Jason Nelson

Jason Nelson

Tufts University

H-index: 27

North America-United States

About Jason Nelson

Jason Nelson, With an exceptional h-index of 27 and a recent h-index of 25 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Tufts University, specializes in the field of Medical decision making, predictive analytics, heterogeneity of treatment effect, causal inference.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Impact of preexisting heart failure on treatment and outcomes in older patients with hodgkin lymphoma

Racial differences in measures of glycemia in the Vitamin D and Type 2 Diabetes (D2d) Study: a secondary analysis of a randomized trial

Evaluating Therapies to Prevent Future Stroke in Patients with Patent Foramen Ovale-Related Strokes—The SCOPE Study

Developing and Testing Models for COVID-19 Health Outcomes

Using Different Data Sets to Test How Well Clinical Prediction Models Work to Predict Patients' Risk of Heart Disease

A Clinical Model to Predict the Occurrence of Select High-risk Infections in the First Year Following Heart Transplantation

Effect of vitamin D on regression to normal glucose regulation and individual glycemic measures: A secondary analysis among participants adherent to the trial protocol in the …

Effect of intratrial mean 25 (OH) D concentration on diabetes risk, by race and weight: an ancillary analysis in the D2d study

Jason Nelson Information



Tufts Medical Center



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

Google Scholar

Jason Nelson Skills & Research Interests

Medical decision making

predictive analytics

heterogeneity of treatment effect

causal inference

Top articles of Jason Nelson

Impact of preexisting heart failure on treatment and outcomes in older patients with hodgkin lymphoma

Cardio Oncology


Jason Nelson
Jason Nelson

H-Index: 17

Benjamin Sweigart
Benjamin Sweigart

H-Index: 4

Racial differences in measures of glycemia in the Vitamin D and Type 2 Diabetes (D2d) Study: a secondary analysis of a randomized trial

BMJ Open Diabetes Research and Care


Jason Nelson
Jason Nelson

H-Index: 17

Neda Rasouli
Neda Rasouli

H-Index: 27

Evaluating Therapies to Prevent Future Stroke in Patients with Patent Foramen Ovale-Related Strokes—The SCOPE Study


Developing and Testing Models for COVID-19 Health Outcomes


Using Different Data Sets to Test How Well Clinical Prediction Models Work to Predict Patients' Risk of Heart Disease


A Clinical Model to Predict the Occurrence of Select High-risk Infections in the First Year Following Heart Transplantation

Transplantation Direct


Jason Nelson
Jason Nelson

H-Index: 17

Effect of vitamin D on regression to normal glucose regulation and individual glycemic measures: A secondary analysis among participants adherent to the trial protocol in the …

Diabetes research and clinical practice


Effect of intratrial mean 25 (OH) D concentration on diabetes risk, by race and weight: an ancillary analysis in the D2d study

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition


Jason Nelson
Jason Nelson

H-Index: 17

Indices of hepatic steatosis and fibrosis in prediabetes and association with diabetes development in the vitamin D and type 2 diabetes study

Journal of Diabetes and its Complications


Jason Nelson
Jason Nelson

H-Index: 17

Neda Rasouli
Neda Rasouli

H-Index: 27

Association of preexisting heart failure with outcomes in older patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma

JAMA cardiology


Jason Nelson
Jason Nelson

H-Index: 17

US and Dutch perspectives on the use of COVID-19 clinical prediction models: findings from a qualitative analysis

Medical Decision Making


David Van Klaveren
David Van Klaveren

H-Index: 24

Jason Nelson
Jason Nelson

H-Index: 17

Vitamin D and risk for type 2 diabetes in people with prediabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis of individual participant data from 3 randomized clinical trials


Edith Angellotti
Edith Angellotti

H-Index: 4

Jason Nelson
Jason Nelson

H-Index: 17

Retracted Paper-Stratifying Future Stroke Risk with Incidentally Discovered White Matter Disease Severity and Covert Brain Infarct Site

Cerebrovascular Diseases


Jason Nelson
Jason Nelson

H-Index: 17

Association of incidentally discovered covert cerebrovascular disease identified using natural language processing and future dementia

Journal of the American Heart Association


Jason Nelson
Jason Nelson

H-Index: 17

Association of atrial septal aneurysm and shunt size with stroke recurrence and benefit from patent foramen ovale closure

JAMA neurology


Development of Parkinson Disease and Its Relationship with Incidentally Discovered White Matter Disease and Covert Brain Infarction in a Real‐World Cohort

Annals of neurology


Jason Nelson
Jason Nelson

H-Index: 17

T083: The Effect of Heart Failure on Management and Outcomes of Older Patients with Hodgkin Lymphoma



The effect of vitamin D supplementation on cardiovascular risk in patients with prediabetes: A secondary analysis of the D2d study

Journal of Diabetes and its Complications


Jason Nelson
Jason Nelson

H-Index: 17

Neda Rasouli
Neda Rasouli

H-Index: 27

558-P: Effect of Vitamin D Supplementation on Regression to Normal Glucose Regulation from Prediabetes in the D2d Study



1123-P: Racial Differences in Glycemia and A1C in the Vitamin D and Diabetes (D2d) Study



See List of Professors in Jason Nelson University(Tufts University)

