Guido Wassink

Guido Wassink

University of Auckland

H-index: 38

Oceania-New Zealand

About Guido Wassink

Guido Wassink, With an exceptional h-index of 38 and a recent h-index of 27 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Auckland,

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Deep Learning for Generalized EEG Seizure Detection after Hypoxia–Ischemia—Preclinical Validation

Blockade of connexin hemichannels with tonabersat protects against mild hypoxic ischemic brain injury in neonatal rats

Fetal heart rate responses in chronic hypoxaemia with superimposed repeated hypoxaemia consistent with early labour: a controlled study in fetal sheep

Alpha-adrenergic receptor activation after fetal hypoxia-ischaemia suppresses transient epileptiform activity and limits loss of oligodendrocytes and hippocampal neurons

Magnesium sulphate reduces tertiary gliosis but does not improve EEG recovery or white or grey matter cell survival after asphyxia in preterm fetal sheep

Therapeutic Hypothermia Attenuates Cortical Interneuron Loss after Cerebral Ischemia in Near-Term Fetal Sheep

Cerebral oxygenation and metabolism after hypoxia-ischemia

Persistent cortical and white matter inflammation after therapeutic hypothermia for ischemia in near-term fetal sheep

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Top articles of Guido Wassink

Deep Learning for Generalized EEG Seizure Detection after Hypoxia–Ischemia—Preclinical Validation



Blockade of connexin hemichannels with tonabersat protects against mild hypoxic ischemic brain injury in neonatal rats

Experimental Neurology


Guido Wassink
Guido Wassink

H-Index: 24

Fetal heart rate responses in chronic hypoxaemia with superimposed repeated hypoxaemia consistent with early labour: a controlled study in fetal sheep

BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology


Alpha-adrenergic receptor activation after fetal hypoxia-ischaemia suppresses transient epileptiform activity and limits loss of oligodendrocytes and hippocampal neurons

Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism


Magnesium sulphate reduces tertiary gliosis but does not improve EEG recovery or white or grey matter cell survival after asphyxia in preterm fetal sheep

The Journal of Physiology


Therapeutic Hypothermia Attenuates Cortical Interneuron Loss after Cerebral Ischemia in Near-Term Fetal Sheep

International Journal of Molecular Sciences


Guido Wassink
Guido Wassink

H-Index: 24

Alistair J Gunn
Alistair J Gunn

H-Index: 46

Cerebral oxygenation and metabolism after hypoxia-ischemia


Persistent cortical and white matter inflammation after therapeutic hypothermia for ischemia in near-term fetal sheep

Journal of Neuroinflammation


Prognostic neurobiomarkers in neonatal encephalopathy


Guido Wassink
Guido Wassink

H-Index: 24


中国神经再生研究 (英文版)


Guido Wassink
Guido Wassink

H-Index: 24

Alistair J Gunn
Alistair J Gunn

H-Index: 46

Challenges in developing therapeutic strategies for mild neonatal encephalopathy


Guido Wassink
Guido Wassink

H-Index: 24

Alistair J Gunn
Alistair J Gunn

H-Index: 46

Adverse neural effects of delayed, intermittent treatment with rEPO after asphyxia in preterm fetal sheep

The Journal of Physiology


Window of opportunity for human amnion epithelial stem cells to attenuate astrogliosis after umbilical cord occlusion in preterm fetal sheep

Stem Cells Translational Medicine


Recombinant erythropoietin does not augment hypothermic white matter protection after global cerebral ischaemia in near-term fetal sheep

Brain Communications


Tumor necrosis factor inhibition attenuates white matter gliosis after systemic inflammation in preterm fetal sheep

Journal of neuroinflammation


Christopher A Lear
Christopher A Lear

H-Index: 19

Guido Wassink
Guido Wassink

H-Index: 24

Magnetic resonance imaging correlates of white matter gliosis and injury in preterm fetal sheep exposed to progressive systemic inflammation

International journal of molecular sciences


Connexin hemichannel mimetic peptide attenuates cortical interneuron loss and perineuronal net disruption following cerebral ischemia in near-term fetal sheep

International Journal of Molecular Sciences


Guido Wassink
Guido Wassink

H-Index: 24

Alistair J Gunn
Alistair J Gunn

H-Index: 46

Preterm brain injury, antenatal triggers, and therapeutics: timing is key


Guido Wassink
Guido Wassink

H-Index: 24

Alistair J Gunn
Alistair J Gunn

H-Index: 46

The effect of size, maturation, global asphyxia, cerebral ischemia, and therapeutic hypothermia on the pharmacokinetics of high-dose recombinant erythropoietin in fetal sheep

International Journal of Molecular Sciences


Non‐additive effects of adjunct erythropoietin therapy with therapeutic hypothermia after global cerebral ischaemia in near‐term fetal sheep

The Journal of Physiology


Guido Wassink
Guido Wassink

H-Index: 24

Alistair J Gunn
Alistair J Gunn

H-Index: 46

See List of Professors in Guido Wassink University(University of Auckland)