Kenjiro Terada

About Kenjiro Terada

Kenjiro Terada, With an exceptional h-index of 34 and a recent h-index of 21 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Tohoku University, specializes in the field of Multiscale analysis, Material modeling, Nonlinear analysis, Failure analysis, Optimization.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

A primal–dual interior point method to implicitly update Gurson–Tvergaard–Needleman model

Diffusive-discrete crack transition without remeshing achieved by extended B-spline-based implicit material point method

Optimization of a tsunami gauge configuration for pseudo‐super‐resolution of wave height distribution

Crack phase‐field enhanced finite cover method for dynamic fracture at finite strain

Evaluating tensile strength of cement paste using multiscale modeling and in-situ splitting tests with micro-CT

Semi‐implicit material point method for simulating infiltration‐induced failure of unsaturated soil structures

A numerical simulation method combining gradient damage model and finite cover method for dynamic fracture

Variable passing method for combining 3D MPM–FEM hybrid and 2D shallow water simulations of landslide‐induced tsunamis

Kenjiro Terada Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Kenjiro Terada Skills & Research Interests

Multiscale analysis

Material modeling

Nonlinear analysis

Failure analysis


Top articles of Kenjiro Terada

A primal–dual interior point method to implicitly update Gurson–Tvergaard–Needleman model

Computational Mechanics


Kenjiro Terada
Kenjiro Terada

H-Index: 21

Diffusive-discrete crack transition without remeshing achieved by extended B-spline-based implicit material point method

Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering


Shuji Moriguchi
Shuji Moriguchi

H-Index: 10

Kenjiro Terada
Kenjiro Terada

H-Index: 21

Optimization of a tsunami gauge configuration for pseudo‐super‐resolution of wave height distribution

Earth and Space Science


Crack phase‐field enhanced finite cover method for dynamic fracture at finite strain

International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering


Shuji Moriguchi
Shuji Moriguchi

H-Index: 10

Kenjiro Terada
Kenjiro Terada

H-Index: 21

Evaluating tensile strength of cement paste using multiscale modeling and in-situ splitting tests with micro-CT

Construction and Building Materials


Semi‐implicit material point method for simulating infiltration‐induced failure of unsaturated soil structures

International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics


A numerical simulation method combining gradient damage model and finite cover method for dynamic fracture

Transactions of the Japan Society for Computational Engineering and Science


Shuji Moriguchi
Shuji Moriguchi

H-Index: 10

Kenjiro Terada
Kenjiro Terada

H-Index: 21

Variable passing method for combining 3D MPM–FEM hybrid and 2D shallow water simulations of landslide‐induced tsunamis

International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids


Micro-Macro Topology Optimization for Transient Heat Analysis in Porous Material

計算工学講演会論文集 (CD-ROM)


Junji Kato
Junji Kato

H-Index: 11

Kenjiro Terada
Kenjiro Terada

H-Index: 21

On the representation of discrete crack surfaces in crack phase-field model realized by finite cover method

計算工学講演会論文集= Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Engineering and Science/日本計算工学会 編


Shuji Moriguchi
Shuji Moriguchi

H-Index: 10

Kenjiro Terada
Kenjiro Terada

H-Index: 21

Chemo-electro-mechanics of nanodefects in solid-state batteries: A phase-field simulation


Koji Amezawa
Koji Amezawa

H-Index: 21

Kenjiro Terada
Kenjiro Terada

H-Index: 21

Quantification of the contribution ratio of relevant input parameters on DEM-based granular flow simulations

Soils and Foundations


Shuji Moriguchi
Shuji Moriguchi

H-Index: 10

Kenjiro Terada
Kenjiro Terada

H-Index: 21

Prediction of Interfacial Adhesion Strength in CFRTP considering Plasticity of Matrix Resin using Numerical Material Testing and Neural Network



Koji Yamamoto
Koji Yamamoto

H-Index: 14

Kenjiro Terada
Kenjiro Terada

H-Index: 21

Surrogate modeling for the homogenization of elastoplastic composites based on RBF interpolation

Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering


Shuji Moriguchi
Shuji Moriguchi

H-Index: 10

Kenjiro Terada
Kenjiro Terada

H-Index: 21

Hydrologic-geotechnical modelling of shallow landslide and flood hazards caused by heavy rainfall

Engineering Geology


On the flow conditions requiring detailed geometric modeling for multiscale evaluation of coastal forests

Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences


Local mechanical characterization and fracture prediction modeling for resistance spot-welded joints of advanced high-strength steel

Materials Today Communications


Kenjiro Terada
Kenjiro Terada

H-Index: 21

Decision-making support utilizing real-time tsunami inundation and damage forecast

International journal of disaster risk reduction


Shunichi Koshimura
Shunichi Koshimura

H-Index: 28

Kenjiro Terada
Kenjiro Terada

H-Index: 21

Extended B‐spline‐based implicit material point method enhanced by F‐bar projection method to suppress pressure oscillation

International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering


(High-Temperature Energy, Materials, & Processes Division Subhash Singhal Award) From Electrochemical to Mechanical Modeling of SOFCs and Their Experimental Validation

Electrochemical Society Meeting Abstracts 236


See List of Professors in Kenjiro Terada University(Tohoku University)