Haochen Li

Haochen Li

University of Florida

H-index: 7

North America-United States

About Haochen Li

Haochen Li, With an exceptional h-index of 7 and a recent h-index of 7 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Florida, specializes in the field of urban hydrology, water treatment, computational fluid dynamics, scientific machine learning.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Unit Operation and Process Modeling with Physics-Informed Machine Learning

TEeVTOL: Balancing Energy and Time Efficiency in eVTOL Aircraft Path Planning Across City-Scale Wind Fields

Operator learning for urban water clarification hydrodynamics and particulate matter transport with physics-informed neural networks

An artificial neural network-based machine learning approach to correct coarse-mesh-induced error in computational fluid dynamics modeling of cell culture bioreactor

Surrogate modeling of parameterized multi-dimensional premixed combustion with physics-informed neural networks for rapid exploration of design space

Extensibility of a Machine Learning Model for Stormwater Basin Design and Retrofit Optimization Through a User-Friendly Web Application

Coupling Computational Fluid Dynamics and Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Urban Water Management and Treatment

Impact of Sea Level Rise on Overtopping, Wave Load, and Erosional Power: The Case of The Glass Window Bridge, Eleuthera, The Bahamas

Haochen Li Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Haochen Li Skills & Research Interests

urban hydrology

water treatment

computational fluid dynamics

scientific machine learning

Top articles of Haochen Li

Unit Operation and Process Modeling with Physics-Informed Machine Learning

Journal of Environmental Engineering


Haochen Li
Haochen Li

H-Index: 3

TEeVTOL: Balancing Energy and Time Efficiency in eVTOL Aircraft Path Planning Across City-Scale Wind Fields

arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.14877


Operator learning for urban water clarification hydrodynamics and particulate matter transport with physics-informed neural networks

Water Research


Haochen Li
Haochen Li

H-Index: 3

An artificial neural network-based machine learning approach to correct coarse-mesh-induced error in computational fluid dynamics modeling of cell culture bioreactor

Food and Bioproducts Processing


Surrogate modeling of parameterized multi-dimensional premixed combustion with physics-informed neural networks for rapid exploration of design space

Combustion and Flame


Extensibility of a Machine Learning Model for Stormwater Basin Design and Retrofit Optimization Through a User-Friendly Web Application

Transportation Research Record


Haochen Li
Haochen Li

H-Index: 3

Coupling Computational Fluid Dynamics and Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Urban Water Management and Treatment

Environmental Sciences Proceedings


Haochen Li
Haochen Li

H-Index: 3

Impact of Sea Level Rise on Overtopping, Wave Load, and Erosional Power: The Case of The Glass Window Bridge, Eleuthera, The Bahamas

Authorea Preprints


Alberto Canestrelli
Alberto Canestrelli

H-Index: 10

Haochen Li
Haochen Li

H-Index: 3

Numerical Investigation to Determine Optimal Inline Semi-Circular Cylinder Configurations for Coherent Karman Vortex Streets

Bulletin of the American Physical Society


InterAdsFoam: An open-source CFD model for granular media–adsorption systems with dynamic reaction zones subject to uncontrolled urban water fluxes

Journal of Environmental Engineering


Haochen Li
Haochen Li

H-Index: 3

Implementing machine learning to optimize the cost-benefit of urban water clarifier geometrics

Water Research


Haochen Li
Haochen Li

H-Index: 3

Interrogating common clarification models for unit operation systems with dynamic similitude

Water Research


Haochen Li
Haochen Li

H-Index: 3

A CFD-ML augmented alternative to residence time for clarification basin scaling and design

Water Research


Haochen Li
Haochen Li

H-Index: 3

Optimal Cylinder Array Configurations: Maximizing Upstream Fish Migration and Flow Dissipation

AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts


Benchmarking Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes turbulence models for water clarification systems

Journal of Environmental Engineering


Haochen Li
Haochen Li

H-Index: 3

Representation of Near-Wall Particle Fate in a Eulerian–Lagrangian Approach for Clarifier Unit Operations

Journal of Environmental Engineering


Haochen Li
Haochen Li

H-Index: 3

CFD with evolutionary optimization for stormwater basin retrofits

Journal of Environmental Engineering


Haochen Li
Haochen Li

H-Index: 3

Discordance of tracer transport and particulate matter fate in a baffled clarification system

Journal of Fluids Engineering


Haochen Li
Haochen Li

H-Index: 3

Large-eddy simulation of flow turbulence in clarification systems

Acta Mechanica


Haochen Li
Haochen Li

H-Index: 3

Baffled clarification basin hydrodynamics and elution in a continuous time domain

Journal of Hydrology


Haochen Li
Haochen Li

H-Index: 3

See List of Professors in Haochen Li University(University of Florida)