Johan Hallqvist

About Johan Hallqvist

Johan Hallqvist, With an exceptional h-index of 68 and a recent h-index of 33 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Uppsala Universitet, specializes in the field of public health, epidemiologi, folkhälsa.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Heredity of pregnancy‐related pelvic girdle pain in Sweden

Knowing and accepting oneself: Exploring possibilities of self-awareness among working autistic young adults

Managing vocational work, achieving and sustaining work performance: Support and self-management amongst young autistic adults in the context of vocational support …

The making of a professional digital caregiver: personalisation and friendliness as practices of humanisation

Influence of work ability and smoking on the prognosis of long-duration activity-limiting neck/back pain: a cohort study of a Swedish working population

Swedish citizenship through multicultural parenting: parental support as a learning practice for migrant parents in Sweden

How does social support shape the association between depressive symptoms and labour market participation: a four-way decomposition

Hanna Bertilsdotter Rosqvist*, Lill Hultman and

Johan Hallqvist Information



professor i preventivmedicin



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Johan Hallqvist Skills & Research Interests

public health



Top articles of Johan Hallqvist

Heredity of pregnancy‐related pelvic girdle pain in Sweden

Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica


Knowing and accepting oneself: Exploring possibilities of self-awareness among working autistic young adults



Hanna Bertilsdotter Rosqvist
Hanna Bertilsdotter Rosqvist

H-Index: 13

Johan Hallqvist
Johan Hallqvist

H-Index: 37

Managing vocational work, achieving and sustaining work performance: Support and self-management amongst young autistic adults in the context of vocational support …

The British Journal of Social Work


Hanna Bertilsdotter Rosqvist
Hanna Bertilsdotter Rosqvist

H-Index: 13

Johan Hallqvist
Johan Hallqvist

H-Index: 37

The making of a professional digital caregiver: personalisation and friendliness as practices of humanisation

Medical Humanities


Johan Hallqvist
Johan Hallqvist

H-Index: 37

Influence of work ability and smoking on the prognosis of long-duration activity-limiting neck/back pain: a cohort study of a Swedish working population

BMJ open


Johan Hallqvist
Johan Hallqvist

H-Index: 37

Eva Skillgate
Eva Skillgate

H-Index: 18

Swedish citizenship through multicultural parenting: parental support as a learning practice for migrant parents in Sweden

European Journal of Social Work


Hanna Bertilsdotter Rosqvist
Hanna Bertilsdotter Rosqvist

H-Index: 13

Johan Hallqvist
Johan Hallqvist

H-Index: 37

How does social support shape the association between depressive symptoms and labour market participation: a four-way decomposition

European Journal of Public Health


Ronnie Pingel
Ronnie Pingel

H-Index: 9

Johan Hallqvist
Johan Hallqvist

H-Index: 37

Hanna Bertilsdotter Rosqvist*, Lill Hultman and


Johan Hallqvist
Johan Hallqvist

H-Index: 37

Non-preferred work and the incidence of spinal pain and psychological distress—a prospective cohort study

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health


Eva Skillgate
Eva Skillgate

H-Index: 18

Johan Hallqvist
Johan Hallqvist

H-Index: 37

Könsskillnader i sjukskrivning, läkemedelsförskrivning och läkemedelsuttag vid depression

Socialmedicinsk tidskrift


Adverse Childhood Experiences are associated with choice of partner, both partners' relationship and psychosocial health as reported one year after birth of a common child. A …

The Journal of Pediatrics


" I try to tell myself that it’sa machine, but it doesn’t help": Negotiating notions of being human in transhumansexual relationships between humans and hubots in the Swedish …

Culture Unbound. Journal of Current Cultural Research


Johan Hallqvist
Johan Hallqvist

H-Index: 37

Childhood abuse and unplanned pregnancies: a cross‐sectional study of women in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study

BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology


Johan Hallqvist
Johan Hallqvist

H-Index: 37

Ronnie Pingel
Ronnie Pingel

H-Index: 9

Derivation and validation of STOPSMOKE: An instrument built from Swedish population data for predicting smoking abstinence post myocardial infarction


See List of Professors in Johan Hallqvist University(Uppsala Universitet)