Mahmoud Reza Hashemi

About Mahmoud Reza Hashemi

Mahmoud Reza Hashemi, With an exceptional h-index of 16 and a recent h-index of 12 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Tehran, specializes in the field of Multimedia Systems, Multimedia Networking, Gaming Systems, Security of IT services.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Lightweight Multitask Learning for Robust JND Prediction using Latent Space and Reconstructed Frames

MTJND: Multi-Task Deep Learning Framework for Improved JND Prediction

GAMORRA: An API-level workload model for rasterization-based graphics pipeline architecture

BL-JUNIPER: A CNN-Assisted Framework for Perceptual Video Coding Leveraging Block-Level JND

Game Audio Impacts on Players’ Visual Attention, Model Performance for Cloud Gaming

BLINC: lightweight bimodal learning for low-complexity VVC intra-coding

An efficient six-parameter perspective motion model for VVC

A hybrid graphics/video rate control method based on graphical assets for cloud gaming

Mahmoud Reza Hashemi Information



Associate Professor



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

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Mahmoud Reza Hashemi Skills & Research Interests

Multimedia Systems

Multimedia Networking

Gaming Systems

Security of IT services

Top articles of Mahmoud Reza Hashemi

Lightweight Multitask Learning for Robust JND Prediction using Latent Space and Reconstructed Frames


Sanaz Nami
Sanaz Nami

H-Index: 1

Farhad Pakdaman
Farhad Pakdaman

H-Index: 4

Mahmoud Reza Hashemi
Mahmoud Reza Hashemi

H-Index: 10

MTJND: Multi-Task Deep Learning Framework for Improved JND Prediction


Sanaz Nami
Sanaz Nami

H-Index: 1

Farhad Pakdaman
Farhad Pakdaman

H-Index: 4

Mahmoud Reza Hashemi
Mahmoud Reza Hashemi

H-Index: 10

GAMORRA: An API-level workload model for rasterization-based graphics pipeline architecture

Computers & Graphics


Iman Soltani Mohammadi
Iman Soltani Mohammadi

H-Index: 1

Mahmoud Reza Hashemi
Mahmoud Reza Hashemi

H-Index: 10

BL-JUNIPER: A CNN-Assisted Framework for Perceptual Video Coding Leveraging Block-Level JND

IEEE Transactions on Multimedia


Sanaz Nami
Sanaz Nami

H-Index: 1

Farhad Pakdaman
Farhad Pakdaman

H-Index: 4

Mahmoud Reza Hashemi
Mahmoud Reza Hashemi

H-Index: 10

Game Audio Impacts on Players’ Visual Attention, Model Performance for Cloud Gaming


Morva Saaty
Morva Saaty

H-Index: 1

Mahmoud Reza Hashemi
Mahmoud Reza Hashemi

H-Index: 10

BLINC: lightweight bimodal learning for low-complexity VVC intra-coding

Journal of Real-Time Image Processing


Farhad Pakdaman
Farhad Pakdaman

H-Index: 4

Mahmoud Reza Hashemi
Mahmoud Reza Hashemi

H-Index: 10

An efficient six-parameter perspective motion model for VVC

Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation


Iman Soltani Mohammadi
Iman Soltani Mohammadi

H-Index: 1

Mahmoud Reza Hashemi
Mahmoud Reza Hashemi

H-Index: 10

A hybrid graphics/video rate control method based on graphical assets for cloud gaming

Journal of Real-Time Image Processing


Iman Soltani Mohammadi
Iman Soltani Mohammadi

H-Index: 1

Mahmoud Reza Hashemi
Mahmoud Reza Hashemi

H-Index: 10

Editorial Applied Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Video Coding and Streaming

IEEE Open Journal of Signal Processing


Mahmoud Reza Hashemi
Mahmoud Reza Hashemi

H-Index: 10

Ying Chen
Ying Chen

H-Index: 6

Fine-grain complexity control of HEVC intra prediction in battery-powered video codecs

Journal of Real-Time Image Processing


SVM based approach for complexity control of HEVC intra coding

Signal Processing: Image Communication


Farhad Pakdaman
Farhad Pakdaman

H-Index: 4

Li Yu
Li Yu

H-Index: 2

Mahmoud Reza Hashemi
Mahmoud Reza Hashemi

H-Index: 10

A Skill-Based Visual Attention Model for Cloud Gaming

IEEE Access


Complexity analysis of next-generation vvc encoding and decoding


Farhad Pakdaman
Farhad Pakdaman

H-Index: 4

Mahmoud Reza Hashemi
Mahmoud Reza Hashemi

H-Index: 10

Juniper: A Jnd-Based Perceptual Video Coding Framework to Jointly Utilize Saliency and JND


Sanaz Nami
Sanaz Nami

H-Index: 1

Farhad Pakdaman
Farhad Pakdaman

H-Index: 4

Mahmoud Reza Hashemi
Mahmoud Reza Hashemi

H-Index: 10

SARA-SDN: state aware resource allocation in SDN to improve QoE in cloud gaming


Farhad Pakdaman
Farhad Pakdaman

H-Index: 4

Mahmoud Reza Hashemi
Mahmoud Reza Hashemi

H-Index: 10

FRAME-SDN: a fair resource allocation for multiplayer edge-based cloud gaming in SDN


Farhad Pakdaman
Farhad Pakdaman

H-Index: 4

Mahmoud Reza Hashemi
Mahmoud Reza Hashemi

H-Index: 10

An API-Level Frame Workload Model for Real-Time Rendering Applications

Authorea Preprints


A low complexity and computationally scalable fast motion estimation algorithm for HEVC

Multimedia Tools and Applications


Farhad Pakdaman
Farhad Pakdaman

H-Index: 4

Mahmoud Reza Hashemi
Mahmoud Reza Hashemi

H-Index: 10

Boosted Metaheuristic Algorithms for QoE-Aware Server Selection in Multiplayer Cloud Gaming

IEEE Access


Mahmoud Reza Hashemi
Mahmoud Reza Hashemi

H-Index: 10

Extended grounded theory: a methodology to combine multiple disciplines

Information Systems and e-Business Management


Mahmoud Reza Hashemi
Mahmoud Reza Hashemi

H-Index: 10

See List of Professors in Mahmoud Reza Hashemi University(University of Tehran)

