Jens Tetens

About Jens Tetens

Jens Tetens, With an exceptional h-index of 30 and a recent h-index of 22 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, specializes in the field of poultry, dairy cattle, functional traits, feed intake, feather pecking.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Enhancing agro-biodiversity in chicken: a sensory comparison of broths from German local chicken breeds and their crossbreeds

Mendelian randomization analysis of 34,497 German Holstein cows to infer causal associations between milk production and health traits

Genomic dissection of the correlation between milk yield and various health traits using functional and evolutionary information about imputed sequence variants of 34,497 …

Genomic evidence for the suitability of Göttingen Minipigs with a rare seizure phenotype as a model for human epilepsy

Data-based and welfare-oriented reproductive performance assessment for application in commercial pig farms

Simulation of dual-purpose chicken breeding programs implementing gene editing

Verleihung der Hermann-von-Nathusius-Medaille an Prof. Dr. Cord Drögemüller, Bern anlässlich der Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Züchtungskunde e. V. am 13 …

Resistance to chicken amyloid arthropathy is associated with a dysfunctional mutation in serum amyloid A

Jens Tetens Information



Professor for Functional Breeding



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

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Jens Tetens Skills & Research Interests


dairy cattle

functional traits

feed intake

feather pecking

Top articles of Jens Tetens

Enhancing agro-biodiversity in chicken: a sensory comparison of broths from German local chicken breeds and their crossbreeds

Poultry Science


Jens Tetens
Jens Tetens

H-Index: 21

Mendelian randomization analysis of 34,497 German Holstein cows to infer causal associations between milk production and health traits

Genetics Selection Evolution


Helen Schneider
Helen Schneider

H-Index: 28

Jens Tetens
Jens Tetens

H-Index: 21

Genomic dissection of the correlation between milk yield and various health traits using functional and evolutionary information about imputed sequence variants of 34,497 …

BMC genomics


Helen Schneider
Helen Schneider

H-Index: 28

Jens Tetens
Jens Tetens

H-Index: 21

Genomic evidence for the suitability of Göttingen Minipigs with a rare seizure phenotype as a model for human epilepsy



Data-based and welfare-oriented reproductive performance assessment for application in commercial pig farms

Livestock Science


Jens Tetens
Jens Tetens

H-Index: 21

Imke Traulsen
Imke Traulsen

H-Index: 16

Simulation of dual-purpose chicken breeding programs implementing gene editing

Genetics Selection Evolution


Jens Tetens
Jens Tetens

H-Index: 21

Verleihung der Hermann-von-Nathusius-Medaille an Prof. Dr. Cord Drögemüller, Bern anlässlich der Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Züchtungskunde e. V. am 13 …


Jens Tetens
Jens Tetens

H-Index: 21

Resistance to chicken amyloid arthropathy is associated with a dysfunctional mutation in serum amyloid A

The FASEB Journal


Jens Tetens
Jens Tetens

H-Index: 21

Genetic analysis of production traits and body size measurements and their relationships with metabolic diseases in German Holstein cattle

Journal of Dairy Science


Jens Tetens
Jens Tetens

H-Index: 21

Structural variation and eQTL analysis in two experimental populations of chickens divergently selected for feather-pecking behavior



Jens Tetens
Jens Tetens

H-Index: 21

Defining valid breeding goals for animal breeds

Genetics Selection Evolution


Jens Tetens
Jens Tetens

H-Index: 21

In vitro modelling of the influence of alternative feeds (Hermetia illucens, Arthrospira platensis) on the resistance of different rainbow trout populations (Oncorhynchus …

Journal of Fish Diseases


Jens Tetens
Jens Tetens

H-Index: 21

Influence of genetic adaption of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fed with alternative protein sources based on Arthrospira platensis and Hermetia illucens on intestinal …

Aquaculture Reports


Jens Tetens
Jens Tetens

H-Index: 21

Single‐step SNPBLUP evaluation in six German beef cattle breeds

Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics


Jens Tetens
Jens Tetens

H-Index: 21

Blood transcriptome analysis in a buck-ewe hybrid points towards an nuclear factor-kappa B lymphoproliferative autoimmune disorder

Scientific Reports


Jens Tetens
Jens Tetens

H-Index: 21

Genomic dominance variance analysis of health and milk production traits in German Holstein cattle

Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics


Helen Schneider
Helen Schneider

H-Index: 28

Jens Tetens
Jens Tetens

H-Index: 21

Disturbed circadian rhythm of locomotor activity of pullets is related to feather pecking in laying hens

Poultry Science


Jens Tetens
Jens Tetens

H-Index: 21

Hans-Peter Piepho
Hans-Peter Piepho

H-Index: 48

A genomic assessment of the correlation between milk production traits and claw and udder health traits in Holstein dairy cattle

Journal of dairy science


Helen Schneider
Helen Schneider

H-Index: 28

Jens Tetens
Jens Tetens

H-Index: 21

Sequence-based GWAS in 180 000 German Holstein cattle reveals new candidate genes for milk production traits



Structural variants and tandem repeats in the founder individuals of four F2 pig crosses and implications to F2 GWAS results

BMC genomics


Jens Tetens
Jens Tetens

H-Index: 21

See List of Professors in Jens Tetens University(Georg-August-Universität Göttingen)

