Joanne Neale

Joanne Neale

King's College London

H-index: 49

Europe-United Kingdom

About Joanne Neale

Joanne Neale, With an exceptional h-index of 49 and a recent h-index of 36 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at King's College London,

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

An international, multidisciplinary consensus set of patient-centered outcome measures for substance-related and addictive disorders

Stepping Stones Study Briefing Paper; Scoping Review Mapping clinical guidelines and policy documents that address the needs of women who are dependent on drugs during the …

Qualitative study of patients’ decisions to initiate injectable depot buprenorphine for opioid use disorder: the role of information and other factors

Scoping review: mapping clinical guidelines and policy documents that address the needs of women who are dependent on drugs during the perinatal period

Waiting for inpatient detoxification: A qualitative analysis of patient experiences

How do patients feel during the first 72 h after initiating long‐acting injectable buprenorphine? An embodied qualitative analysis

Patients’ goals when initiating long-acting injectable buprenorphine treatment for opioid use disorder: findings from a longitudinal qualitative study

Optimizing online learning resources for substance use professionals in England: lessons from user-centered design

Joanne Neale Information






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Top articles of Joanne Neale

An international, multidisciplinary consensus set of patient-centered outcome measures for substance-related and addictive disorders

Journal of clinical medicine


Stepping Stones Study Briefing Paper; Scoping Review Mapping clinical guidelines and policy documents that address the needs of women who are dependent on drugs during the …


Joanne Neale
Joanne Neale

H-Index: 29

Qualitative study of patients’ decisions to initiate injectable depot buprenorphine for opioid use disorder: the role of information and other factors

Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy


Joanne Neale
Joanne Neale

H-Index: 29

John Strang
John Strang

H-Index: 46

Scoping review: mapping clinical guidelines and policy documents that address the needs of women who are dependent on drugs during the perinatal period


Joanne Neale
Joanne Neale

H-Index: 29

Waiting for inpatient detoxification: A qualitative analysis of patient experiences

International Journal of Drug Policy


Joanne Neale
Joanne Neale

H-Index: 29

Andrew Perkins
Andrew Perkins

H-Index: 11

How do patients feel during the first 72 h after initiating long‐acting injectable buprenorphine? An embodied qualitative analysis



Joanne Neale
Joanne Neale

H-Index: 29

John Strang
John Strang

H-Index: 46

Patients’ goals when initiating long-acting injectable buprenorphine treatment for opioid use disorder: findings from a longitudinal qualitative study

Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy


Joanne Neale
Joanne Neale

H-Index: 29

John Strang
John Strang

H-Index: 46

Optimizing online learning resources for substance use professionals in England: lessons from user-centered design

Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy


Dataset on the reproductive health needs of women receiving opioid substitution treatment and the role of community pharmacy


Joanne Neale
Joanne Neale

H-Index: 29

Neale, J., Parkin, S., & Strang, J.(2023).‘Qualitative study of patients’ decisions to initiate injectable depot buprenorphine for opioid use disorder: the role of information …

Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy


Joanne Neale
Joanne Neale

H-Index: 29

John Strang
John Strang

H-Index: 46

Conceptualising retention in treatment with long-acting injectable buprenorphine (for opioid use disorder) as a journey: Findings from a longitudinal qualitative study

International Journal of Drug Policy


Joanne Neale
Joanne Neale

H-Index: 29

John Strang
John Strang

H-Index: 46

Non-Prescribed Substance Use during the First Month of Treatment by People Receiving Depot Buprenorphine for Opioid Use Disorder

Substance use & misuse


Joanne Neale
Joanne Neale

H-Index: 29

John Strang
John Strang

H-Index: 46

‘I just wanted a change, a positive change’: Locating hope for young people engaged with residential alcohol and drug services in Victoria, Australia

Sociology of Health & Illness


Adjunctive Medication Management and Contingency Management to enhance adherence to acamprosate for alcohol dependence: the ADAM trial RCT.

Health Technology Assessment (Winchester, England)


A study protocol for a European, mixed methods, prospective, cohort study of the effectiveness of naloxone administration by community members, in reversing opioid overdose …

BMC public health


The cost-effectiveness of specialist hospital discharge and intermediate care services for patients who are homeless


See List of Professors in Joanne Neale University(King's College London)