Jessica Bone

Jessica Bone

University College London

H-index: 13

Europe-United Kingdom

About Jessica Bone

Jessica Bone, With an exceptional h-index of 13 and a recent h-index of 12 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University College London,

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

The reciprocal associations between social deficits, social engagement, and inflammation: Longitudinal evidence comparing venous blood samples and dried blood spots and mapping …

Leisure engagement and self-perceptions of aging: Longitudinal analysis of concurrent and lagged relationships

Leisure engagement in older age is related to objective and subjective experiences of aging

Moderating effect of country-level health determinants on the association between hobby engagement and mental health: cross-cohort multi-level models, meta-analyses, and meta …

Arts and cultural group participation and subsequent wellbeing: A comparison of older adults in Japan and England using doubly robust estimators

Receptive and participatory arts engagement and subsequent healthy aging: Evidence from the Health and Retirement Study

Neuropsychological markers of antidepressant action: a secondary analysis of the ANTLER randomised controlled trial

Hobby engagement and mental wellbeing among people aged 65 years and older in 16 countries

Jessica Bone Information



Research Fellow Research Department of Behavioural Science and Health



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




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Top articles of Jessica Bone

The reciprocal associations between social deficits, social engagement, and inflammation: Longitudinal evidence comparing venous blood samples and dried blood spots and mapping …

Brain, Behavior, and Immunity


Leisure engagement and self-perceptions of aging: Longitudinal analysis of concurrent and lagged relationships

The Journals of Gerontology, Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences


Leisure engagement in older age is related to objective and subjective experiences of aging

Nature Communications


Moderating effect of country-level health determinants on the association between hobby engagement and mental health: cross-cohort multi-level models, meta-analyses, and meta …

The Lancet


Arts and cultural group participation and subsequent wellbeing: A comparison of older adults in Japan and England using doubly robust estimators


Jessica Bone
Jessica Bone

H-Index: 4

Daisy Fancourt
Daisy Fancourt

H-Index: 29

Receptive and participatory arts engagement and subsequent healthy aging: Evidence from the Health and Retirement Study

Social Science & Medicine


Neuropsychological markers of antidepressant action: a secondary analysis of the ANTLER randomised controlled trial

Psychological Medicine


Hobby engagement and mental wellbeing among people aged 65 years and older in 16 countries

Nature medicine


Associations between extracurricular arts activities, school-based arts engagement, and subsequent externalising behaviours in the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study

Scientific Reports


Predictors of arts engagement in older adults in Japan: novel findings from a national study and cross-cultural comparisons with the United States


Jessica Bone
Jessica Bone

H-Index: 4

Daisy Fancourt
Daisy Fancourt

H-Index: 29

OP76 How does social, cultural and community engagement affect subsequent health service use? A population-based cohort study in the US


Associations between participation in community arts groups and aspects of wellbeing in older adults in the United States: A propensity score matching analysis

Aging & Mental Health


Cross-sectional and longitudinal associations between arts engagement, loneliness, and social support in adolescence

Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport


245. Sertraline and its Effect on Aversive Processing: Secondary Analyses of the Panda Randomised Controlled Trial

Biological Psychiatry


Creative leisure activities, mental health and well-being during 5 months of the COVID-19 pandemic: a fixed effects analysis of data from 3725 US adults

J Epidemiol Community Health


The selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor sertraline alters learning from aversive reinforcements in patients with depression: evidence from a randomized controlled trial

American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism


Associations of Social, Cultural, and Community Engagement With Health Care Utilization in the US Health and Retirement Study

JAMA Network Open


Longitudinal associations between arts engagement and flourishing in young adults: A fixed effects analysis of the panel study of income dynamics

Affective Science


Participatory and receptive arts engagement in older adults: Associations with cognition over a seven-year period

PsyArXiv. July


Longitudinal changes in home-based arts engagement during and following the first national lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK


See List of Professors in Jessica Bone University(University College London)