Lope H Barrero

About Lope H Barrero

Lope H Barrero, With an exceptional h-index of 47 and a recent h-index of 42 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, specializes in the field of Human Factors, Ergonomics, Occupational Epidemiology.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Global burden of 288 causes of death and life expectancy decomposition in 204 countries and territories and 811 subnational locations, 1990–2021: a systematic analysis for the …

Global age-sex-specific mortality, life expectancy, and population estimates in 204 countries and territories and 811 subnational locations, 1950–2021, and the impact of the …

Global, regional, and national burden of other musculoskeletal disorders, 1990–2020, and projections to 2050: a systematic analysis of the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021

Improvement of short-term outcomes with VR-based safety training for work at heights

Ergonomic factors affecting comprehension levels of traffic signs: A critical review

Seasonal migrant workers perceived working conditions and speculative opinions on possible uptake of exoskeleton with respect to tasks and environment: A case study in plant …

Characterization of the state of the traffic signs focused on cyclists in Bogotá

Global, regional, and national burden of low back pain, 1990–2020, its attributable risk factors, and projections to 2050: a systematic analysis of the Global Burden of Disease …

Lope H Barrero Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Lope H Barrero Skills & Research Interests

Human Factors


Occupational Epidemiology

Top articles of Lope H Barrero

Improvement of short-term outcomes with VR-based safety training for work at heights

Applied Ergonomics


Lope H Barrero
Lope H Barrero

H-Index: 43

Annette Kluge
Annette Kluge

H-Index: 18

Ergonomic factors affecting comprehension levels of traffic signs: A critical review


Shyrle Berrio
Shyrle Berrio

H-Index: 3

Lope H Barrero
Lope H Barrero

H-Index: 43

Seasonal migrant workers perceived working conditions and speculative opinions on possible uptake of exoskeleton with respect to tasks and environment: A case study in plant …



Ornwipa Thamsuwan
Ornwipa Thamsuwan

H-Index: 9

Lope H Barrero
Lope H Barrero

H-Index: 43

Characterization of the state of the traffic signs focused on cyclists in Bogotá

Transportation research interdisciplinary perspectives


Shyrle Berrio
Shyrle Berrio

H-Index: 3

Lope H Barrero
Lope H Barrero

H-Index: 43

Ethics and Professional Role to the Society: A Proposal to Promote Ethical Attitudes in Engineering Students


Lope H Barrero
Lope H Barrero

H-Index: 43

Patterns of change of multisite pain over 1 year of follow‐up and related risk factors

European Journal of Pain


Absturzprävention mit VISTRA: Ein VR-basiertes Training

DGUV Report 1/2023


Lope H Barrero
Lope H Barrero

H-Index: 43

Annette Kluge
Annette Kluge

H-Index: 18

International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology


Overview of Measurement-Based Assessment Approaches from the MEGAPHYS Project


Extraction of decision rules using genetic algorithms and simulated annealing for prediction of severity of traffic accidents by motorcyclists

Journal of ambient intelligence and humanized computing


Lope H Barrero
Lope H Barrero

H-Index: 43

Musculoskeletal disorders


The effectiveness of virtual safety training in work at heights: A literature review


Lope H Barrero
Lope H Barrero

H-Index: 43

Annette Kluge
Annette Kluge

H-Index: 18

Assessment of work-related hand and elbow workloads using measurement-based TLV for HAL

Applied Ergonomics


Kai Heinrich
Kai Heinrich

H-Index: 6

Lope H Barrero
Lope H Barrero

H-Index: 43

Associations of sickness absence for pain in the low back, neck and shoulders with wider propensity to pain

Occupational and Environmental Medicine


Global and regional burden of disease and injury in 2016 arising from occupational exposures: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016

Occupational and environmental medicine


See List of Professors in Lope H Barrero University(Pontificia Universidad Javeriana)