Guéladio Cissé

Guéladio Cissé

Universität Basel

H-index: 41


About Guéladio Cissé

Guéladio Cissé, With an exceptional h-index of 41 and a recent h-index of 30 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universität Basel, specializes in the field of sanitary engineering, environmental epidemiology, climate change and health.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices of Rural Communities Regarding Antimicrobial Resistance and Climate Change in Adadle District, Somali Region, Ethiopia: A Mixed-Methods Study

DDT contamination in water resources of some African countries and its impact on water quality and human health

Climate Change and Human Health in Africa in Relation to Opportunities to Strengthen Mitigating Potential and Adaptive Capacity: Strategies to Inform an African “Brains Trust”

Protocol of an individual participant data meta-analysis to quantify the impact of high ambient temperatures on maternal and child health in Africa (HE2AT IPD)

Cross-Chapter Box NATURAL| Nature-Based Solutions for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation

IPCC, 2023: Climate Change 2023: Synthesis Report, Summary for Policymakers. Contribution of Working Groups I, II and III to the Sixth Assessment Report of the …

Analyse qualitative du risque de contamination des maraîchers par les produits phytosanitaires à Korhogo, Côte d’Ivoire

Effects of Climate Variability on Malaria Transmission in Southern Côte d’Ivoire, West Africa

Guéladio Cissé Information



Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Guéladio Cissé Skills & Research Interests

sanitary engineering

environmental epidemiology

climate change and health

Top articles of Guéladio Cissé

Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices of Rural Communities Regarding Antimicrobial Resistance and Climate Change in Adadle District, Somali Region, Ethiopia: A Mixed-Methods Study



Guéladio Cissé
Guéladio Cissé

H-Index: 23

DDT contamination in water resources of some African countries and its impact on water quality and human health


Climate Change and Human Health in Africa in Relation to Opportunities to Strengthen Mitigating Potential and Adaptive Capacity: Strategies to Inform an African “Brains Trust”


Guéladio Cissé
Guéladio Cissé

H-Index: 23

Kiros Berhane
Kiros Berhane

H-Index: 40

Protocol of an individual participant data meta-analysis to quantify the impact of high ambient temperatures on maternal and child health in Africa (HE2AT IPD)

BMJ open


Analyse qualitative du risque de contamination des maraîchers par les produits phytosanitaires à Korhogo, Côte d’Ivoire

Environnement, Risques & Santé


Guéladio Cissé
Guéladio Cissé

H-Index: 23

Effects of Climate Variability on Malaria Transmission in Southern Côte d’Ivoire, West Africa

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health


Guéladio Cissé
Guéladio Cissé

H-Index: 23

Barriers to climate change and health research in India: a qualitative study

BMJ open


Understanding diarrhoeal diseases in response to climate variability and drought in Cape Town, South Africa: a mixed methods approach

Infectious Diseases of Poverty


Prevalence and associated risk factors of intestinal parasitic infections among children in pastoralist and agro-pastoralist communities in the Adadle woreda of the Somali …

Cogent Medicine


“Climate change and health?”: Knowledge and perceptions among key stakeholders in Puducherry, India

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health


Non-optimal apparent temperature and cardiovascular mortality: the association in Puducherry, India between 2011 and 2020

BMC public health


Martin Röösli
Martin Röösli

H-Index: 46

Guéladio Cissé
Guéladio Cissé

H-Index: 23

Water Quality, Sanitation, Hygiene, and Diarrheal Diseases among Children in Adadle District, Somali Region, Eastern Ethiopia


Guéladio Cissé
Guéladio Cissé

H-Index: 23

The association between apparent temperature and hospital admissions for cardiovascular disease in Limpopo Province, South Africa

International journal of environmental research and public health


Guéladio Cissé
Guéladio Cissé

H-Index: 23

Marek Kwiatkowski
Marek Kwiatkowski

H-Index: 10

Towards a one health food safety strategy for Palestine: a mixed-method study



Temperature and cardiovascular diseases: exploring associations in India and public health insights

European Journal of Public Health


Climate change and cardiovascular disease mortality: exploring the association in Puducherry, India

ISEE Conference Abstracts


Municipal Wastewater


The association between apparent temperature and cardiovascular mortality in Puducherry, India: an exploratory study between 2010 and 2020


Martin Röösli
Martin Röösli

H-Index: 46

Guéladio Cissé
Guéladio Cissé

H-Index: 23

See List of Professors in Guéladio Cissé University(Universität Basel)