Lucy Bryant

About Lucy Bryant

Lucy Bryant, With an exceptional h-index of 16 and a recent h-index of 15 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Technology, specializes in the field of Aphasia, Discourse Analysis, Virtual Reality, Technology.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Perspectives of people with dysphagia and their supporters on the potential for 3D food printing to improve mealtime-related quality of life

FOQUSAphasia: An Initiative to Facilitate Research of Spoken Discourse in Aphasia and Its Translation into Improved Evidence-based Practice for Discourse Treatment

Collaborative co-design and evaluation of an immersive virtual reality application prototype for communication rehabilitation (DISCOVR prototype)

Measuring communication as a core outcome in aphasia trials: Results of the ROMA‐2 international core outcome set development meeting

Best practice guidelines for reporting spoken discourse in aphasia and neurogenic communication disorders

A Scoping Review of the current interventions that assist with early recovery from moderate to severe traumatic brain injury

The true cost of dysphagia on quality of life: The views of adults with swallowing disability

Can the personal cost of dysphagia on quality of life, participation, and inclusion be reduced through improved food design and 3D food printing?: views of adults with …

Lucy Bryant Information



Lecturer Speech Pathology



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

Google Scholar

Lucy Bryant Skills & Research Interests


Discourse Analysis

Virtual Reality


Top articles of Lucy Bryant

Perspectives of people with dysphagia and their supporters on the potential for 3D food printing to improve mealtime-related quality of life

Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology


Rebecca Smith
Rebecca Smith

H-Index: 5

Lucy Bryant
Lucy Bryant

H-Index: 8

FOQUSAphasia: An Initiative to Facilitate Research of Spoken Discourse in Aphasia and Its Translation into Improved Evidence-based Practice for Discourse Treatment


Collaborative co-design and evaluation of an immersive virtual reality application prototype for communication rehabilitation (DISCOVR prototype)

Disability and rehabilitation: Assistive technology


Measuring communication as a core outcome in aphasia trials: Results of the ROMA‐2 international core outcome set development meeting

International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders


Best practice guidelines for reporting spoken discourse in aphasia and neurogenic communication disorders



A Scoping Review of the current interventions that assist with early recovery from moderate to severe traumatic brain injury


Lucy Bryant
Lucy Bryant

H-Index: 8

The true cost of dysphagia on quality of life: The views of adults with swallowing disability

International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders


Rebecca Smith
Rebecca Smith

H-Index: 5

Lucy Bryant
Lucy Bryant

H-Index: 8

Can the personal cost of dysphagia on quality of life, participation, and inclusion be reduced through improved food design and 3D food printing?: views of adults with …



Rebecca Smith
Rebecca Smith

H-Index: 5

Lucy Bryant
Lucy Bryant

H-Index: 8

Dysphagia, quality of life, and food design: an evidence-based model to guide inclusive dysphagia practice

Reflect, Respect, Respond: Speech Pathology Australia National Conference (SPA 2023), 21st-24th May, 2023, Hotel Grand Chancellor, Hobart


Rebecca Smith
Rebecca Smith

H-Index: 5

Lucy Bryant
Lucy Bryant

H-Index: 8

" No longer a dish served as' slop'": views on food shaping and 3D food printing to improve mealtime experiences and quality of life for people with dysphagia

Reflect, Respect, Respond: Speech Pathology Australia National Conference (SPA 2023), 21st-24th May, 2023, Hotel Grand Chancellor, Hobart


Rebecca Smith
Rebecca Smith

H-Index: 5

Lucy Bryant
Lucy Bryant

H-Index: 8

Mealtimes are a balancing act: health professionals' views on the quality of life impacts of dysphagia and potential for improvements through 3D food printing



Rebecca Smith
Rebecca Smith

H-Index: 5

Lucy Bryant
Lucy Bryant

H-Index: 8

Utilizing Virtual Reality for Gender‐Affirming Voice Training: Surveying the Attitudes and Perspectives of Potential Consumers

International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders


Charlotte Smith
Charlotte Smith

H-Index: 6

Lucy Bryant
Lucy Bryant

H-Index: 8

The effects of virtual reality immersion on the content and structure of the narrative discourse of healthy adults

International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders


Lucy Bryant
Lucy Bryant

H-Index: 8

Augmented reality: a view to future visual supports for people with disability

Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology


Lucy Bryant
Lucy Bryant

H-Index: 8

Developing and sustaining a social media ecosystem in speech-language pathology: Using innovative qualitative methods to visualise and cultivate a social media garden

International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology


Lucy Bryant
Lucy Bryant

H-Index: 8

Harmony Turnbull
Harmony Turnbull

H-Index: 1

Allied health professionals' views on the use of 3D food printing to improve the mealtime quality of life for people with dysphagia: impact, cost, practicality, and potential

American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology


Rebecca Smith
Rebecca Smith

H-Index: 5

Lucy Bryant
Lucy Bryant

H-Index: 8

Virtual reality and augmented reality for children, adolescents, and adults with communication disability and neurodevelopmental disorders: a systematic review


Benjamin Bailey
Benjamin Bailey

H-Index: 15

Lucy Bryant
Lucy Bryant

H-Index: 8

A review of the impact of food design on the mealtimes of people with swallowing disability who require texture-modified food


Rebecca Smith
Rebecca Smith

H-Index: 5

Lucy Bryant
Lucy Bryant

H-Index: 8

Dysphagia and quality of life, participation, and inclusion experiences and outcomes for adults and children with dysphagia: a scoping review


Rebecca Smith
Rebecca Smith

H-Index: 5

Lucy Bryant
Lucy Bryant

H-Index: 8

" All the food is like wet dog food": could 3D food printing improve mealtime management and quality of life for people with dysphagia who need pureed food?

30th Annual Dysphagia Research Society Meeting, March 15-18, 2022, San Juan, Peurto Rico


Rebecca Smith
Rebecca Smith

H-Index: 5

Lucy Bryant
Lucy Bryant

H-Index: 8

See List of Professors in Lucy Bryant University(University of Technology)