Janakarajan Ramkumar

About Janakarajan Ramkumar

Janakarajan Ramkumar, With an exceptional h-index of 40 and a recent h-index of 37 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, specializes in the field of micro and nano manufacturing, New product and process development.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Tribological performance of steel-steel contact tribosurfaces by using nano-enhanced biolubricant

Influence of MWCNTs, ZnO, and boric acid nanomaterial blend on the tribological and thermal properties of lithium grease

Influence of Soaking Time on Microstructural, Machinability, and Mechanical Properties of Al-10Si-0.3 Mg Alloy Fabricated by Direct Powder Forging

Electrochemical turning operation: A state of the art review

A study of surface fatigue wear and influence of contaminated lubricant in journal bearing system using tribological and vibration analyses

Experimental study and modeling of laser micro texturing of Nitinol

Comprehensive Investigation of the Mechanical Properties of 316L Stainless Steel Processed via Laser Powder Bed Fusion

Design Evolution of an Exhaust After Treatment System Development for a High-Power Diesel Engine Adhering Global Emission Norms

Janakarajan Ramkumar Information



Professor Mechanical Engineering and Design Program



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Janakarajan Ramkumar Skills & Research Interests

micro and nano manufacturing

New product and process development

Top articles of Janakarajan Ramkumar

Tribological performance of steel-steel contact tribosurfaces by using nano-enhanced biolubricant

The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology


Influence of MWCNTs, ZnO, and boric acid nanomaterial blend on the tribological and thermal properties of lithium grease

Tribology International


Influence of Soaking Time on Microstructural, Machinability, and Mechanical Properties of Al-10Si-0.3 Mg Alloy Fabricated by Direct Powder Forging

Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance


Janakarajan Ramkumar
Janakarajan Ramkumar

H-Index: 24

Electrochemical turning operation: A state of the art review


Janakarajan Ramkumar
Janakarajan Ramkumar

H-Index: 24

A study of surface fatigue wear and influence of contaminated lubricant in journal bearing system using tribological and vibration analyses

Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering


Janakarajan Ramkumar
Janakarajan Ramkumar

H-Index: 24

Experimental study and modeling of laser micro texturing of Nitinol

Journal of Micromanufacturing


Comprehensive Investigation of the Mechanical Properties of 316L Stainless Steel Processed via Laser Powder Bed Fusion

Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance


Design Evolution of an Exhaust After Treatment System Development for a High-Power Diesel Engine Adhering Global Emission Norms


A comprehensive study for improving the working parameters for the design of a PSA-based oxygen concentrator

Engineering Research Express


Mapping wheelchair functions and their associated functional elements for stair climbing accessibility: a systematic review


Learning from socially driven frugal innovation to design the future of healthcare: A case of mobile Primary Health Center

Health Care Science


Janakarajan Ramkumar
Janakarajan Ramkumar

H-Index: 24

Rethinking primary health centers (PHCs): designing for the post pandemic era

Sustainability, Agri, Food and Environmental Research


Janakarajan Ramkumar
Janakarajan Ramkumar

H-Index: 24

Numerical simulation and experimentation to investigate the performance of powder mixed dielectric in electrical discharge micromachining

Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture


Vijay Kumar Jain
Vijay Kumar Jain

H-Index: 48

Janakarajan Ramkumar
Janakarajan Ramkumar

H-Index: 24

Numerical simulation and experimental validation on the mechanism of crater evolution in electrical discharge micromachining

Optics & Laser Technology


Harmonic Engineering in Sub-Wavelength Cavities & Design of Ultrabroadband Microwave Absorbers by Reflection Phase Manipulation

IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility


Modeling and prediction of powered parafoil unmanned aerial vehicle throttle and servo controls through artificial neural networks

Drone Systems and Applications


Fabrication of ex-situ TiN reinforced IN718 composites using laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF): Experimental characterization and high-fidelity numerical simulations

Ceramics International


Fabrication of through-holes of different shapes using foil tool in EDM: Process development and analysis

Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering


Characterization of surface topography during multi-pass WEDM of MWCNT alumina composites

CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology


Development of novel low-cost sustainable abrasive flow finishing media from ground tire rubber and its performance evaluation

Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering


See List of Professors in Janakarajan Ramkumar University(Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur)

