Joanne Arciuli

Joanne Arciuli

Flinders University

H-index: 37


About Joanne Arciuli

Joanne Arciuli, With an exceptional h-index of 37 and a recent h-index of 30 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Flinders University,

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

90. Social and Joint Attention During Shared Book Reading in Young Autistic Children: A Potential Marker for Social Development and Response to Oxytocin Social Interventions

Social and joint attention during shared book reading in young autistic children: a potential marker for social development

Self-harm among 17-year-old adolescents with/without disabilities in the United Kingdom.

Digital reading comprehension instruction in English for children with English as an additional language: A systematic review

A history of arts and health in South Australia: Policy and practice

Bear in a Window: collecting Australian children’s stories of the COVID-19 pandemic

How is vowel production in Italian affected by geminate consonants and stress patterns?

Do age and language impairment affect speed of recognition for words with high and low closeness centrality within the phonological network?

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Top articles of Joanne Arciuli

90. Social and Joint Attention During Shared Book Reading in Young Autistic Children: A Potential Marker for Social Development and Response to Oxytocin Social Interventions

Biological Psychiatry


Joanne Arciuli
Joanne Arciuli

H-Index: 25

Social and joint attention during shared book reading in young autistic children: a potential marker for social development

Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry


Joanne Arciuli
Joanne Arciuli

H-Index: 25

Self-harm among 17-year-old adolescents with/without disabilities in the United Kingdom.

Crisis: The Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention


Joanne Arciuli
Joanne Arciuli

H-Index: 25

Tania King
Tania King

H-Index: 11

Digital reading comprehension instruction in English for children with English as an additional language: A systematic review


Joanne Arciuli
Joanne Arciuli

H-Index: 25

A history of arts and health in South Australia: Policy and practice

Journal of Applied Arts & Health


Tully Barnett
Tully Barnett

H-Index: 10

Joanne Arciuli
Joanne Arciuli

H-Index: 25

Bear in a Window: collecting Australian children’s stories of the COVID-19 pandemic

Linguistics Vanguard


Joanne Arciuli
Joanne Arciuli

H-Index: 25

How is vowel production in Italian affected by geminate consonants and stress patterns?

Journal of Child Language


Lucia Colombo
Lucia Colombo

H-Index: 34

Joanne Arciuli
Joanne Arciuli

H-Index: 25

Do age and language impairment affect speed of recognition for words with high and low closeness centrality within the phonological network?

International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology


Joanne Arciuli
Joanne Arciuli

H-Index: 25

Emotion from the sound of a word: Statistical relationships between surface form and valence of English words influence lexical access and memory.

Journal of Experimental Psychology: General


Joanne Arciuli
Joanne Arciuli

H-Index: 25

Elaine Kearney
Elaine Kearney

H-Index: 8

A meta-analysis on the correlations between statistical learning, language, and reading outcomes.

Developmental psychology


Min Wang
Min Wang

H-Index: 16

Joanne Arciuli
Joanne Arciuli

H-Index: 25

Associations between sleep, reading, and mathematics in Taiwanese children

British Journal of Educational Psychology


Louise Kyriaki
Louise Kyriaki

H-Index: 1

Joanne Arciuli
Joanne Arciuli

H-Index: 25

policy engagement activities and research impact: nursing and health science researcher perspectives

Evidence & Policy


Joanne Arciuli
Joanne Arciuli

H-Index: 25

Non-arbitrary mappings between size and sound of English words: Form typicality effects during lexical access and memory

Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology


Joanne Arciuli
Joanne Arciuli

H-Index: 25

Elaine Kearney
Elaine Kearney

H-Index: 8

The use of semantic transparency and L1-L2 congruency as multi-word units selection criteria

Studies in English Language and Education


The sources and consequences of individual differences in statistical learning for language development

Cognitive Development


Language matters: Disability and the power of taboo words


Joanne Arciuli
Joanne Arciuli

H-Index: 25

On the roles of form systematicity and sensorimotor effects in language processing.

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition


ABRACADABRA literacy instruction for children with Down syndrome via telepractice during COVID‐19: A pilot study

British Journal of Educational Psychology


Benjamin Bailey
Benjamin Bailey

H-Index: 15

Joanne Arciuli
Joanne Arciuli

H-Index: 25

Exploring the Effects of Literacy Instruction for Children With Cerebral Palsy: A Systematic Review


Benjamin Bailey
Benjamin Bailey

H-Index: 15

Joanne Arciuli
Joanne Arciuli

H-Index: 25

L1-L2 congruency as a criterion to identify collocations based on contrastive analysis

Australian Journal of Applied Linguistics


See List of Professors in Joanne Arciuli University(Flinders University)