Magali Rizza

About Magali Rizza

Magali Rizza, With an exceptional h-index of 20 and a recent h-index of 18 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Aix-Marseille Université, specializes in the field of Tectonique active, paléosismologie.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Quartz Chemico-structural characterization: a tool for sediment source tracing

Revisiting a proof of concept in quartz-OSL bleaching processes using sands from a modern-day river (the Séveraisse, French Alps).

Interactions between tectonics, climate and surface processes over the last 200,000 years in the Naryn Basin (Kyrgyz Tien Shan).

The historical earthquake of 856 AD Qumis: A review of paleoseismological studies of the Astaneh Fault System, Central Alborz

Coupling dosimetric methods (luminescence and ESR) with hydrosedimentary connectivity to unravel source-to-sink dynamics in the Strengbach catchment (Eastern France)

The ANR QUARTZ project: A multi-method approach for quartz characterisation in alluvial sediments for source-to-sink tracing and dosimetry

Creation of Quartz ID cards for source tracing using a multi-method approach as part of the ANR Quartz project: Lithium as a key element

ESR and OSL variability in quartz extracted from magmatic, metamorphic or sedimentary rock

Magali Rizza Information



Maître de Conférence



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Magali Rizza Skills & Research Interests

Tectonique active


Top articles of Magali Rizza

Quartz Chemico-structural characterization: a tool for sediment source tracing


Magali Rizza
Magali Rizza

H-Index: 14

Revisiting a proof of concept in quartz-OSL bleaching processes using sands from a modern-day river (the Séveraisse, French Alps).


Magali Rizza
Magali Rizza

H-Index: 14

Michal Tal
Michal Tal

H-Index: 8

Interactions between tectonics, climate and surface processes over the last 200,000 years in the Naryn Basin (Kyrgyz Tien Shan).


Magali Rizza
Magali Rizza

H-Index: 14

Alexis Nutz
Alexis Nutz

H-Index: 7

The historical earthquake of 856 AD Qumis: A review of paleoseismological studies of the Astaneh Fault System, Central Alborz


Magali Rizza
Magali Rizza

H-Index: 14

Coupling dosimetric methods (luminescence and ESR) with hydrosedimentary connectivity to unravel source-to-sink dynamics in the Strengbach catchment (Eastern France)


The ANR QUARTZ project: A multi-method approach for quartz characterisation in alluvial sediments for source-to-sink tracing and dosimetry


Magali Rizza
Magali Rizza

H-Index: 14

Samuel Moncayo
Samuel Moncayo

H-Index: 17

Creation of Quartz ID cards for source tracing using a multi-method approach as part of the ANR Quartz project: Lithium as a key element


Samuel Moncayo
Samuel Moncayo

H-Index: 17

Magali Rizza
Magali Rizza

H-Index: 14

ESR and OSL variability in quartz extracted from magmatic, metamorphic or sedimentary rock


Magali Rizza
Magali Rizza

H-Index: 14

Assessing geologic inheritance and strain partitionning in an intraplate block corner junction area. Insights from high-resolution topographic data and multiple Quaternary …

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Magali Rizza
Magali Rizza

H-Index: 14

Surface rupture and landscape response in the middle of the great Mw 8.3 1934 earthquake mesoseismal area: Khutti Khola site

Scientific Reports


Magali Rizza
Magali Rizza

H-Index: 14

Paul Tapponnier
Paul Tapponnier

H-Index: 60

Bedrock fault roughness resolves slip increments of large earthquakes: Case studies from Central Italy



36Cl exposure dating of glacial features to constrain the slip rate along the Mt. Vettore fault (Central Apennines, Italy)



Lucilla Benedetti
Lucilla Benedetti

H-Index: 24

Magali Rizza
Magali Rizza

H-Index: 14

Sinistral Strike Slip Faults of the Kyrgyz Tien Shan

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Paleoseismological investigations of the La Rouvière fault, unexpected source of the 11-11-2019, Mw 4.9 Le Teil surface rupturing earthquake (Cévennes fault system, France)


Magali Rizza
Magali Rizza

H-Index: 14

Proceedings 11th International INQUA Workshop on Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics and Archaeoseismology (“PATA Days”) 25-30 September 2022, Aix-En-Provence, FRANCE


Magali Rizza
Magali Rizza

H-Index: 14

The 2019 Le Teil surface-rupturing earthquake along the La Rouvière Fault within the Cévennes fault system (France): What does paleoseismology reveal?

E3S Web of Conferences


36Cl exposure dating of post-glacial features along the Mt Vettore Fault (Central Apennines, Italy) constraining fault slip rate and last glacial advance.

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Lucilla Benedetti
Lucilla Benedetti

H-Index: 24

Magali Rizza
Magali Rizza

H-Index: 14

New perspectives in studying active faults in metropolitan France: the “Active faults France”(FACT/ATS) research axis from the Resif-Epos consortium

Comptes Rendus. Géoscience


Assessing post-pliocene deformation in a context of slow tectonic deformation: insights from paleoseismology, remote sensing and shallow geophysics in Provence, France

Natural Hazards


Paléosismologie de la faille de La Rouvière, source inattendue du séisme du Teil (Mw4. 9) du 11-11-2019 (Faille des Cévennes, France)


Magali Rizza
Magali Rizza

H-Index: 14

See List of Professors in Magali Rizza University(Aix-Marseille Université)