Jenny Advocat

Jenny Advocat

Monash University

H-index: 16


About Jenny Advocat

Jenny Advocat, With an exceptional h-index of 16 and a recent h-index of 12 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Monash University, specializes in the field of Primary Care, General Practice, Mindfulness, Social Work, Mental Health.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Preventing childhood obesity in general practice: a qualitative study of GPs, practice nurses, and practice managers

What next for behaviour change professional development in general practice? insights from an environmental scan and workshops

Leading primary care under the weight of COVID-19: how leadership was enacted in six australian general practices during 2020.

Exploring behaviour change in general practice consultations: A realist approach

Multifaceted intervention to increase the delivery of alcohol brief interventions in primary care: a mixed-methods process analysis

Effectiveness, feasibility, and acceptability of behaviour change tools used by family doctors

Do preventative care guidelines emphasize behaviour change? A content analysis of three commonly used Australian general practice guidelines

Hospital-based spiritual care: what matters to patients?

Jenny Advocat Information



Research Fellow



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Jenny Advocat Skills & Research Interests

Primary Care

General Practice


Social Work

Mental Health

Top articles of Jenny Advocat

Preventing childhood obesity in general practice: a qualitative study of GPs, practice nurses, and practice managers

Family Practice


What next for behaviour change professional development in general practice? insights from an environmental scan and workshops

BJGP open


Jenny Advocat
Jenny Advocat

H-Index: 10

Leading primary care under the weight of COVID-19: how leadership was enacted in six australian general practices during 2020.

Australian Journal of Primary Health


Exploring behaviour change in general practice consultations: A realist approach

Chronic Illness


Jenny Advocat
Jenny Advocat

H-Index: 10

Multifaceted intervention to increase the delivery of alcohol brief interventions in primary care: a mixed-methods process analysis

British journal of general practice


Effectiveness, feasibility, and acceptability of behaviour change tools used by family doctors


Jenny Advocat
Jenny Advocat

H-Index: 10

Do preventative care guidelines emphasize behaviour change? A content analysis of three commonly used Australian general practice guidelines

Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice


Jenny Advocat
Jenny Advocat

H-Index: 10

Alex Clark
Alex Clark

H-Index: 7

Hospital-based spiritual care: what matters to patients?

Journal of Health Care Chaplaincy


Jenny Advocat
Jenny Advocat

H-Index: 10

Leila Karimi
Leila Karimi

H-Index: 4

Type 2 diabetes remission in Australian primary care: Protocol for an implementation study of the DiRECT-Aus trial

Australian journal of general practice


Jenny Advocat
Jenny Advocat

H-Index: 10

Terry Haines
Terry Haines

H-Index: 43

“It’s What We Should be doing Anyway”: Financial Incentives for Relational Continuity in Australian General Practice


At the edge of chaos: a prospective multiple case study in Australian general practices adapting to COVID-19

BMJ open


Behaviour change for type 2 diabetes: perspectives of general practitioners, primary care academics, and behaviour change experts on the use of the 5As framework

Family practice


Jenny Advocat
Jenny Advocat

H-Index: 10

At the edge of chaos. A prospective case study of six Australian general practices negotiating the COVID-19 pandemic.


Response to language barriers with patients from refugee background in general practice in Australia: findings from the OPTIMISE study

BMC Health Services Research


OPTIMISE: a pragmatic stepped wedge cluster randomised trial of an intervention to improve primary care for refugees in Australia

Medical Journal of Australia


Jenny Advocat
Jenny Advocat

H-Index: 10

How do general practices respond to a pandemic? Protocol for a prospective qualitative study of six Australian practices

BMJ open


Access to care: a qualitative study exploring the primary care needs and experiences of older people needing assistance with daily living

Australian Journal of Primary Health


Jenny Advocat
Jenny Advocat

H-Index: 10

Grant Russell
Grant Russell

H-Index: 29

How has COVID-19 affected how general practices deliver care? A prospective case study of six Melbourne general practices

Australian Journal of Primary Health


Can the delivery of primary care to refugees be improved? Findings from an Australian cluster randomized trial


Katrina M Long
Katrina M Long

H-Index: 4

Jenny Advocat
Jenny Advocat

H-Index: 10

Supporting primary care to accommodate language needs of refugees: a mixed method evaluation in the OPTIMISE study


Jenny Advocat
Jenny Advocat

H-Index: 10

Katrina M Long
Katrina M Long

H-Index: 4

See List of Professors in Jenny Advocat University(Monash University)