Joanna Tkaczewska

About Joanna Tkaczewska

Joanna Tkaczewska, With an exceptional h-index of 20 and a recent h-index of 19 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Uniwersytet Rolniczy w Krakowie, specializes in the field of Food Technology, Bioactive Peptides, Active Protein Hydrolystes, Fish by-products.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Enhancing the Integration of Protein-Rich Oat Waste Material into Meat Formulations

The use of active compounds to shape the quality of active double-layer films based on furcellaran intended for packaging salad-dressing–Assessment of utilitarian and storage …

Design of triple-layer films with blackseed protein as dispersion or emulsion

Partial replacement of saturated fats in liver Pâté by an olive Oil‐in‐Water emulsion containing β‐Glucan shows No compromise in sensory and storage oxidation of lipids and protein

Valorisation of prawn/shrimp shell waste through the production of biologically active components for functional food purposes

Application of antimicrobial chitosan-Furcellaran-hydrolysate gelatin edible coatings enriched with bioactive peptides in shelf-life extension of pork loin stored at 4 and− 20° C

Design of active double-layer gel coatings based on furcellaran-gelatin and aqueous butterfly pea (Clitoria ternatea) flower extract for prolonging the shelf-life of salmon …

The influence of aqueous butterfly pea (Clitoria ternatea) flower extract on active and intelligent properties of furcellaran Double-Layered films-in vitro and in vivo research

Joanna Tkaczewska Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Joanna Tkaczewska Skills & Research Interests

Food Technology

Bioactive Peptides

Active Protein Hydrolystes

Fish by-products

Top articles of Joanna Tkaczewska

Enhancing the Integration of Protein-Rich Oat Waste Material into Meat Formulations

Applied Sciences


Joanna Tkaczewska
Joanna Tkaczewska

H-Index: 9

The use of active compounds to shape the quality of active double-layer films based on furcellaran intended for packaging salad-dressing–Assessment of utilitarian and storage …

Food Chemistry


Design of triple-layer films with blackseed protein as dispersion or emulsion

Food Chemistry


Joanna Tkaczewska
Joanna Tkaczewska

H-Index: 9

Partial replacement of saturated fats in liver Pâté by an olive Oil‐in‐Water emulsion containing β‐Glucan shows No compromise in sensory and storage oxidation of lipids and protein

Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture


Joanna Tkaczewska
Joanna Tkaczewska

H-Index: 9

Jacek Domagała
Jacek Domagała

H-Index: 11

Valorisation of prawn/shrimp shell waste through the production of biologically active components for functional food purposes

Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture


Joanna Tkaczewska
Joanna Tkaczewska

H-Index: 9

Application of antimicrobial chitosan-Furcellaran-hydrolysate gelatin edible coatings enriched with bioactive peptides in shelf-life extension of pork loin stored at 4 and− 20° C

International Journal of Biological Macromolecules


Joanna Tkaczewska
Joanna Tkaczewska

H-Index: 9

Design of active double-layer gel coatings based on furcellaran-gelatin and aqueous butterfly pea (Clitoria ternatea) flower extract for prolonging the shelf-life of salmon …

Progress in Organic Coatings


Joanna Tkaczewska
Joanna Tkaczewska

H-Index: 9

Lesław Juszczak
Lesław Juszczak

H-Index: 29

The influence of aqueous butterfly pea (Clitoria ternatea) flower extract on active and intelligent properties of furcellaran Double-Layered films-in vitro and in vivo research

Food Chemistry


Joanna Tkaczewska
Joanna Tkaczewska

H-Index: 9

Lesław Juszczak
Lesław Juszczak

H-Index: 29

Edible coatings based on a Furcellaran and gelatin extract with herb addition as an active packaging for carp fillets

Food and Bioprocess Technology


Joanna Tkaczewska
Joanna Tkaczewska

H-Index: 9

Lesław Juszczak
Lesław Juszczak

H-Index: 29

Effects of fibre addition and processing on the stability, rheology and in vitro gastric digestion of whey protein-xanthan gum stabilised emulsions with high oil phase



Incorporation of curcumin extract with lemongrass essential oil into the middle layer of triple-layered films based on furcellaran/chitosan/gelatin hydrolysates–In vitro and in …

Food Chemistry


Influence of storage conditions on functional properties of multilayer biopolymer films based on chitosan and furcellaran enriched with carp protein hydrolysate

Food Hydrocolloids


Antioxidant edible double-layered film based on waste from soybean production as a vegan active packaging for perishable food products

Food Chemistry


Joanna Tkaczewska
Joanna Tkaczewska

H-Index: 9

Michał Kopeć
Michał Kopeć

H-Index: 12

Replacement of milk fat by rapeseed oil stabilised emulsion in commercial yogurt



Joanna Tkaczewska
Joanna Tkaczewska

H-Index: 9

Jacek Domagała
Jacek Domagała

H-Index: 11

Improving the quality of multi-layer films based on furcellaran by immobilising active ingredients and impact assessment of the use of a new packaging material

Food Chemistry


Antimicrobial and antioxidant properties of chitosan-furcellaran-gelatin hydrolysate coatings enhanced with bioactive peptides

Food Control


Joanna Tkaczewska
Joanna Tkaczewska

H-Index: 9

Active and Intelligent Four-Layer Films Based on Chitosan, Gelatin, Furcellaran and Active Ingredients—Preparation, Characterisation and Application on Salmon

Food and Bioprocess Technology


Sugar-Free, Vegan, Furcellaran Gummy Jellies with Plant-Based Triple-Layer Films



Joanna Tkaczewska
Joanna Tkaczewska

H-Index: 9

Active edible multi-layer chitosan/furcellaran micro/nanoemulsions with plant essential oils and antimicrobial peptides: Biological properties and consumer acceptance

Food Control


Developing technology for the production of innovative coatings with antioxidant properties for packaging fish products



Joanna Tkaczewska
Joanna Tkaczewska

H-Index: 9

See List of Professors in Joanna Tkaczewska University(Uniwersytet Rolniczy w Krakowie)