hamid nazarian

About hamid nazarian

hamid nazarian, With an exceptional h-index of 23 and a recent h-index of 21 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, specializes in the field of Reproductive biology, Infertility, Stem cells.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

The Efficacy of Vitamin D Supplement in the Expression and Protein Levels of Endometrial Decidualization Factors in Women with Recurrent Implantation Failure

The effects of vitamin C and vitamin B12 on improving spermatogenesis in mice subjected to long-term scrotal heat stress Alternative title (right-running-head): Vitamin C and …

Vitamin D3 Deficiency Results in Diminished Expression of Decidulization Factors in Women Suffering from repeated implantation failure

Chronic Administration of Lisdexamfetamine Induces Apoptosis and Inflammation and Reduces Sperm Quality in Adult Male Rats

Follicular reconstruction and neo-oogenesis in xenotransplantation of human ovarian isolated cells derived from chemotherapy-induced POF patients

Male obesity is associated with sperm telomere shortening and aberrant mRNA expression of autophagy-related genes

Prevalence of Human Papillomavirus in Iranian infertile men and its association with semen quality

Photobiomodulation therapy reverses spermatogenesis arrest in hyperthermia-induced azoospermia mouse model

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hamid nazarian Skills & Research Interests

Reproductive biology


Stem cells

Top articles of hamid nazarian

The Efficacy of Vitamin D Supplement in the Expression and Protein Levels of Endometrial Decidualization Factors in Women with Recurrent Implantation Failure

Reproductive Sciences


Hamid Nazarian
Hamid Nazarian

H-Index: 14

The effects of vitamin C and vitamin B12 on improving spermatogenesis in mice subjected to long-term scrotal heat stress Alternative title (right-running-head): Vitamin C and …


Vitamin D3 Deficiency Results in Diminished Expression of Decidulization Factors in Women Suffering from repeated implantation failure

Research in Medicine


Hamid Nazarian
Hamid Nazarian

H-Index: 14

Chronic Administration of Lisdexamfetamine Induces Apoptosis and Inflammation and Reduces Sperm Quality in Adult Male Rats

Reproductive Sciences


Follicular reconstruction and neo-oogenesis in xenotransplantation of human ovarian isolated cells derived from chemotherapy-induced POF patients

Journal of Biological Engineering


Sara Khaleghi
Sara Khaleghi

H-Index: 1

Hamid Nazarian
Hamid Nazarian

H-Index: 14

Male obesity is associated with sperm telomere shortening and aberrant mRNA expression of autophagy-related genes

Basic and Clinical Andrology


Hamid Nazarian
Hamid Nazarian

H-Index: 14

Shahin Aghamiri
Shahin Aghamiri

H-Index: 6

Prevalence of Human Papillomavirus in Iranian infertile men and its association with semen quality


Maryam Karimi
Maryam Karimi

H-Index: 0

Hamid Nazarian
Hamid Nazarian

H-Index: 14

Photobiomodulation therapy reverses spermatogenesis arrest in hyperthermia-induced azoospermia mouse model

Lasers in Medical Science


Evaluation of Human Papillomavirus in the Semen of Infertile Men and Its Relationship with Semen Quality

Archives of Clinical Infectious Diseases


Maryam Karimi
Maryam Karimi

H-Index: 0

Hamid Nazarian
Hamid Nazarian

H-Index: 14

Insulin ameliorates folliculogenesis in an experimental model of PCOS mice

International Journal of Fertility & Sterility


Hamid Nazarian
Hamid Nazarian

H-Index: 14

Vahid Ebrahimi
Vahid Ebrahimi

H-Index: 3

Effect of Adriamycin on α1β1, α1β4, and ανβ3 Expression in Rat Endometrium in Estrus Phase

Anatomical Sciences Journal


Hamid Nazarian
Hamid Nazarian

H-Index: 14

Two-Decade Experience of Royan Institute in Obtaining Mature Oocyte from Cryopreserved Ovarian Tissue: In Vitro and In Vivo Approaches


Sara Khaleghi
Sara Khaleghi

H-Index: 1

Hamid Nazarian
Hamid Nazarian

H-Index: 14

Comparative effect of photobiomodulation on human semen samples pre-and post-cryopreservation

Reproductive Sciences


Small non-coding RNAs in embryonic pre-implantation

Current Molecular Medicine


Hamid Nazarian
Hamid Nazarian

H-Index: 14

Sara Khaleghi
Sara Khaleghi

H-Index: 1

Therapeutic effects of edaravone on azoospermia: free radical scavenging and autophagy modulation in testicular tissue of mice

Journal of Reproduction & Infertility


Intrauterine Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Infusion Could Change The Leukemia Inhibitory Factor (LIF) pattern in the endometrial secretion of women with recurrent implantation …

International Journal of Medical Toxicology and Forensic Medicine


Expression analysis of genes and MicroRNAs involved in recurrent implantation failure: new noninvasive biomarkers of implantation

Biomedical and Biotechnology Research Journal (BBRJ)


Hamid Nazarian
Hamid Nazarian

H-Index: 14

Curcumin-loaded iron particle improvement of spermatogenesis in azoospermic mouse induced by long-term scrotal hyperthermia

Reproductive Sciences


Hamid Nazarian
Hamid Nazarian

H-Index: 14

Cross flow coupled with inertial focusing for separation of human sperm cells from semen and simulated TESE samples



Photobiomodulation therapy improves spermatogenesis in busulfan-induced infertile mouse

Reproductive Sciences


See List of Professors in hamid nazarian University(Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences)

