Jennifer Silk

Jennifer Silk

University of Pittsburgh

H-index: 64

North America-United States

About Jennifer Silk

Jennifer Silk, With an exceptional h-index of 64 and a recent h-index of 49 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Pittsburgh, specializes in the field of Child clinical psychology.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

293. Two-Year Trajectories of Anhedonia in Adolescents at Transdiagnostic Risk for Severe Mental Illness: Association With Clinical Symptoms and Brain-Symptom Links

Girls with Suicidal Ideation Experienced Less Parental Reciprocity of Eye-Contact and Positive Facial Affect during Conflictual Interactions: A Pilot Study

Co-fluctuations in daily-life mood, depressive symptoms, and the valence of youth digital sentiment: A multi-method ambulatory assessment study

Anhedonia in adolescents at transdiagnostic familial risk for severe mental illness: Clustering by symptoms and mechanisms of association with behavior

Real-world flexibility in adolescent girls’ emotion regulation strategy selection: An investigation of strategy switching

Current maternal depression associated with worsened children's social outcomes during middle childhood: Exploring the role of positive affect socialization

The association between cortical gyrification and sleep in adolescents and young adults

Daily associations between sleep and affect in youth at risk for psychopathology: The moderating role of externalizing symptoms

Jennifer Silk Information



Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Psychology



Citations(since 2020)


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Jennifer Silk Skills & Research Interests

Child clinical psychology

Top articles of Jennifer Silk

293. Two-Year Trajectories of Anhedonia in Adolescents at Transdiagnostic Risk for Severe Mental Illness: Association With Clinical Symptoms and Brain-Symptom Links

Biological Psychiatry


Girls with Suicidal Ideation Experienced Less Parental Reciprocity of Eye-Contact and Positive Facial Affect during Conflictual Interactions: A Pilot Study


Co-fluctuations in daily-life mood, depressive symptoms, and the valence of youth digital sentiment: A multi-method ambulatory assessment study


Jennifer Silk
Jennifer Silk

H-Index: 45

Anhedonia in adolescents at transdiagnostic familial risk for severe mental illness: Clustering by symptoms and mechanisms of association with behavior

Journal of Affective Disorders


Real-world flexibility in adolescent girls’ emotion regulation strategy selection: An investigation of strategy switching

Development and Psychopathology


Current maternal depression associated with worsened children's social outcomes during middle childhood: Exploring the role of positive affect socialization

Journal of Affective Disorders


The association between cortical gyrification and sleep in adolescents and young adults



Daily associations between sleep and affect in youth at risk for psychopathology: The moderating role of externalizing symptoms

Research on child and adolescent psychopathology


Naturalistic sleep patterns are linked to global structural brain aging in adolescence

Journal of Adolescent Health


More time awake after sleep onset is linked to reduced ventral striatum response to rewards in youth with anxiety

Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry


Neural activity during negative self-evaluation is associated with negative self-concept and depressive symptoms in adolescent girls

Development and Psychopathology


Social Anhedonia in the Daily Lives of Early Adolescent Girls: An EMA Study


Jennifer Silk
Jennifer Silk

H-Index: 45

The link between adolescent girls’ interpersonal emotion regulation with parents and peers and depressive symptoms: A real-time investigation

Development and Psychopathology


An Exposure-Based Video Game (Dr. Zoo) to Reduce Needle Phobia in Children Aged 3 to 6 Years: Development and Mixed Methods Pilot Study

JMIR serious games


Therapeutic alliance, attendance, and outcomes in youths receiving CBT or client-centered therapy for anxiety

Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology


Teen Screen Time, Emotional Experiences and Neuroscience Study (Teen SCREEN)


Jennifer Silk
Jennifer Silk

H-Index: 45

Subgenual anterior cingulate cortex reactivity to rejection vs. acceptance predicts depressive symptoms among adolescents with an anxiety history

Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology


Daily manifestations of caregiver-and self-reported maladaptive personality traits in adolescent girls.

Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment


Supportive parent-adolescent relationships as a foundation for adolescent emotion regulation and adjustment

Frontiers in Psychology


Neural activation to peer acceptance and rejection in relation to concurrent and prospective depression risk in adolescent and pre-adolescent girls

Biological Psychology


See List of Professors in Jennifer Silk University(University of Pittsburgh)