Jamie Pomeranz

Jamie Pomeranz

University of Florida

H-index: 16

North America-United States

About Jamie Pomeranz

Jamie Pomeranz, With an exceptional h-index of 16 and a recent h-index of 11 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Florida, specializes in the field of Rehabilitation.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Current artificial intelligence practices in mental health across the United States: A scoping review

Delphi study to explore a new diagnosis for “ineffective” long-term opioid therapy for chronic pain

Evaluating a novel hospital-based online health community to address palliative and psychosocial care factors for chronically ill adolescent and young adult patients

2022 Life Care Planning Summit: Costing Techniques, Survey Results and Development of a Costing Framework in Support of the Life Care Planning Specialty

Integrating a Video Game Recording Into a Qualitative Research Methods Course to Overcome COVID-19 Barriers to Teaching: Qualitative Analysis

Arguments for and against a new diagnostic entity for patients with chronic pain on long-term opioid therapy for whom harms outweigh benefits

Classification of patients for whom benefit of long-term opioid therapy no longer outweighs harm: protocol for a Delphi study

An exploratory study of medical marijuana’s impact on patients with chronic pain beyond an individual’s level of function: Implications for life care planning

Jamie Pomeranz Information



Behavioral Science and Community Health



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Jamie Pomeranz Skills & Research Interests


Top articles of Jamie Pomeranz

Current artificial intelligence practices in mental health across the United States: A scoping review


Jane Morgan-Daniel
Jane Morgan-Daniel

H-Index: 4

Jamie Pomeranz
Jamie Pomeranz

H-Index: 10

Delphi study to explore a new diagnosis for “ineffective” long-term opioid therapy for chronic pain



Evaluating a novel hospital-based online health community to address palliative and psychosocial care factors for chronically ill adolescent and young adult patients

Palliative & Supportive Care


2022 Life Care Planning Summit: Costing Techniques, Survey Results and Development of a Costing Framework in Support of the Life Care Planning Specialty

Journal of Life Care Planning


Integrating a Video Game Recording Into a Qualitative Research Methods Course to Overcome COVID-19 Barriers to Teaching: Qualitative Analysis

JMIR Serious Games


Kelsea Lebeau
Kelsea Lebeau

H-Index: 2

Jamie Pomeranz
Jamie Pomeranz

H-Index: 10

Arguments for and against a new diagnostic entity for patients with chronic pain on long-term opioid therapy for whom harms outweigh benefits

The Journal of Pain


Jamie Pomeranz
Jamie Pomeranz

H-Index: 10

Classification of patients for whom benefit of long-term opioid therapy no longer outweighs harm: protocol for a Delphi study

JMIR Research Protocols


An exploratory study of medical marijuana’s impact on patients with chronic pain beyond an individual’s level of function: Implications for life care planning

Journal of Life Care Planning


Jamie Pomeranz
Jamie Pomeranz

H-Index: 10

An Overview of Wheelchair Basketball with Implications for Life Care Planning.


The level of evidence of medical marijuana use for treating disabilities: a scoping review


Jamie Pomeranz
Jamie Pomeranz

H-Index: 10

Disagreement and uncertainty among experts about how to respond to marijuana use in patients on long-term opioids for chronic pain: results of a Delphi study

Pain Medicine


Jamie Pomeranz
Jamie Pomeranz

H-Index: 10

Building consensus for evidence-based practice competencies for occupational therapists in the United States


See List of Professors in Jamie Pomeranz University(University of Florida)