Godfrey Neutelings

About Godfrey Neutelings

Godfrey Neutelings, With an exceptional h-index of 26 and a recent h-index of 18 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Université de Lille, specializes in the field of Plant Biology.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Suppression of the Arabidopsis cinnamoyl-CoA reductase 1-6 intronic T-DNA mutation by epigenetic modification

Identification of new potential molecular actors related to fiber quality in flax through Omics

Exploring lignification complexity in plant cell walls with airyscan super-resolution microscopy and bioorthogonal chemistry

Ratiometric Fluorescent Safranin-O Staining Allows the Quantification of Lignin Contents In Muro

REPRISAL: mapping lignification dynamics using chemistry, data segmentation, and ratiometric analysis

You want it sweeter: How glycosylation affects plant response to oxidative stress

UDP-GLYCOSYLTRANSFERASE 72E3 Plays a Role in Lignification of Secondary Cell Walls in Arabidopsis

Characterization of the UDP-glycosyltransferase UGT72 family in poplar and identification of genes involved in the glycosylation of monolignols

Godfrey Neutelings Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Godfrey Neutelings Skills & Research Interests

Plant Biology

Top articles of Godfrey Neutelings

Suppression of the Arabidopsis cinnamoyl-CoA reductase 1-6 intronic T-DNA mutation by epigenetic modification

Plant physiology


Godfrey Neutelings
Godfrey Neutelings

H-Index: 15

Wout Boerjan
Wout Boerjan

H-Index: 55

Identification of new potential molecular actors related to fiber quality in flax through Omics

Frontiers in plant science


Godfrey Neutelings
Godfrey Neutelings

H-Index: 15

Exploring lignification complexity in plant cell walls with airyscan super-resolution microscopy and bioorthogonal chemistry

Chemical & Biomedical Imaging


Godfrey Neutelings
Godfrey Neutelings

H-Index: 15

Ratiometric Fluorescent Safranin-O Staining Allows the Quantification of Lignin Contents In Muro


Godfrey Neutelings
Godfrey Neutelings

H-Index: 15

REPRISAL: mapping lignification dynamics using chemistry, data segmentation, and ratiometric analysis

Plant Physiology


Godfrey Neutelings
Godfrey Neutelings

H-Index: 15

You want it sweeter: How glycosylation affects plant response to oxidative stress


Marc Behr
Marc Behr

H-Index: 12

Godfrey Neutelings
Godfrey Neutelings

H-Index: 15

UDP-GLYCOSYLTRANSFERASE 72E3 Plays a Role in Lignification of Secondary Cell Walls in Arabidopsis

International journal of molecular sciences


Julien Le Roy
Julien Le Roy

H-Index: 7

Godfrey Neutelings
Godfrey Neutelings

H-Index: 15

Characterization of the UDP-glycosyltransferase UGT72 family in poplar and identification of genes involved in the glycosylation of monolignols

International Journal of Molecular Sciences


Wout Boerjan
Wout Boerjan

H-Index: 55

Godfrey Neutelings
Godfrey Neutelings

H-Index: 15

Marc Behr
Marc Behr

H-Index: 12

A rapid and quantitative safranin‐based fluorescent microscopy method to evaluate cell wall lignification

The Plant Journal


Laure Twyffels
Laure Twyffels

H-Index: 11

Godfrey Neutelings
Godfrey Neutelings

H-Index: 15

Virus-Induced Gene Silencing of Cell Wall Genes in Flax (Linum usitatissimum)

Virus-Induced Gene Silencing in Plants: Methods and Protocols


Godfrey Neutelings
Godfrey Neutelings

H-Index: 15

See List of Professors in Godfrey Neutelings University(Université de Lille)