Kanto Nagai

About Kanto Nagai

Kanto Nagai, With an exceptional h-index of 22 and a recent h-index of 22 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Kobe University, specializes in the field of Orthopaedic Surgery, Sports Medicine, Knee surgery, Arthroscopy, Biomechanics.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Setting hinge position distal to the proximal margin of the distal lateral femur reduces the maximum principal strains of the hinge area and risk of hinge fractures

Injuries to both anterolateral ligament and Kaplan fiber of the iliotibial band do not increase preoperative pivot-shift phenomenon in ACL injury

Association Between Psychological Readiness to Return to Sports at 3 Months Postoperatively and Risk of Second ACL Injury

Decreased posterior tibial slope is a risk factor for primary posterior cruciate ligament rupture and posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction failure: A systematic review

Clinical outcomes of arthroscopic lateral ligament repair using a knotless anchor for chronic lateral ankle instability

Surgical treatment of cartilage lesions in the knee: A narrative review

Contralateral hamstring autografts do not provide benefit compared to ipsilateral hamstring autografts in primary or revision anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: a …

Anatomic Double-Bundle Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Using the Anatomic Double-Bundle 2-in-1 Guide System

Kanto Nagai Information



Graduate School of Medicine



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

Google Scholar

Kanto Nagai Skills & Research Interests

Orthopaedic Surgery

Sports Medicine

Knee surgery



Top articles of Kanto Nagai

Setting hinge position distal to the proximal margin of the distal lateral femur reduces the maximum principal strains of the hinge area and risk of hinge fractures

Journal of Experimental Orthopaedics


Kanto Nagai
Kanto Nagai

H-Index: 14

Injuries to both anterolateral ligament and Kaplan fiber of the iliotibial band do not increase preoperative pivot-shift phenomenon in ACL injury

Asia-Pacific Journal of Sports Medicine, Arthroscopy, Rehabilitation and Technology


Kanto Nagai
Kanto Nagai

H-Index: 14

Association Between Psychological Readiness to Return to Sports at 3 Months Postoperatively and Risk of Second ACL Injury

Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine


Kumiko Ono
Kumiko Ono

H-Index: 4

Kanto Nagai
Kanto Nagai

H-Index: 14

Decreased posterior tibial slope is a risk factor for primary posterior cruciate ligament rupture and posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction failure: A systematic review


Dan Cohen
Dan Cohen

H-Index: 5

Kanto Nagai
Kanto Nagai

H-Index: 14

Clinical outcomes of arthroscopic lateral ligament repair using a knotless anchor for chronic lateral ankle instability

Asia-Pacific Journal of Sports Medicine, Arthroscopy, Rehabilitation and Technology


Tetsuya Yamamoto
Tetsuya Yamamoto

H-Index: 16

Kanto Nagai
Kanto Nagai

H-Index: 14

Surgical treatment of cartilage lesions in the knee: A narrative review


Kanto Nagai
Kanto Nagai

H-Index: 14

Contralateral hamstring autografts do not provide benefit compared to ipsilateral hamstring autografts in primary or revision anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: a …


Kanto Nagai
Kanto Nagai

H-Index: 14

Anatomic Double-Bundle Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Using the Anatomic Double-Bundle 2-in-1 Guide System

Arthroscopy Techniques


Clinical Outcomes After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction in Patients With a Concomitant Segond Fracture: Response

The American Journal of Sports Medicine


Though five-strand hamstring autografts demonstrate greater graft diameter, postoperative outcomes are equivocal to four-strand hamstring autograft preparations: a systematic …


Characteristics Of Goal Orientations And Approval Desire Were Associated With The Sports Injury Experiences: 760

Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise


Kanto Nagai
Kanto Nagai

H-Index: 14

Knee Osteotomy Decreases Joint Inflammation Based on Synovial Histology and Synovial Fluid Analysis

Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic & Related Surgery


Kanto Nagai
Kanto Nagai

H-Index: 14

Combining age, sex, body mass index, sport level, and preoperative quadriceps strength improves the predictive ability of quadriceps strength recovery after anterior cruciate …

Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy


Kumiko Ono
Kumiko Ono

H-Index: 4

Kanto Nagai
Kanto Nagai

H-Index: 14

Technology-assisted anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction improves tunnel placement but leads to no change in clinical outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis


Partial debridement is the most commonly reported treatment option for mucoid degeneration of the anterior cruciate ligament: a systematic review


Jeffrey Kay
Jeffrey Kay

H-Index: 14

Kanto Nagai
Kanto Nagai

H-Index: 14

Fear of reinjury following primary anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: a systematic review


Dan Cohen
Dan Cohen

H-Index: 5

Kanto Nagai
Kanto Nagai

H-Index: 14

Correction to: Less than 1% risk of donor‑site quadriceps tendon rupture post‑ACL reconstruction with quadriceps tendon autograft: a systematic review


Kanto Nagai
Kanto Nagai

H-Index: 14

Patients with discoid menisci have similar clinical outcomes to those without discoid menisci when undergoing surgical intervention: a systematic review


Dan Cohen
Dan Cohen

H-Index: 5

Kanto Nagai
Kanto Nagai

H-Index: 14

Talar component subsidence correlates with periprosthetic osteolysis after total ankle arthroplasty

European Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology


Tetsuya Yamamoto
Tetsuya Yamamoto

H-Index: 16

Kanto Nagai
Kanto Nagai

H-Index: 14

Tibial tubercle to trochlear groove distance versus tibial tubercle to posterior cruciate ligament distance for predicting patellar instability: a systematic review


Dan Cohen
Dan Cohen

H-Index: 5

Kanto Nagai
Kanto Nagai

H-Index: 14

See List of Professors in Kanto Nagai University(Kobe University)

