Hamed Ebrahimian

About Hamed Ebrahimian

Hamed Ebrahimian, With an exceptional h-index of 17 and a recent h-index of 16 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Tehran, specializes in the field of Irrigation & Drainage, Agricultural Water Management, Fertigation.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Water productivity and yield characteristics of transplanted rice in puddled soil under drip tape irrigation

A percolation model of unsaturated hydraulic conductivity using three-parameter Weibull distribution

A Physics-Driven Spectroscopic Approach for Rapid Estimation of the Soil Water Retention Curve

Water-food-energy nexus assessment for major agricultural crops and different irrigation methods of Lake Urmia basin, Iran

Developing a simple method for estimating soil infiltration in furrow and border irrigation using advance, recession and runoff data

A novel laboratory method for the retrieval of the soil water retention curve from shortwave infrared reflectance

A global meta-analysis on surface and drip fertigation for annual crops under different fertilization levels

Parameterization of the Response Function of Sesame to Drought and Salinity Stresses

Hamed Ebrahimian Information



Associate professor



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Hamed Ebrahimian Skills & Research Interests

Irrigation & Drainage

Agricultural Water Management


Top articles of Hamed Ebrahimian

Water productivity and yield characteristics of transplanted rice in puddled soil under drip tape irrigation

Agricultural Water Management


Mohammad Reza Yazdani
Mohammad Reza Yazdani

H-Index: 7

Hamed Ebrahimian
Hamed Ebrahimian

H-Index: 11

A percolation model of unsaturated hydraulic conductivity using three-parameter Weibull distribution

Advances in Water Resources


A Physics-Driven Spectroscopic Approach for Rapid Estimation of the Soil Water Retention Curve


Water-food-energy nexus assessment for major agricultural crops and different irrigation methods of Lake Urmia basin, Iran

Water International


Developing a simple method for estimating soil infiltration in furrow and border irrigation using advance, recession and runoff data

Irrigation and Drainage


Hamed Ebrahimian
Hamed Ebrahimian

H-Index: 11

A novel laboratory method for the retrieval of the soil water retention curve from shortwave infrared reflectance

Journal of Hydrology


A global meta-analysis on surface and drip fertigation for annual crops under different fertilization levels

Agricultural Water Management


Hamed Ebrahimian
Hamed Ebrahimian

H-Index: 11

Abdolmajid Liaghat
Abdolmajid Liaghat

H-Index: 18

Parameterization of the Response Function of Sesame to Drought and Salinity Stresses



Modeling of nitrate and ammonium leaching and crop uptake under wastewater application considering nitrogen cycle in the soil

Modeling Earth Systems and Environment


Hamed Ebrahimian
Hamed Ebrahimian

H-Index: 11

Investigation the effect of surge and alternate deficit irrigation on yield and water productivity of grain maize

Iranian Journal of Irrigation & Drainage


Amir Soltani Mohammadi
Amir Soltani Mohammadi

H-Index: 7

Hamed Ebrahimian
Hamed Ebrahimian

H-Index: 11

Economic evaluation of grain maize yield in surge and alternate deficit irrigation conditions

Water Management in Agriculture


Amir Soltani Mohammadi
Amir Soltani Mohammadi

H-Index: 7

Hamed Ebrahimian
Hamed Ebrahimian

H-Index: 11

Evaluation and optimization of surge and alternate furrow irrigation performance in maize fields using the WinSRFR software

Agricultural Water Management


Amir Soltani Mohammadi
Amir Soltani Mohammadi

H-Index: 7

Hamed Ebrahimian
Hamed Ebrahimian

H-Index: 11

Estimation of Water Footprint in Current Cropping Patterns and its Reduction Capacity in Optimal Patterns under Multiple Goals Conditions (Case Study; Varamin Region)

Iranian Journal of Agricultural Economics and Development Research


Abdolmajid Liaghat
Abdolmajid Liaghat

H-Index: 18

Hamed Ebrahimian
Hamed Ebrahimian

H-Index: 11

Evaluation of the Performance of Methods for Estimating the Coefficients of Kostiakov Infiltration Equation in Furrow Irrigation with Surge Flow

Water and Soil Science


Hamed Ebrahimian
Hamed Ebrahimian

H-Index: 11

An Approach to Estimate Optimal Cut-off Time under Deficit Irrigation


Hamed Ebrahimian
Hamed Ebrahimian

H-Index: 11

A novel physical-empirical model linking shortwave infrared reflectance and soil water retention

Journal of Hydrology


Life cycle assessment for major agricultural crops and different irrigation systems around Lake Urmia

Iranian Journal of Irrigation & Drainage


Hamed Ebrahimian
Hamed Ebrahimian

H-Index: 11

Mohammad Sharifi
Mohammad Sharifi

H-Index: 4

Estimating Infiltration in Open‐ended Furrow Irrigation by Modifying Final Infiltration Rate

Irrigation and Drainage


Amir Panahi
Amir Panahi

H-Index: 1

Hamed Ebrahimian
Hamed Ebrahimian

H-Index: 11

Effect of Plastic Mulch Placement in Furrow Irrigation on Water Productivity of Fodder Corn

Journal of Water Research in Agriculture


Hamed Ebrahimian
Hamed Ebrahimian

H-Index: 11

Simulation of nitrogen uptake and dry matter for estimation of nitrogen nutrition index during the maize growth period

Journal of Plant Nutrition


Ali Rahimikhoob
Ali Rahimikhoob

H-Index: 12

Hamed Ebrahimian
Hamed Ebrahimian

H-Index: 11

See List of Professors in Hamed Ebrahimian University(University of Tehran)

