Iraj Mohebbi

About Iraj Mohebbi

Iraj Mohebbi, With an exceptional h-index of 21 and a recent h-index of 20 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Urmia University of Medical Sciences, specializes in the field of Occupational Medicine.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Worldwide trends in underweight and obesity from 1990 to 2022: a pooled analysis of 3663 population-representative studies with 222 million children, adolescents, and adults

A qualitative evaluation of the challenges in management for patients with chronic diseases during disasters in Iran

Potential drug-drug interactions in a multi-center study of death cases of COVID-19: The significance of appropriate drug choice.

Global variations in diabetes mellitus based on fasting glucose and haemogloblin A1c

Estimation of aerobic capacity among university students and determination of its related factors

Challenges in Providing Care for Patients with Chronic Diseases during Disasters: A Qualitative Study with Focus on Diabetes and Chronic Respiratory Diseases in Iran

Nonlinear analysis of postural changes related to the movement interventions during prolonged standing task

The Policy Gap and Inefficiency in Public Volunteers’ Response to Assist the Hospitals After Natural Disasters in Iran: A Grounded Theory Methodology

Iraj Mohebbi Information



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Citations(since 2020)


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Iraj Mohebbi Skills & Research Interests

Occupational Medicine

Top articles of Iraj Mohebbi

A qualitative evaluation of the challenges in management for patients with chronic diseases during disasters in Iran

Journal of Injury and Violence Research


Potential drug-drug interactions in a multi-center study of death cases of COVID-19: The significance of appropriate drug choice.


Estimation of aerobic capacity among university students and determination of its related factors

Health Science Monitor


Teimour Allahyari
Teimour Allahyari

H-Index: 9

Iraj Mohebbi
Iraj Mohebbi

H-Index: 14

Challenges in Providing Care for Patients with Chronic Diseases during Disasters: A Qualitative Study with Focus on Diabetes and Chronic Respiratory Diseases in Iran



Nonlinear analysis of postural changes related to the movement interventions during prolonged standing task



The Policy Gap and Inefficiency in Public Volunteers’ Response to Assist the Hospitals After Natural Disasters in Iran: A Grounded Theory Methodology

Disaster medicine and public health preparedness


The Effect of Manual Load Holding Magnitude and Mode on Postural Sway in Healthy Community-dwelling Older Adults in Tehran, Iran

Iranian Journal of Ageing


Iraj Mohebbi
Iraj Mohebbi

H-Index: 14

Farhad Azadi
Farhad Azadi

H-Index: 5

Modeling Socio-economic Factors Affecting the Severity of Drivers’ Injuries in Traffic Accidents: Using the Logistic Regression

Journal of health research in community


Majid Babaei
Majid Babaei

H-Index: 4

Iraj Mohebbi
Iraj Mohebbi

H-Index: 14

Level of resilience in nurses working at COVID‐19 referral centers in Iran

Nursing Forum


Kelly Powers
Kelly Powers

H-Index: 11

Iraj Mohebbi
Iraj Mohebbi

H-Index: 14

Natural disasters preparedness knowledge of patients with chronic diseases in Iran: a descriptive study on patients with diabetes and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in …


Hand anthropometric dimensions and strengths in workers: A comparison of three occupations

Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries


Establishing the status of patients with non-communicable diseases in disaster: A systematic review


Socioeconomic status and severity of traffic accident injuries: a cross-sectional study

Iran Occupational Health


Majid Babaei
Majid Babaei

H-Index: 4

Iraj Mohebbi
Iraj Mohebbi

H-Index: 14

Prevalence, awareness, treatment, and control of hypertension based on ACC/AHA versus JNC7 guidelines in the PERSIAN cohort study

Journal of hypertension


Assessment of Human Errors in Control Room Operators of a Cement Manufacturing Company Using Systematic Human Error Reduction and Prediction Approach

Journal of Health System Research


Abolfazl Ghahramani
Abolfazl Ghahramani

H-Index: 7

Iraj Mohebbi
Iraj Mohebbi

H-Index: 14

See List of Professors in Iraj Mohebbi University(Urmia University of Medical Sciences)

