Kamaleshwar P Singh

Kamaleshwar P Singh

Texas Tech University

H-index: 26

North America-United States

About Kamaleshwar P Singh

Kamaleshwar P Singh, With an exceptional h-index of 26 and a recent h-index of 19 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Texas Tech University, specializes in the field of Epigenetics, Cancer Research, Molecular Toxicology.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Estrogen-induced reactive oxygen species, through epigenetic reprogramming, causes increased growth in breast cancer cells

Epigallocatechin‐3‐gallate attenuates arsenic‐induced fibrogenic changes in human kidney epithelial cells through reversal of epigenetic aberrations and antioxidant activities

Epigenetic mechanism of therapeutic resistance and potential of epigenetic therapeutics in chemorefractory prostate cancer

Higher concentrations of folic acid cause oxidative stress, acute cytotoxicity, and long-term Fibrogenic changes in kidney epithelial cells

Chronic coexposure to arsenic and estrogen potentiates genotoxic estrogen metabolic pathway and hypermethylation of DNA glycosylase MBD4 in human prostate …

Recent advances in the molecular basis of chemotherapy resistance and potential application of epigenetic therapeutics in chemorefractory renal cell carcinoma

Differential sensitivity of renal carcinoma cells to doxorubicin and epigenetic therapeutics depends on the genetic background

Occurrence and status of sheath blight of rice in Kumaun region of Uttarakhand

Kamaleshwar P Singh Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




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Kamaleshwar P Singh Skills & Research Interests


Cancer Research

Molecular Toxicology

Top articles of Kamaleshwar P Singh

Estrogen-induced reactive oxygen species, through epigenetic reprogramming, causes increased growth in breast cancer cells

Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology


Priti Roy
Priti Roy

H-Index: 2

Kamaleshwar P Singh
Kamaleshwar P Singh

H-Index: 17

Epigallocatechin‐3‐gallate attenuates arsenic‐induced fibrogenic changes in human kidney epithelial cells through reversal of epigenetic aberrations and antioxidant activities



Priti Roy
Priti Roy

H-Index: 2

Kamaleshwar P Singh
Kamaleshwar P Singh

H-Index: 17

Epigenetic mechanism of therapeutic resistance and potential of epigenetic therapeutics in chemorefractory prostate cancer


Priti Roy
Priti Roy

H-Index: 2

Kamaleshwar P Singh
Kamaleshwar P Singh

H-Index: 17

Higher concentrations of folic acid cause oxidative stress, acute cytotoxicity, and long-term Fibrogenic changes in kidney epithelial cells

Chemical research in toxicology


Kamaleshwar P Singh
Kamaleshwar P Singh

H-Index: 17

Chronic coexposure to arsenic and estrogen potentiates genotoxic estrogen metabolic pathway and hypermethylation of DNA glycosylase MBD4 in human prostate …

The Prostate


Priti Roy
Priti Roy

H-Index: 2

Kamaleshwar P Singh
Kamaleshwar P Singh

H-Index: 17

Recent advances in the molecular basis of chemotherapy resistance and potential application of epigenetic therapeutics in chemorefractory renal cell carcinoma

WIREs Mechanism of Disease


Narayan Acharya
Narayan Acharya

H-Index: 1

Kamaleshwar P Singh
Kamaleshwar P Singh

H-Index: 17

Differential sensitivity of renal carcinoma cells to doxorubicin and epigenetic therapeutics depends on the genetic background

Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry


Narayan Acharya
Narayan Acharya

H-Index: 1

Kamaleshwar P Singh
Kamaleshwar P Singh

H-Index: 17

Occurrence and status of sheath blight of rice in Kumaun region of Uttarakhand

Plant Disease Research


Carbon nanotubes affect early growth, flowering time and phytohormones in tomato



Seenivasan Subbiah
Seenivasan Subbiah

H-Index: 13

Kamaleshwar P Singh
Kamaleshwar P Singh

H-Index: 17

Pressurized liquid extraction followed by liquid chromatography coupled to a fluorescence detector and atmospheric pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometry for the …

Journal of Chromatography A


Seenivasan Subbiah
Seenivasan Subbiah

H-Index: 13

Kamaleshwar P Singh
Kamaleshwar P Singh

H-Index: 17

Analysis of Toxicants-Induced Alterations in DNA Methylation by Methylation-Sensitive-Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA-Polymerase Chain Reaction (MS-RAPD-PCR)

Molecular Toxicology Protocols


Kamaleshwar P Singh
Kamaleshwar P Singh

H-Index: 17

Epigenetic reprogramming and potential application of epigenetic-modifying drugs in acquired chemotherapeutic resistance


Kamaleshwar P Singh
Kamaleshwar P Singh

H-Index: 17

See List of Professors in Kamaleshwar P Singh University(Texas Tech University)

