Jürgen Margraf

About Jürgen Margraf

Jürgen Margraf, With an exceptional h-index of 86 and a recent h-index of 60 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Ruhr-Universität Bochum, specializes in the field of Positive mental health, anxiety disorders, experimental psychopathology, cognitive behavior therapy, public health.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Reduced belief updating in the context of depressive symptoms

A dual-factor model perspective on depressed inpatients

The protective role of positive mental health on prolonged grief disorder, anxiety and depression among bereaved refugees: cross-sectional mediation models

Resting-state Functional Connectivity in Anxiety Disorders: A Multicenter fMRI Study

From fear of missing out (FoMO) to addictive social media use: The role of social media flow and mindfulness

The “bubbles”-study: validation of ultra-short scales for the assessment of positive mental health, life satisfaction, and perceived social support

Positive mental health accounts for the relationship between insomnia symptoms and suicide-related outcomes

How Do Adherence to COVID-19 Mitigation Measures and Its Predictors Change between 2020 and 2021? An Explorative Investigation in Eight European Union and Non-European Union …

Jürgen Margraf Information



Mental Health Research and Treatment Center



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

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Jürgen Margraf Skills & Research Interests

Positive mental health

anxiety disorders

experimental psychopathology

cognitive behavior therapy

public health

Top articles of Jürgen Margraf

Reduced belief updating in the context of depressive symptoms

Cognitive Therapy and Research


Felix Würtz
Felix Würtz

H-Index: 1

Jürgen Margraf
Jürgen Margraf

H-Index: 42

A dual-factor model perspective on depressed inpatients

Frontiers in Psychiatry


The protective role of positive mental health on prolonged grief disorder, anxiety and depression among bereaved refugees: cross-sectional mediation models

Current Psychology


Jürgen Margraf
Jürgen Margraf

H-Index: 42

Julia Brailovskaia
Julia Brailovskaia

H-Index: 22

From fear of missing out (FoMO) to addictive social media use: The role of social media flow and mindfulness

Computers in Human Behavior


Julia Brailovskaia
Julia Brailovskaia

H-Index: 22

Jürgen Margraf
Jürgen Margraf

H-Index: 42

The “bubbles”-study: validation of ultra-short scales for the assessment of positive mental health, life satisfaction, and perceived social support

Computers in Human Behavior Reports


Julia Brailovskaia
Julia Brailovskaia

H-Index: 22

Jürgen Margraf
Jürgen Margraf

H-Index: 42

Positive mental health accounts for the relationship between insomnia symptoms and suicide-related outcomes

Journal of psychiatric research


Julia Brailovskaia
Julia Brailovskaia

H-Index: 22

Jürgen Margraf
Jürgen Margraf

H-Index: 42

How Do Adherence to COVID-19 Mitigation Measures and Its Predictors Change between 2020 and 2021? An Explorative Investigation in Eight European Union and Non-European Union …



Engaging in physical activity instead of (over) using the smartphone: An experimental investigation of lifestyle interventions to prevent problematic smartphone use and to …

Journal of Public Health


Jürgen Margraf
Jürgen Margraf

H-Index: 42

Julia Brailovskaia
Julia Brailovskaia

H-Index: 22

Reliabilität, Validität und Akzeptanz des DIPS Open Access 1.2



Looking on the Bright Side of Life

Kindheit und Entwicklung


Jürgen Margraf
Jürgen Margraf

H-Index: 42

Silvia Schneider
Silvia Schneider

H-Index: 37

More than fear? Brain activation patterns of dental phobic patients before and after an exposure-based treatment

Journal of Neural Transmission


Jürgen Margraf
Jürgen Margraf

H-Index: 42

Perceiving the self as authentic on social media precedes fewer mental health symptoms: A longitudinal approach

Computers in Human Behavior


Jürgen Margraf
Jürgen Margraf

H-Index: 42

Julia Brailovskaia
Julia Brailovskaia

H-Index: 22

Nicotine-related interpretation biases in cigarette smoking individuals

Scientific Reports


Julia Brailovskaia
Julia Brailovskaia

H-Index: 22

Jürgen Margraf
Jürgen Margraf

H-Index: 42

Prevalence of suicidal ideation in German psychotherapy outpatients: A large multicenter assessment

Journal of affective disorders


DNA methylation levels of the serotonin transporter gene are not associated with the outcome of highly standardized one-session exposure-based fear treatment

Journal of Psychiatric Research


Robert Kumsta
Robert Kumsta

H-Index: 34

Jürgen Margraf
Jürgen Margraf

H-Index: 42

Positive mental imagery and mental health amongst university students in Pakistan

International Journal of Psychology


Jürgen Margraf
Jürgen Margraf

H-Index: 42

The Scrooge Group Therapy: A Meaning-Centered Group Therapy for Outpatients Following CBT

Journal of Humanistic Psychology


Jürgen Margraf
Jürgen Margraf

H-Index: 42

Ruth Von Brachel
Ruth Von Brachel

H-Index: 10

Mental health of university students of Pakistan and Germany and the right to health care

International Journal of Human Rights in Healthcare


Do oral contraceptives modulate the effects of stress induction on one-session exposure efficacy and generalization in women?



See List of Professors in Jürgen Margraf University(Ruhr-Universität Bochum)

