Hamsa Balakrishnan

About Hamsa Balakrishnan

Hamsa Balakrishnan, With an exceptional h-index of 36 and a recent h-index of 24 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, specializes in the field of Controls, Optimization, Transportation, Air Traffic Management.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Lexicographic Min-Max Fairness in Task Assignments

Drone delivery and the value of customer privacy: A discrete choice experiment with US consumers

Scalable multi-agent reinforcement learning through intelligent information aggregation

Spatial Modeling of Airport Surface Fuel Burn for Environmental Impact Analyses

Satellite Navigation and Coordination with Limited Information Sharing

Strategic Planning of Aerial Assets for Disaster Response: Enabling Efficient and Equitable Access to Drone-Based Search Resources

Traffic management protocols for advanced air mobility

Control for societal-scale challenges: Road map 2030

Hamsa Balakrishnan Information






Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Hamsa Balakrishnan Skills & Research Interests




Air Traffic Management

Top articles of Hamsa Balakrishnan

Lexicographic Min-Max Fairness in Task Assignments


Geoffrey Ding
Geoffrey Ding

H-Index: 2

Hamsa Balakrishnan
Hamsa Balakrishnan

H-Index: 22

Drone delivery and the value of customer privacy: A discrete choice experiment with US consumers

Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies


Scalable multi-agent reinforcement learning through intelligent information aggregation


Spatial Modeling of Airport Surface Fuel Burn for Environmental Impact Analyses

Journal of Air Transportation


Satellite Navigation and Coordination with Limited Information Sharing

Proceedings of The 5th Annual Learning for Dynamics and Control Conference


Siddharth Nayak
Siddharth Nayak

H-Index: 0

Hamsa Balakrishnan
Hamsa Balakrishnan

H-Index: 22

Strategic Planning of Aerial Assets for Disaster Response: Enabling Efficient and Equitable Access to Drone-Based Search Resources

15th USA/Europe Air Traffic Management Research and Development Seminar (ATM2023)


Traffic management protocols for advanced air mobility

Frontiers in Aerospace Engineering


Karthik Gopalakrishnan
Karthik Gopalakrishnan

H-Index: 2

Hamsa Balakrishnan
Hamsa Balakrishnan

H-Index: 22

Control for societal-scale challenges: Road map 2030


Andrew Alleyne
Andrew Alleyne

H-Index: 35

Frank Allgöwer
Frank Allgöwer

H-Index: 51

Saurabh Amin
Saurabh Amin

H-Index: 24

James Anderson
James Anderson

H-Index: 44

Anuradha Annaswamy
Anuradha Annaswamy

H-Index: 35

Hamsa Balakrishnan
Hamsa Balakrishnan

H-Index: 22

Bassam Bamieh
Bassam Bamieh

H-Index: 22

Alexandre Bayen
Alexandre Bayen

H-Index: 44

Paul Bogdan
Paul Bogdan

H-Index: 26

Francesco Bullo
Francesco Bullo

H-Index: 51

Etienne Burdet
Etienne Burdet

H-Index: 41

Laurent Burlion
Laurent Burlion

H-Index: 12

Ming Cao
Ming Cao

H-Index: 35

Christos Cassandras
Christos Cassandras

H-Index: 31

Giacomo Como
Giacomo Como

H-Index: 15

Munther Dahleh
Munther Dahleh

H-Index: 31

Claudio De Persis
Claudio De Persis

H-Index: 30

Mario Di Bernardo
Mario Di Bernardo

H-Index: 39

Dimos Dimarogonas
Dimos Dimarogonas

H-Index: 45

John Doyle
John Doyle

H-Index: 49

Magnus Egerstedt
Magnus Egerstedt

H-Index: 43

Sarah Fay
Sarah Fay

H-Index: 1

Angela Fontan
Angela Fontan

H-Index: 3

Elisa Franco
Elisa Franco

H-Index: 22

Masayuki Fujita
Masayuki Fujita

H-Index: 22

Dennice Gayme
Dennice Gayme

H-Index: 24

Sandra Hirche
Sandra Hirche

H-Index: 33

Hideaki Ishii
Hideaki Ishii

H-Index: 30

Ali Jadbabaie
Ali Jadbabaie

H-Index: 47

Matin Jafarian
Matin Jafarian

H-Index: 7

Pramod Khargonekar
Pramod Khargonekar

H-Index: 31

Andreas Krause
Andreas Krause

H-Index: 7

Dana Kulić
Dana Kulić

H-Index: 28

Naomi Leonard
Naomi Leonard

H-Index: 41

Na Li
Na Li

H-Index: 5

Sonia Martinez
Sonia Martinez

H-Index: 30

Nikolai Matni
Nikolai Matni

H-Index: 18

Tommaso Menara
Tommaso Menara

H-Index: 7

Kevin Moore
Kevin Moore

H-Index: 16

Richard Murray
Richard Murray

H-Index: 13

Toru Namerikawa
Toru Namerikawa

H-Index: 15

Angelia Nedich
Angelia Nedich

H-Index: 48

Sandeep Neema
Sandeep Neema

H-Index: 17

Lucy Pao
Lucy Pao

H-Index: 32

Antonis Papachristodoulou
Antonis Papachristodoulou

H-Index: 31

George Pappas
George Pappas

H-Index: 15

Thomas Parisini
Thomas Parisini

H-Index: 27

Fabio Pasqualetti
Fabio Pasqualetti

H-Index: 32

Marco Pavone
Marco Pavone

H-Index: 38

Gireeja Ranade
Gireeja Ranade

H-Index: 16

Anders Rantzer
Anders Rantzer

H-Index: 32

Dorsa Sadigh
Dorsa Sadigh

H-Index: 23

Henrik Sandberg
Henrik Sandberg

H-Index: 38

Luca Schenato
Luca Schenato

H-Index: 29

Rodolphe Sepulchre
Rodolphe Sepulchre

H-Index: 34

Robert Shorten
Robert Shorten

H-Index: 31

Bruno Sinopoli
Bruno Sinopoli

H-Index: 39

Koushil Sreenath
Koushil Sreenath

H-Index: 26

Jakob Stoustrup
Jakob Stoustrup

H-Index: 27

Jing Sun
Jing Sun

H-Index: 10

Paulo Tabuada
Paulo Tabuada

H-Index: 42

Emma Tegling
Emma Tegling

H-Index: 10

Dawn Tilbury
Dawn Tilbury

H-Index: 26

Claire Tomlin
Claire Tomlin

H-Index: 51

Jana Tumova
Jana Tumova

H-Index: 18

Kevin Wise
Kevin Wise

H-Index: 18

Dan Work
Dan Work

H-Index: 25

Junaid Zafar
Junaid Zafar

H-Index: 6

Equity impacts of the London congestion charging scheme: an empirical evaluation using synthetic control methods

Transportation research record


Hamsa Balakrishnan
Hamsa Balakrishnan

H-Index: 22

An empirical study of the resilience of the US and European air transportation networks

Journal of Air Transport Management


Protocol-based congestion management for advanced air mobility

Journal of Air Transportation


Karthik Gopalakrishnan
Karthik Gopalakrishnan

H-Index: 2

Hamsa Balakrishnan
Hamsa Balakrishnan

H-Index: 22

NICE: Robust scheduling through reinforcement learning-guided integer programming


Siddharth Nayak
Siddharth Nayak

H-Index: 0

Hamsa Balakrishnan
Hamsa Balakrishnan

H-Index: 22

Routing with privacy for drone package delivery systems

arXiv preprint arXiv:2203.04406


Airline Disruption Management with Delay Ledgers


Hamsa Balakrishnan
Hamsa Balakrishnan

H-Index: 22

Cost-Aware Congestion Management Protocols for Advanced Air Mobility


Hamsa Balakrishnan
Hamsa Balakrishnan

H-Index: 22

Trajectory Specification to Support High-Throughput Continuous Descent Approaches


Hamsa Balakrishnan
Hamsa Balakrishnan

H-Index: 22

Automatic speech recognition for air traffic control communications

Transportation research record


Sandeep Badrinath
Sandeep Badrinath

H-Index: 5

Hamsa Balakrishnan
Hamsa Balakrishnan

H-Index: 22

Network-centric benchmarking of operational performance in aviation

Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies


Karthik Gopalakrishnan
Karthik Gopalakrishnan

H-Index: 2

Hamsa Balakrishnan
Hamsa Balakrishnan

H-Index: 22

Graph signal processing techniques for analyzing aviation disruptions

Transportation Science


Karthik Gopalakrishnan
Karthik Gopalakrishnan

H-Index: 2

Hamsa Balakrishnan
Hamsa Balakrishnan

H-Index: 22

Identification and Prediction of Disruptions in Airline Networks

Available at SSRN 3816677


See List of Professors in Hamsa Balakrishnan University(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)