Indian region

An Updated Parameterization of the Unstable Atmospheric Surface Layer in WRF Modeling System

Sensitivity of boundary layer parameterization to the critical bulk Richardson number in a climate model over India and its adjoining regions

Impact of the similarity functions of surface layer parametrization in a climate model over the Indian region

Incorporation of Various Stability Correction Functions for Computation of Surface Fluxes in Weather Research and Forecasting Model: An Evaluation over an Indian Region

Analysis of Observational Characteristic Features of the Eulerian Autocorrelation Function in Low and Moderate Wind Conditions

Performance of two planetary boundary layer parameterizations in the NCAR-CAM5 climate model over different climatic zones within Indian land

Evaluation of Newly Developed Similarity Functions under Stable Condition with a Mesoscale Model over the Indian Region

Maithili Sharan Information



Centre for Atmospheric Sciences (India)



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Top articles of Maithili Sharan

An update to WRF surface layer parameterization over an Indian region

Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans


Piyush Srivastava
Piyush Srivastava

H-Index: 4

Maithili Sharan
Maithili Sharan

H-Index: 15

An Updated Parameterization of the Unstable Atmospheric Surface Layer in WRF Modeling System

Geoscientific Model Development Discussions


Sensitivity of boundary layer parameterization to the critical bulk Richardson number in a climate model over India and its adjoining regions

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Maithili Sharan
Maithili Sharan

H-Index: 15

Saroj Kanta Mishra
Saroj Kanta Mishra

H-Index: 22

Impact of the similarity functions of surface layer parametrization in a climate model over the Indian region

Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society


Maithili Sharan
Maithili Sharan

H-Index: 15

Incorporation of Various Stability Correction Functions for Computation of Surface Fluxes in Weather Research and Forecasting Model: An Evaluation over an Indian Region

AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts


Maithili Sharan
Maithili Sharan

H-Index: 15

Analysis of Observational Characteristic Features of the Eulerian Autocorrelation Function in Low and Moderate Wind Conditions

Boundary-Layer Meteorology


Maithili Sharan
Maithili Sharan

H-Index: 15

Performance of two planetary boundary layer parameterizations in the NCAR-CAM5 climate model over different climatic zones within Indian land

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Maithili Sharan
Maithili Sharan

H-Index: 15

Saroj Kanta Mishra
Saroj Kanta Mishra

H-Index: 22

Evaluation of Newly Developed Similarity Functions under Stable Condition with a Mesoscale Model over the Indian Region

AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts


Piyush Srivastava
Piyush Srivastava

H-Index: 4

Maithili Sharan
Maithili Sharan

H-Index: 15

A note on surface layer parameterizations in the weather research and forecast model

Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans


Uncertainty in the parameterization of surface fluxes under unstable conditions

Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences


Piyush Srivastava
Piyush Srivastava

H-Index: 4

Maithili Sharan
Maithili Sharan

H-Index: 15

Application of AERMOD for the identification of a point-source release in the FFT-07 experiment

Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health


Gavendra Pandey
Gavendra Pandey

H-Index: 3

Maithili Sharan
Maithili Sharan

H-Index: 15

On stability correction functions over the Indian region under stable conditions

Meteorological Applications


Investigation of WRF’s ability to simulate the monsoon-related seasonal variability in the thermodynamics and precipitation over southern peninsular India

Theoretical and Applied Climatology


Maithili Sharan
Maithili Sharan

H-Index: 15

Sensitivity studies with different formulations for similarity functions used in surface layer scheme, over the tropical region, in a climate model

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Maithili Sharan
Maithili Sharan

H-Index: 15

Saroj Kanta Mishra
Saroj Kanta Mishra

H-Index: 22

Development of observation-based parameterizations of standard deviations of wind velocity fluctuations over an Indian region

Theoretical and applied climatology


Theoretical Issues in the Application of Bayesian Data Assimilation in Context of Meteorology. Part 2: Stability and convergence


Maithili Sharan
Maithili Sharan

H-Index: 15

See List of Professors in Maithili Sharan University(Indian Institute of Technology Delhi)

