Jalil Helali

About Jalil Helali

Jalil Helali, With an exceptional h-index of 5 and a recent h-index of 5 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Tehran, specializes in the field of Hydrometeorology, Water Resources Management, Climate Change.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Trend analysis of temperature, relative humidity and the equilibrium moisture content of wood over the Last Half-Century in Iran

Temporal evolution and spatial variation of meteorological drought characteristics in Iran's diverse climates over the past half century

Forecasting precipitation based on teleconnections using machine learning approaches across different precipitation regimes

Are precipitation characteristics and patterns impacting oak trees decline in the Zagros region of western Iran?

Spatio-temporal analysis of seasonal and annual trends of dust storm days in arid climates of Iran

Investigation of effect meteorological variables on different depth of temperature and its estimation base on regression method in Guilan province

Analysis of late spring frost, early fall frost, frost-free period and probability of their occurrence based on ENSO index in different climates of Iran

Assessment of machine learning model performance for seasonal precipitation simulation based on teleconnection indices in Iran

Jalil Helali Information






Citations(since 2020)


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Jalil Helali Skills & Research Interests


Water Resources Management

Climate Change

Top articles of Jalil Helali

Trend analysis of temperature, relative humidity and the equilibrium moisture content of wood over the Last Half-Century in Iran

Journal of Climate Research


Jalil Helali
Jalil Helali

H-Index: 1

Temporal evolution and spatial variation of meteorological drought characteristics in Iran's diverse climates over the past half century

Theoretical and Applied Climatology


Forecasting precipitation based on teleconnections using machine learning approaches across different precipitation regimes

Environmental Earth Sciences


Are precipitation characteristics and patterns impacting oak trees decline in the Zagros region of western Iran?

Caspian Journal of Environmental Sciences


Spatio-temporal analysis of seasonal and annual trends of dust storm days in arid climates of Iran

Iranian Journal of Soil and Water Research


Jalil Helali
Jalil Helali

H-Index: 1

Investigation of effect meteorological variables on different depth of temperature and its estimation base on regression method in Guilan province

Iranian Journal of Soil and Water Research


Jalil Helali
Jalil Helali

H-Index: 1

Analysis of late spring frost, early fall frost, frost-free period and probability of their occurrence based on ENSO index in different climates of Iran

Journal of Climate Research


Jalil Helali
Jalil Helali

H-Index: 1

Assessment of machine learning model performance for seasonal precipitation simulation based on teleconnection indices in Iran

Arabian Journal of Geosciences


Projection of changes in late spring frost based on CMIP6 models and SSP scenarios over cold regions of Iran

Theoretical and Applied Climatology


Jalil Helali
Jalil Helali

H-Index: 1

Drought monitoring and its effects on vegetation and water extent changes using remote sensing data in Urmia Lake watershed, Iran

Journal of Water and Climate Change


Jalil Helali
Jalil Helali

H-Index: 1

Shahab Asaadi
Shahab Asaadi

H-Index: 0

Introducing the SMAP L4 Products and Investigating the Spatio-Temporal Variability of Soil Moisture in Iran



Jalil Helali
Jalil Helali

H-Index: 1

Spatiotemporal characteristics of meteorological drought during the past half century in different climates over Iran


Tracing and Simulation of Leachate Penetration Transfer at Downstream of Landfill Using Special Electrical Resistivity Tomography Method

Irrigation and Water Engineering


Jalil Helali
Jalil Helali

H-Index: 1

Investigation and Detection of Leachate Pool Plume from Landfill Pond in Hamedan Landfill Using Electrical Resistivity Tomography and Vertical Electrical Sounding

Iranian Journal of Soil and Water Research


Synoptic-dynamic analysis of precipitation anomalies over Iran in different phases of ENSO

Arabian Journal of Geosciences


Jalil Helali
Jalil Helali

H-Index: 1

Mohammad Ahmadi
Mohammad Ahmadi

H-Index: 4

Caspian Sea basin Autumnal Precipitation Forecasting Based on Teleconnection Patterns

Journal of Watershed Management Research


Jalil Helali
Jalil Helali

H-Index: 1

Correlation analysis of large-scale teleconnection indices with monthly reference evapotranspiration of Iran synoptic stations

Iranian Journal of Soil and Water Research


Jalil Helali
Jalil Helali

H-Index: 1

Trend and ENSO-based analysis of last spring frost and chilling in Iran

Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics


Jalil Helali
Jalil Helali

H-Index: 1

Feasibility study of using Climate Teleconnection Indices in prediction of spring precipitation in Iran Basins

Iranian Journal of Soil and Water Research


Jalil Helali
Jalil Helali

H-Index: 1

Decadal variations of wood decay hazard and El Nino Southern oscillation Phases in Iran

Front. For. Glob. Change


Jalil Helali
Jalil Helali

H-Index: 1

See List of Professors in Jalil Helali University(University of Tehran)

